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Example sentences for "tied"

Lexicographically close words:
tidings; tidor; tidy; tidying; tie; tief; tiefe; tiefen; tiefer; tieing
  1. But I didn't say nothin' to break it up, and tied on my bonnet with calmness (and a double bow knot) and we sallied out.

  2. Lastly, tied up in a quilted blue bonnet with the strings, was a carved wooden bowl and spoon.

  3. The girls were told to return to the car while the boys tied the box on the end of the rope and drew it up over the sheer place.

  4. I suppose whatever it was tied with rotted away long ago.

  5. He leaped out and tied the rope to the ring in the rocks, then he waited for Priscilla to pay homage, but Priscilla was so absorbed with her own thoughts that she overlooked the expected tribute of sex to sex.

  6. Then a boat, coming in loaded with fish, tied up to the wharf, and the crew, leaning over the sides, waited for developments.

  7. Followed by his dogs, he went to his boat, which happened just then to be tied at the ricketty dock of the White Fish.

  8. Lord Winchilsea, who is her uncle, and who has married the other sister very loosely to his own relation, Lord Guernsey, has tied up Lord Granby so rigorously that the Duke of Rutland has endeavoured to break the match.

  9. Tied up at the other end he found five guineas; he took them, tossed the empty purse in her face, saying, "Did you mean to cheat me?

  10. The Duke of Bedford has always been unwilling to take one, having tied himself up in the days of his patriotism to forfeit great sums if ever he did.

  11. The French have tied up the hands of an excellent fanfaron, a Major Washington,(511) whom they took, and engaged not to serve for a year.

  12. Upon reaching the spring he found a horse tied to a fence.

  13. The man's arms were bound together in front and a strong rope was tied to each arm above the elbow.

  14. Dismounting, we tied our horses to the fence and hastily constructed what the boys called a "floating-dock.

  15. James hastily removed his shirt, tore it into strips, gagged his enemy, tied his hands and feet and dragged him into the hut.

  16. They had a pole about fifteen feet long upon which was tied an old shirt which served as a guidon.

  17. Meanwhile, Tim, leading his horse some way aside, tied it to a tree, then drawing softly nigh he began to make a jingling with the bridle and stirrups which he had taken off the horse.

  18. You must be asleep,” she replied; “have you forgotten that she is tied to the hand-mill in the kitchen?

  19. He and his brother then lugged her away from the house, and when they had got to some distance, they tied her feet together, and thrusting a stick under, they carried her off on their shoulders at full trot.

  20. As soon as he got home he tied her by the leg to the hand-mill which stood in the middle of the kitchen, round which he strewed a quantity of rye.

  21. The ribbon, Alfredia wore was at least four inches wide and it was tied in front at the roots of her kinky hair into a bow, the wings of which stuck out on each side like a pair of elephant ears.

  22. And what a great bow of ribbon she has tied on her head.

  23. She was ready to retire, her nightcap securely tied under her chin, and all.

  24. That is, she agreed to have the thread tied on.

  25. Then Neale put on his dried shoes and stockings, tied his trouser-legs around his ankles, and announced himself ready to go.

  26. Finally she fell fast asleep with her tooth tied to the doorknob.

  27. Small doll-like figures of men also were used, barely two inches long, and tied to medicine-bags.

  28. In order to ascertain the latter the accused were bound hand and foot crosswise, tied loosely to a rope, and then, three times, dropped into the water.

  29. These women were not bound by any vow to remain in the house where they dwelt, and were not tied down to any special routine.

  30. Before they arrived he had tied a red handkerchief round his neck.

  31. To the central ring was fastened a strip of leather, tied in its turn to a girdle fastened over the shirt.

  32. They were brought in that night, tied hands and feet, under armed escort.

  33. They tied two lassoes together and threw one end in; this he fastened to the ladder, and, thus assisted, it was got out.

  34. If one can feel satisfied in his own mind as to what portion of the brute creation is entering into him, a half-yard of Bologna, tied to the saddle, stays the stomach wonderfully on an all day's ride.

  35. A handkerchief tied over the face, and pierced by minute holes opposite the eyes, kept me from total blindness, though dirt in abundance penetrated the mask.

