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Example sentences for "register"

Lexicographically close words:
regionibus; regionis; regions; regionum; regioun; registered; registering; registers; registrants; registrar
  1. He also quotes from the St. Dunstan's Wardmote Register of 1630 several cases of complaint against unlicensed traders and others.

  2. The young bull often oversteps the forefoot track with the hind foot; therefore in case the tracks do not register it is necessary to examine the two individual tracks of one side.

  3. The tracks of a wounded deer never register where the animal was walking.

  4. The register of births proves nothing, for not one tenth of the people of London are born there.

  5. He says that the register of deaths of military men proves that more than eight times as many men fall by what was called the gaol fever as by battle.

  6. For this reason, the obligation to frame and establish a legal register is enforced by a legal penalty, which penalty is the want of that perfection and plentitude of right which a register would give.

  7. The Church-Register goes back to 1558, and under Baptisms, Aug.

  8. The register at Sicyon contained a list of the priestesses of Here at Argos, and the poets and musicians of the games.

  9. It is evident that this was a tribute to be paid to the king of Persia: the exactions of the Athenians were clearly not regulated by any Persian register of property.

  10. Her upper register is up-stairs near the skylight, while her lower register is closed for repairs.

  11. It was not even, for the upper register was thin.

  12. Upon his graduation from college, he entered the office of the Register of Deeds as clerk and was appointed head of this department a few years later.

  13. And therefore at my death I mean to take a total adieu of the world, not caring for a Monument, History, or Epitaph, not so much as the memory of my name to be found any where, but in the universal Register of God.

  14. He was a part of the horse he was astride and it was no effort to Janet to register extreme excitement.

  15. The "Historical Register of the United States Army" (F.

  16. It is rather as a register of the well-being of the community that the church is here studied.

  17. These institutions register the transformations in social life, they indicate health and they give warning of decay.

  18. Like the eyes, the country church and country school register the health of the whole organism.

  19. If asking Him on whom that other sinner cried would wipe from Time's register a span of hours between twelve P.

  20. This is Soeur Catherine, who keeps the Hospital accounts and dispenses the medicines, and posts the register in which we set down the names of all the wounded received and discharged.

  21. If anyone entered the network of tunnels at any point, the instruments would register that fact.

  22. I think any source that strong would register on our detectors here, young Wang," said the old man in his dry voice.

  23. Examining the register number he saw at once that blacking had been smeared over the first and last figures.

  24. Rachel Craik had never ascertained Carshaw's name, as it was not necessary that he should register in the Fairfield Inn, and Fowle, with a nose still rather tender to the touch, never spoke to her of the man who had smashed it.

  25. The register of the church, which was preserved, records that: "The agreement and intention of marriage between John Milton, Esq.

  26. The register is crowded with the names of earls and barons, all of whose monuments were sold by the impecunious and callous marquis for L100.

  27. The register of his baptism referred to him as "John, sonne of John Mylton, Scrivener.

  28. I therefore set myself to work to do what I could in this matter, making rain-gauge stations at Santa Anna and Ugi and keeping a register myself on board.

  29. By the formation of these groups, he says, social economics does not degenerate into a register of data concerning fact, nor does it become purely mechanical statistics of material already given which it has merely to enumerate.

  30. An Item Added to the Family Register Book IV: The Valley of Humiliation 1.

  31. A register made of vessels according to the report rendered in by special surveyors.

  32. A register for accounting for all tickets and certificates received and used.

  33. A register of the slop clothing, soap, and tobacco, issued to the men; also of the religious books supplied.

  34. A register of shipping established in Paris, on the principle of Lloyd's List.

  35. The register of the ship's trim, sailing, stowage, &c.

  36. A register in which the age, place of birth, and personal description of the crew are recorded.

  37. A register or journal in which the surgeon records the cases of all the sick and wounded, who are placed under medical treatment.

  38. A register of all persons who have received the bounty to which they are entitled after having passed three musters in the service.

  39. Synonymous at sea with log-book; it is a daily register of the ship's course and distance, the winds and weather, and a general account of whatever is of importance.

  40. A register which has for its object the recording all particulars relative to every ship boarded, a copy of which is transmitted to the admiral under whose orders the ship is employed.

  41. Another rule enacted in Jito's time was that the slaves of an uji, when once manumitted, could not be again placed on the slaves' register at the request of a subsequent uji no Kami.

  42. Taken from the Register at Great St. Bartholomew's.

  43. That the reader may form his own opinion by comparison, I have annexed a copy from MacArdell's admirable print; and as both sides ought to be heard, I have subjoined the following remarks from the Monthly Register of Literature, vol.

