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Example sentences for "splint"

Lexicographically close words:
splent; splice; spliced; splices; splicing; splinted; splinter; splintered; splintering; splinters
  1. Sinclair taught them how to splint and bandage, to put on a tourniquet and check the flow of blood, to make improvised stretchers and carry patients without irritating their wounds past recovery.

  2. Sinclair took one look, then lowered his head, and went doggedly on with his work, giving the Chinese ambulance corps a demonstration of how to splint a broken thigh.

  3. His trembling hands clutched at the edge of the splint table, hallowed by Elva Barrett's smiles of love across it.

  4. Little passed between them on the return journey, but they talked far into the night, leaning towards each other across the little splint table in the office camp.

  5. He spread upon the splint table a lumberman's map, and his hands trembled as he did so.

  6. Dwight Wade, driven by fierce anger against Pulaski Britt, who blocked his way to the girl whom his own hands could win but for Britt, smote the splint table and declared that there should be a spring flood in Blunder Stream.

  7. West's words, and the next moment the little flame began to burn inside the Kaffir's hands, lighting up his exulting countenance as he waited till the splint of wood was well alight.

  8. During the period in which dressing may be necessary I believe this form of splint is as good as can be got for use in Field hospitals, the only point needing care being to ensure that the bandaging is not too tight.

  9. A splint of the ordinary chin-cap type with a four-tailed bandage meets all further requirements, but the patients often object to them.

  10. I have no doubt whatever that Hodgen's splint is by far the best method of treating all cases of fractured thigh in the Stationary field hospitals; and, more than this, I believe it is the only practicable and efficient one.

  11. In fractures of the leg, except those of extreme severity, almost any form of splint sufficed to maintain the bones in position, but for field purposes the Dutch cane splint (fig.

  12. On the tenth day the splint was removed to see to the wound, which looked satisfactory and was re-dressed.

  13. The limb was placed on a splint and treated by rest, and a month later the aneurism had decreased to one half its former size, the wall having greatly increased in firmness.

  14. The Dutch ambulances were provided with a very excellent emergency splint for cases of fractured thigh, which is illustrated in fig.

  15. I think something of this kind should be carried in one of the ambulances going on to every field of battle, as being far more suitable than a long outside splint for hasty and inaccurate application.

  16. A localised collection of pus which had formed in the deep part of the wound had been diffused into the joint by the movements made when the splint was removed, in a similar manner to that described in the last case.

  17. When you run your fingers down the fore legs of a horse you may feel distinctly two of his toes tucked away under the skin, and now known as the "splint bones.

  18. A splint is an enlargement or horny excrescence of a part of the shank bone.

  19. When a splint begins forming, shave off the hair about it and rub in an ointment of biniodide of mercury for three days, then apply a strong blister.

  20. These are shaped in the form of an elongate-oval from a wide splint of white cedar about 4 inches wide at midlength and ΒΌ inch thick.

  21. The canoes in Alaska and British Columbia and at the headwaters of the Yukon had a rigid bottom structure, with the splint spreaders usually numbering five.

  22. The description is for canoes of minimum finish; builders often used split and shaped gunwales, split ribs, and splint sheathing if these could be prepared during the winter.

  23. Splint is very general with young horses just put to work.

  24. It ought to be borne in mind, however, that a splint when once formed into bone cannot possibly be removed, although a horse that has good sound legs and even action need not by any means be rejected on account of it.

  25. One of the small plates of metal used in making splint armor.

  26. A disease affecting the splint bones, as a callosity or hard excrescence.

  27. The removal of the splint is easily effected by cutting it away, either wholly or in sections, after softening it by immersing the leg in a warm bath.

  28. A splint or small spavin will cause so little fever that it is not appreciable, while a severe spavin, an inflamed joint, or a pneumonia may give rise to a marked fever.

  29. A splint may thus frequently become a cause of lameness though not necessarily in every instance, but it is a lameness possessing features peculiar to itself.

  30. Owners of animals are often tempted to remove a splint or bandage prematurely at the risk of producing a second fracture in consequence of the failure of the callus properly to consolidate.

  31. The iron splint (represented in Plate XXX) recommended by Bourgelat is designed for fractures of the forearm, of the knee, and of the cannon bone, and will prove to be an appliance of great value.

  32. The splint is an object of the commonest occurrence--so common, indeed, that in large cities a horse which can not exhibit one or more specimens upon some portion of his extremities is one of the rarest of spectacles.

  33. Usually a splint forms only a true exostosis, or a single bony growth, with a somewhat diffuse base, but neither is this invariably the case.

