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Example sentences for "more moderate"

  • As we got farther from the high road, the ruts became so deep that we were obliged to proceed at a more moderate pace.

  • We were at the moment descending a hill, which from its steepness obliged the postilions to proceed at a more moderate pace.

  • But when Edward himself came over to England, he summoned another parliament, and he had the interest to procure a supply on more moderate terms.

  • For Gambetta with maturity had become more moderate.

  • More moderate in views than Combes, he would have been content to let the Separation bill rest, but the Radicals were in the saddle and he let things take their course.

  • He mistrusted the Republican leader Gambetta, though the latter was now far more moderate, and he sympathized too much with the Clericals to suit the new order of things.

  • A more moderate attitude is assumed by the Roman Catholic Dr.

  • Werner=, biographer of Boniface, a more moderate disciple of the same school, holding a sort of Arian position, received the appointment.

  • Towards midnight the gale broke; by the next morning the weather was more moderate; and from that time it continued fine, until our arrival at Chiloe.

  • For the orchestra, accustomed to play the piece in a quick tempo, would have been disturbed by the sudden imposition of a more moderate pace; which, as a matter of course, demands a totally different style of playing.

  • A Tea, in short, giving better satisfaction to the consumer at a more moderate price, and at the same time allowing a better margin of profit to the dealer without lowering his standard of quality.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "more moderate" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    each line; more able; more absurd; more acquaintance; more active; more comfortable; more convenient; more curious; more delicate; more economical; more efficient; more fortunate; more happy; more high; more importance; more inclined; more intense; more positive; more power; more questions; more spiritual; more time; more valuable; more water; rest here; sacred marriage