  44. Or why is a legal consensus book or register of mortgages the most exact Court Blue-book or Almanac royal?

  45. See the Baptismal Register and the Preface.

  46. The great speed of these craft made it almost impossible to register a direct hit against them with rocket guns, and they had no repeller rays at which we might shoot while they were over our lines.

  47. On and on I drove it, time and again battering it through detachments of fleeing Hans, while the distance register on my board climbed to ten, twenty, fifty miles.

  48. My register showed seventy-five miles before I came to the end of the tunnel, and drove my ball out into a vast underground city of great, brilliantly illuminated corridors, some of them hundreds of feet high and wide.

  49. And his account plate, hidden behind a little wall door, would register his new credit balance.

  50. The contents of the Accumulator and the In-Out Register are unaffected by the indexing process.

  51. When the two registers operate combined, the In-Out Register is considered to be a 36 bit magnitude extension of the right end of the Accumulator.

  52. The contents of a register Q are indicated as C(Q).

  53. The address portion of the Memory Buffer Register communicates with the Index Adder, the Memory Address Register, and the Program Counter.

  54. The buffer is filled from the In-Out Register by a succession of 12 load buffer orders (plb).

  55. Carry Storage Register The Carry Storage Register facilitates high-speed multiply and is properly part of the Accumulator.

  56. In-Out Register The In-Out Register is the main path of communication with external equipment.

  57. Since they operate on the index register location, x, they cannot be indexed.

  58. The In-Out Register has a full set of shifting properties, (arithmetic and logical).

  59. Writing Program As an example, a program to write k words in binary format from storage beginning in register A, using tape unit number 04, is shown.

  60. Reading Program Program to read j binary words into storage beginning in register d, using tape unit 10, j is unknown.

  61. This is a counting register operated by a crystal controlled oscillator.

  62. That is, the two ends of the register are logically tied together and information is rotated as though the register were a ring.

  63. Y Operation Code 30 Octal digits 0 through 5 of the Accumulator replace the corresponding digits of memory register Z.

  64. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "register" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    accord; account; accountant; act; advise; agree; amanuensis; annals; annotation; answer; appear; apply; archivist; arm; assent; bassoon; bless; book; booking; bookkeeper; books; bound; calendar; calibrate; carry; carve; catalog; cello; chalk; champion; character; characterize; chart; check; chime; chronicle; chronology; clarinet; clarion; clerk; cloak; cohere; coincide; compass; concur; condition; confine; conform; conserve; contact; contain; cooperate; copyright; cornet; correspond; correspondence; cover; cushion; cut; daybook; defend; delineate; depict; depth; diagram; diapason; diary; discipline; docket; documentation; dovetail; draw; engrave; engraver; enlist; enlistment; enroll; enrollment; ensure; enter; entering; entry; enumerate; enumeration; fence; fend; file; gamut; grave; guarantee; guard; harbor; harmonize; haven; heater; hedge; height; history; hit; impanel; incise; include; index; indicate; induct; inscribe; inscription; insert; insertion; instrument; insure; interlock; intersect; inventory; item; items; jibe; jot; jotting; journal; keep; key; ledger; letters; librarian; limit; limn; list; listing; lock; lodge; log; logging; maintain; map; marginalia; mark; marker; match; matriculation; memo; memoir; memorandum; memorial; minute; minutes; mixture; moderate; narrow; nestle; notary; notation; notch; note; oboe; octave; overlap; paint; pantomime; parallel; patent; patter; penetrate; perform; piccolo; picture; pigeonhole; pitch; play; police; poll; portray; post; posting; present; preserve; principal; print; program; protect; qualify; radiator; radius; range; rank; reach; read; record; recording; register; registrar; registration; registry; relic; remains; reminder; render; repertory; represent; reserve; restrain; restrict; roll; roster; rota; rub; safeguard; save; say; scale; scant; schedule; scholium; scope; score; scorer; screen; scribe; scrivener; scroll; secure; shelter; shield; show; shroud; sign; sink; sketch; spare; specialize; spectrum; square; stamp; star; stenographer; stint; stonecutter; stop; straiten; stretch; support; sustain; sweep; symbolize; table; tabulate; tabulation; tally; tape; temperament; till; timekeeper; timetable; token; tonality; tone; trace; tremolo; trombone; troupe; trumpet; tune; underwrite; uphold; vestige; vibrato; weigh; write

    Some related collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    registered letter; registered voters