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Example sentences for "tampon"

Lexicographically close words:
tampering; tampers; tampes; tamping; tampoco; tampu; tamquam; tams; tan; tanagers
  1. Three weeks afterward he carried in his nostril a tampon of lint, wet with an astringent solution, and, on the next day, on blowing his nose, there fell from the right nostril a body which he recognized as a leech.

  2. Schilling recommends, when the bleeding is so profuse that the patient's life is threatened, to tampon the stomach by means of a rubber balloon attached to the end of a soft-rubber stomach-tube.

  3. For the mucous membranes astringent washes should be used, and in favorable situations the tampon may sometimes be employed with profit.

  4. This tampon must be removed at every urination.

  5. When this occurs in a woman, the reposition of the bone is often greatly facilitated by a cotton tampon in the vagina.

  6. If, when the tampon has been removed, no ovum is found and the cervix is still closed, another tampon is to be put in for another twenty-four hours, supposing the removal of the ovum is licit.

  7. When the tampon is removed and the entire ovum is found, it is best for the ordinary physician not to meddle with the uterus in any manner.

  8. Where a tampon must be put in, it is left in from sixteen to twenty-four hours, even if the temperature goes up.

  9. If the physician knows the fetus is dead, he should, of course, tampon at once to get rid of the fetus.

  10. The tampon excites uterine contractions and causes destruction of a living fetus by dissecting it loose from the uterine wall through the dammed blood.

  11. When the woman is bleeding to the risk of her life, the tampon is put in to check the bleeding and so save her life.

  12. De Lee advises the routine use of the tampon in threatened abortion, but this doctrine is erroneous medically and altogether false morally.

  13. The tampon or plug is the remedy Leroux recommends in cases of flooding after delivery, and he affirms that it will often succeed in stopping the flow of blood when all other means fail.

  14. In some cases a plug or tampon is used, to fill up the vagina.

  15. Frederick found it necessary to examine the tampon in her nostril.

  16. Without wasting many words, he made her lie prone on the couch, inserted a tampon in her nose, and used other means to stanch the flow of blood.

  17. The tampon soaked in glycerine and alum, and the douches of hot water, in which a little alum is dissolved, are both of great service in controlling the flooding which so frequently accompanies change of life and miscarriages.

  18. A piece of white cord should be tied firmly around the centre of this tampon by which it may be removed.

  19. When operating upon the larynx the surgeon must use every precaution to prevent blood from running into the lower air-passages, and this may be accomplished by a tampon in the trachea or by keeping the head of the patient lower than the body.

  20. The walls of the tube were intact, but when slit open the tube was found to contain a small gauze tampon (Kouwer).

  21. The introduction of a glycerine tampon two hours beforehand produces a certain amount of softening.

  22. When possible, a tampon canula is inserted into the lower part of the trachea.

  23. If there is hæmorrhage, the packing should be firmer, and a vaginal tampon should be placed in below the cervix.

  24. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "tampon" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.