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Example sentences for "conjugal"

Lexicographically close words:
conjoining; conjoins; conjoint; conjointly; conjoyned; conjugate; conjugated; conjugating; conjugation; conjugations
  1. King Eyo is more moderate in his conjugal establishment than the Duke, having only twenty wives, while Duke Ephraim's number amounts to sixty.

  2. Leibgeber, under the new excitement, could scarce wait to attain the birch wood, where he meant to continue their previous conversation regarding Siebenkaes' domestic and conjugal affairs.

  3. Few if any other peoples devote such anxious care to their mating as do the Seri;[319] and among no other known tribe or folk is the moral aspect of conjugal union so rigorously guarded by collective action and individual devotion.

  4. The remarkable race-sense of the tribe, with the conjugal conation in which it seems to root, are discussed ante, pp.

  5. In their estimation the brightest virtue is the shedding of alien blood, while the blackest crime in their calendar is alien conjugal union.

  6. He knew, moreover, how ridiculous was jealousy in the eyes of a society that would never have believed in the conjugal passion of an old statesman.

  7. Moreau, rather wounded that his conjugal authority was doubted.

  8. So the little old man remained under a yoke that was semi-conjugal and also irresistibly strong.

  9. She well knew in what estimation conjugal fidelity was held among the fine gentlemen there, and watched her town husband as assiduously as Mr. Pinchwife watched his country wife.

  10. We will take as an instance of what we mean, a single subject of the highest importance to the happiness of mankind, conjugal fidelity.

  11. Monsieur le cher Epoux will have a pretty tight job of it to get her into conjugal trammels!

  12. It seems to me that life in common with a woman is sweet, even outside conjugal union and fleshly commerce.

  13. Well may Lord Esher say he has never been able to make out what the phrase 'conjugal rights' means.

  14. That there should really be a pleasure in this which produces a love more ardent than conjugal union may surprise you at first.

  15. He returned in a few moments in his slippers and jacket, but evidently found the same difficulty in securing a conjugal and confidential contiguity to his wife.

  16. No other defence can be set up for their treatment of the conjugal and parental relations.

  17. In substance it is this: That polygamy was allowed by the Old Testament law, and divorce for a less cause than conjugal infidelity was expressly permitted by Moses.

  18. And when her despairing mother with clasped hands entreated her to resign herself to her conjugal duties, she replied that she owed no duties, since she had known nothing when she married.

  19. At this time Benedetta had been married about a twelvemonth: still strong in her resistance to her husband, but remaining under the conjugal roof in order to spare her mother the terrible blow of a public scandal.

  20. He kept thinking of his friend; it was his friend who felt the bitterness of separation, and that too without ever having tasted, like Hector, the joys of conjugal happiness!

  21. He discovered new beauty and meaning in the story; the exquisite picture of conjugal and paternal love, the happiness of mutual affection, the grief of parting, had never made such an impression upon him before.

  22. But I do not think you will endeavour to force on me conjugal rights which you obtained over me by a fraud.

  23. The girls marry young, and the rapidity with which they get old and ugly is one among the many proofs that the early years of marriage are fuller of hardships than of conjugal tenderness.

  24. Of what quality would be the conjugal love of a husband who loved his spouse as a wife, but hated her as a woman?

  25. A tie not less powerful is that of conjugal and paternal affection, they having among the Indians wives and children relying upon their exertions for protection and maintenance.

  26. The slave had no relationships, no conjugal rights.

  27. It was reserved for Constantine to take the initiative in protecting the conjugal and family rights of slaves by legislature; Cod.

  28. No system of conjugal relations is perfect.

  29. Mr Verloc, in a soft and conjugal tone, was now expressing his firm belief that there were yet a good few years of quiet life before them both.

  30. The possession of the furniture would not be in any sense a provision.

  31. Those were perfectly proper words, within the tradition and suitable to his character of a police officer addressing one of his special flock.

  32. Her complexion, indeed, lost the roses, which some, perhaps, had too wantonly admired for the repose of her conjugal physician.

  33. The fact that the blame fell upon him, not upon the victims of his conjugal experimentation, would scarcely compensate for the painful publicity with which he punished the women and unburdened himself.

  34. The feminists joined the schoolmasters in bitter denunciation of Strindberg, though, as yet, there was none of the radical opposition to every phase of woman's emancipation which developed with deepening experience of conjugal misery.

  35. The First Warning is a conjugal squabble, and one of the weakest dramatic episodes conceived by Strindberg.

  36. She had, besides, some share of beauty; and though this was of course a very transient engine of conjugal sway, she gained perhaps as much from the power of habit over an indolent mind, as she lost by the invariable law of wedlock.

  37. Footnote 29: Although, in the remoter parts of Scotland, chastity is by no means the universal virtue of unmarried persons, instances of conjugal infidelity are still rare.

  38. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "conjugal" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.

    Some related collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    conjugal life; conjugal love; conjugal rights