  36. Better be drowned out of hand,” said Thorkild of Borkum, “than go tied to a deck-load of yellow dust.

  37. Then I sat by the gold, all tied in an old sail, while Hugh went to Pevensey, and De Aquila sent us horses.

  38. He happened along-street (his jaw tied up where Sebastian had clouted him) when we were trundling the first demi-cannon through the lych-gate.

  39. He tied the horse and went in, knowing that Madrid and Jay were watching.

  40. While Palma and Pinky jeered and grumbled, he quickly cut a length of picket rope and tied the bridle of one of their horses to the tail of the other.

  41. Tesno tied Madrid's horse and elbowed his way to the entrance.

  42. When they were over the crest, had tied the horses and were proceeding on foot, it was visible, lying in motionless layers among the pines.

  43. After questioning the kid about what had happened, he made a quick scout through the pines and found where the vandal had tied his horse.

  44. But he was overtaken by a pair of toughs who beat him up, tied him to a tree, shot his horse.

  45. She is immediately seized, stripped, tied to a post, and scourged with Mumbo's rod, amid the shouts and derision of the whole assembly.

  46. How was he obliged to know that they were not aware of Harry's being tied up?

  47. He dismounted from his horse and tied it to a bush, and then drew out Prince Omar's dagger and ascended the hill.

  48. Illustration] When he at length reached Alexandria, he rode up to the house of his old master, dismounted, tied his horse near the door, and entered the workshop.

  49. To still further disguise him, the huntsman secured some locks of the maid's false hair to the goldsmith's head, and tied on the lady's hat.

  50. The hands of the prince were bound, and he was tied fast on one of the dromedaries, while two horsemen rode on each side, and kept a careful watch on all his movements.

  51. They spread the hide out on the ground, and Kaspar wrapped and tied Falcon up in it.

  52. Camels and fine horses were tied to the tent stakes, while from one of the tents sounded the pleasing melody of a guitar, accompanied by two fine male voices.

  53. Count Fosco rose in polite confusion and tied his cravat on when I entered the room.

  54. His wife enters, staggering under a heavy stone water jar on her shoulder, another in her hand, and a child tied on her back.

  55. The ceremony of marriage consists in fastening up over a door a sword wreathed with flowers and with candles tied on it, and then passing under it.

  56. The women, who stand mute and submissive, with their mouths tied up, as is literally the case with many of them, have evidently nothing to say in the matter.

  57. The amulet is fastened upon the head or tied around the upper-arm or worn on the breast, with a string around the neck.

  58. But she was strangely tongue-tied on this occasion, as was Roger himself.

  59. Then she tied her handkerchief to her wand and, standing at the water's edge, waved the handkerchief like a flag, as a signal.

  60. Stout frames of steel supported the glass of the Dome, and around one of these frames the Wizard tied the end of a rope.

  61. In 481, we read, a servant of the Chief of Clan Chi caught a strange one-horned aninial, with a white ribbon tied to its horn.

  62. The k'e-lin, a beast out of the mythologies, appeared to her; and she tied a white ribbon about its single horn.

  63. A white cloth tied to the end of a rifle was thrust through the little window of the shack.

  64. He pulled it up again and found a sheet of paper tied to the end.

  65. We’ll give the signal for the Rangers to pour over that other hill when we know we’ve got the greatest number of German soldiers tied up battling us.

  66. Dick, meanwhile, grabbed the rope end and tied it securely to the first container holding radio material.

  67. He scribbled the note on a piece of paper and tied it to the end of the rope just in time, as he saw the figure of the old man creeping forward along the roof.

  68. Now the rope was let down to the roof once more, and Dick quickly tied the end to the second container as Max and Vince went to the rear of the roof with Tomaso.

  69. I’ll do my best,” Tony said, taking the rope and the hook from Max, who had tied the metal piece to the end of the rope.

  70. Slade set the others to tearing one of the parachutes into strips, and these strips he tied around the two long pieces of wood which were placed on either side of Scotti’s broken leg.

  71. As a matter of fact, no people can be thus tied down to any mechanical order of time.

  72. She tied them firmly to the little shoulders, and in the middle of each wing she placed a long lilac-coloured plume.

  73. He drove the nails into the fence and tied the cord up and down and across.

  74. He hung his house to a branch of a tree, crept into it, tied the front door securely, and went to sleep.

  75. She tied her hood over her face to keep the wind off her soft cheeks.

  76. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "tied" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.