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Example sentences for "wedded"

Lexicographically close words:
weche; wecht; wed; wedd; wedde; wedder; weddin; wedding; weddings; weddyd
  1. The spirit of the fountain was wedded to its present tabernacle.

  2. Perhaps she would even have wedded in me the memory of the departed.

  3. It is not our intention to describe the happiness of Malise Grey and his strangely-found and strangely-wedded bride.

  4. She loved the widower for his power and his fame, and she wedded him.

  5. The allied Press was over-hopeful, right being certain to triumph over might wedded to wrong.

  6. Here, then, as everywhere else, we are in presence of intelligence wedded to politico-economic enterprise.

  7. With an insight such as few have who have not tasted years of wedded joy, Marcia comprehended the possibility and joy of sacrifice that made even sad things bright because of Love.

  8. Euetzin was in due time wedded to Mitla, at the king's palace.

  9. No real princess was ever wedded amid scenes of greater splendor.

  10. Wedded to the mountain berry Wedded only to his honour.

  11. This bright little score is full of that esprit of which French composers seem to possess the secret, and is wedded to an exceedingly amusing libretto.

  12. It would appear to be almost needless to attempt to give a description of the music that Gounod has wedded to Messrs.

  13. XXVI Mute memento of that union In a Saxon church survives, Where a cross-legged Knight lies sculptured As between two wedded Wives-- Figures with armorial signs of race and birth, 155 And the vain rank the pilgrims bore while yet on earth.

  14. We must insert in this connection the most beautiful picture presented by ancient literature of wedded love under this noble form.

  15. A saying, hard to shape an act; For all the past of Time reveals A bridal dawn of thunder-peals, Wherever Thought hath wedded Fact.

  16. The Platonic idealist is the man by nature so wedded to perfection that he sees in everything not the reality but the faultless ideal which the reality misses and suggests.

  17. I am also a married man--irrevocably wedded to science.

  18. In fact, to a man not entirely absorbed in scientific research and not passionately and irrevocably wedded to his profession, her violet-blue eyes and rather sweet mouth might have proved disturbing.

  19. It's a good thing," I thought to myself, "that I am irrevocably wedded to my profession.

  20. From this resulted a stormy interview 'twixt Cynthia and her father, in which Cynthia at last declared that she would not be wedded to a fop.

  21. You would not have me wedded to a man whom I despise?

  22. The over-near relationship prohibits what would have been my most earnest desire, the hope of seeing her wedded to one of my own sons.

  23. In many instances the lyrical poems of the day were wedded to dance music, the flowing graceful rhythm of which made it an appropriate vehicle for the illustration of poetry.

  24. Was not Martha wedded in her teens to David Tomkins, who won her girlish love and long enjoyed her affection as a wife?

  25. Sometimes she stole forth by moonlight and visited the graves of venerable integrity and wedded love and virgin innocence, and every spot where the ashes of a kind and faithful heart were mouldering.

  26. And could he not spend on himself as much as the wedded couple and all their guests together?

  27. However modest might be the fortune of the wedded pair, however limited the desires of the peasants who had followed them, it was quite certain that bride, bridegroom and peasants were all at this hour feasting merrily together.

  28. But deeply and strenuously had I expiated, and the heaviest burden of my expiation had been that endured in the past year at Pagliano beside my gentle Bianca who was another's wedded wife.

  29. O madam, since of your wantonness you inclined to harlotry, you should have wedded another than Astorre Fifanti.

  30. What of me wedded to that monster, to that cruel and inhuman pedant who tortures and insults me as you have seen?

  31. But when a man does not marry there are so many other things that he never espouses; and he was not wedded to luxury.

  32. I want to see you wedded to her, see her brought here as mistress of this house, and live to hear the laughter of your children.

  33. By this time her mother had grown alarmed and she brought Harriet out prematurely, that she might be wedded before, so to speak, she was discovered.

  34. She wedded a man unlearned and poor, And many children played round her door.

  35. He wedded a wife of richest dower, Who lived for fashion, as he for power.

  36. II If you had lived in that more stately time When men remembered the great Tudor queen, To noblest verse your name had wedded been, And you for ever crowned with golden rhyme.

  37. Two wedded from the portal stept: The bells made happy carolings, The air was soft as fanning wings, White petals on the pathway slept.

  38. His wife Mary, daughter of Charles the Bold, had brought him most of the possessions of the powerful House of Burgundy, and Philip, the issue of this match, had wedded Joanna of Spain.

  39. He had already wedded and lost two wives.

  40. Sure you have to mind what your own wedded husband likes," said the Irish girl, shocked a little.

  41. For a minute the old magic of his swift courtship came back to her, and she forgot the miserable oppression of facing fifty years of wedded life with a stranger; and she smiled up at him.

  42. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "wedded" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    affiliate; affiliated; allied; assembled; associated; bound; collateral; collected; conjugal; conjugate; connected; corporate; correlated; coupled; gathered; husbandly; implicated; incorporated; integrated; interlinked; interlocked; interrelated; intimate; involved; joined; knotted; leagued; linked; married; matched; mated; merged; nuptial; one; paired; parallel; related; spliced; teamed; tied; undivided; united; wedded; wifely; yoked

    Some related collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    wedded life; wedded wife