  34. The iron splint which has been mentioned gives excellent results in many instances, but if the fracture is incomplete and without displacement, a form of treatment less energetic and severe should be attempted.

  35. The ordinary New England oak or maple hoops, one inside and the other outside, bound down by a splint in the ordinary manner of wrapping, constitute the rims of all the baskets.

  36. The curlicue consists of a splint run over one of the warp splints and twisted between two alternate standards, thus making a sort of twisted imbrication.

  37. Another small implement, a sort of hand planer through which the splint was drawn to make it finer, was also obtained at the Mohegan village (Figure 2).

  38. It took some little time to have a long splint made and to put it on.

  39. It was two hours before the splint was made and properly put on, and at the end of it I was quite done up.

  40. Its feet are like those of its predecessor, except that the splint is gone.

  41. Along each side of the cannon, the long bone of this foot, lies a splint of bone, which is the remnant of a toe, that is gradually being obliterated from the skeleton.

  42. This little animal, the skeleton of which is no larger than that of a fox, had four perfect toes, and a fifth splint on the forefoot, and three toes on the hind foot.

  43. Then they fitted a long splint to my right leg from hip to ankle, so that I was helpless as a babe in its swaddlings, and made fast the other leg to that.

  44. They did not do more than loosen the cords that bound me just enough to suffer them to pass the bandages round until the splint was on, and the other men stood in a ring and gibed at me all the time.

  45. Splint armor,a kind of ancient armor formed of thin plates of metal, usually overlapping each other and allowing the limbs to move freely.

  46. Defn: One of the small plates of metal used in making splint armor.

  47. Defn: A disease affecting the splint bones, as a callosity or hard excrescence.

  48. A short distance from the foot of the splint he then laid down a short board, which was braced at the foot (or end farthest from the splint) against the side of a trough cut in the ice.

  49. This done, he bent down the splint until he hooked its tip under the nearest end, or head, of the board, which was raised a couple of inches from the ground.

  50. As a rule, it is also advisable to fix with the splint the joint above or below the fracture.

  51. He straightened up; the splint on Mara's arm was set now.

  52. And maybe I can put a temporary splint on your arm, woman.

  53. Over the splint cutter a carrier chain is continuously moving, and into holes in this chain the ends of the match splints are forced at the rate of ten or twelve thousand a minute.

  54. It is the best kind of splint for a broken bone.

  55. Splint "in the shape of a spoon without a bowl.

  56. For example, in discussing the reduction of the humerus, he recommends a splint consisting of a smooth, thin stick bent in the shape of a bow with two strings, each attached to one end of the stick (fig.

  57. The injured bone is then placed in the middle of the bent splint for reduction while the patient is seated on a chair.

  58. The next minute scratch went another match, the bright light shining out for a moment between us so that I could see the man's face plainly as he held the burning splint between his hands on a level with his chin.

  59. The ends can be cut, as is done in paper weaving, or turned in some pretty way like that in the splint work.

  60. Illustration: Examples of splint work] [Sidenote: Weaving with splints] This free weaving leads directly to weaving with splints.

  61. Its presence in bottle B may then be shown by bringing a lighted splint to the mouth of the bottle, when the hydrogen will be ignited by the flame.

  62. That the gas obtained is different from air and oxygen may be shown by holding a bottle of it mouth downward and bringing a lighted splint into it.

  63. Thus a glowing splint introduced into a jar of oxygen bursts into flame.

  64. Do not move the patient (unless his life is in danger where he is) without first applying a splint or otherwise immobilizing the bone that may be fractured.

  65. But if the arm or leg appears broken, be sure to splint it first.

  66. From time to time, make sure that the splint is not too tight, since the arm or leg may swell, and the blood circulation might be shut off.

  67. Then splint the arm or leg without trying to straighten it out, and try to find a doctor or nurse to treat the patient.

  68. Fasten the arm or leg to the splint with bandages, strips of cloth, handkerchiefs, neckties, or belts.

  69. For example, if an arm or leg is injured and bleeding, splint it as well as bandage it.

  70. So, forbidden to speak to him, I finished my splint till tea-time.

  71. As one bends one's head low over the splint one sits unnoticed, a part of the furniture of the ward.

  72. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "splint" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
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    application; band; bandage; bathe; binder; brace; cast; compress; cotton; cure; diagnose; doctor; dress; dressing; flux; gauze; heal; instrument; lint; massage; nurse; plaster; pledget; poultice; purge; remedy; roller; rub; sling; splint; sponge; strap; support; syringe; tampon; tape; tent; tourniquet