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Example sentences for "other means"

  • In the second annual report the Committee showed that up to that period the Society had contributed to the saving of 342 lives from shipwreck, either by its own life-saving apparatus or by other means, for which it had granted rewards.

  • Many attempts have been made to obviate these evils by the removal of rock which it was supposed acted as a lever to the water, and by other means: but in vain.

  • The defenders of absolute licence have not told us the truth on every occasion it has been sought from them, and it must be gained from other sources and by other means.

  • We consider that vivisection constitutes a legitimate mode of inquiry when it is adopted to obtain a satisfactory solution of a question that has been fairly discussed, and can be solved by no other means.

  • Its influence on intellectual and moral culture, which we have till now been advocating, may be doubted; but its very enemies have admitted that it has gained the palm over all other means of amusement.

  • By this contemptuous treatment they hoped to harass the haughty spirit of the priest, and to obtain through his mortified self-love what they had failed in by other means.

  • As there is no other means, thou hadst better begin to despise them; And with aversion, then, do that which thy duty commands.

  • For the riches of grace and of wisdom are, that grace comes to us not only in a way of mercy and compassion, but in a way of justice and equity; but that could be by no other means but by redeeming blood.

  • Yes, it was the belief of this, that cut those strings, that could not be cut by other means; and it was to give him a proof of the virtue of this, that he was suffered to carry his burden to the Cross.

  • Besides, by this and the other stagger he taketh heart to attempt by other means, and so doubleth the affliction with manifold temptations.

  • Jacob's ladder; Christ is Jacob's ladder that reacheth up to heaven; and he that refuseth to go by this ladder thither, will scarce by other means get up so high.

  • Doubtless it can be by no other means, by what we can see in the Word, but by the wounding, breaking, and disabling of the heart that loves it, and by that means making it a plague and gall unto it.

  • Voidance of any matter by the natural passages of the body or by an artificial opening; defecation; also, a diminution of the fluids of an animal body by cathartics, venesection, or other means.

  • To attempt to influence solely by talking, as contrasted with threatening or inducing by other means, e.

  • Whereas at Paris and Edinburgh, people who let lodgings have commonly no other means of subsistence; and the price of the lodging must pay, not only the rent of the house, but the whole expense of the family.

  • The annual produce of the land and labour of any nation can be increased in its value by no other means, but by increasing either the number of its productive labourers, or the productive powers of those labourers who had before been employed.

  • When an animal wants to obtain something either of a man, or of another animal, it has no other means of persuasion, but to gain the favour of those whose service it requires.

  • Man sometimes uses the same arts with his brethren, and when he has no other means of engaging them to act according to his inclinations, endeavours by every servile and fawning attention to obtain their good will.

  • In some way the farm laborer must be reached educationally, either by winter schools, night schools, or other means.

  • There remain, however, other lands to be reclaimed by other means.

  • Throwing it from her, she looked eagerly about for some other means of reaching the shore.

  • She sang and played, if not to amuse herself, yet to gratify others, whose assiduous kindness, and seemingly generous sympathy, she had no other means of repaying.

  • When fruits, berries and nuts failed, her ready ingenuity supplied her with other means of sustaining life.

  • I have not examined the case of fertilization by other means; nor have I examined the case of fertilization in animals, where psychological selection can come in.

  • The Emperor thought, that this insurrection might be quashed by other means than by force; and, adopting in this respect the conciliatory views proposed by General Travot, he directed the minister of police to invite MM.

  • They said aloud, that it was all over with Napoleon; and whispered, that he had no other means of saving France than by his abdication.

  • This demand having no effect, recourse was had to other means.

  • A large majority of these scoundrels have no other means of support than the infamous earnings of their mistresses.

  • As far as is known, he had no other means of acquiring money.

  • Every article of clothing, every trinket, or other means of identification, found with a body, is carefully preserved, in the hope that it may lead to a discovery of the cause of the death.

  • Hereupon depended the wealth of our realm; hereupon consisted the surety of our succession, which by no other means could be well assured.

  • Persons not possessed of other means of subsistence were punishable if they refused to work at the statutable rate of payment; and a clause in the act of Hen.

  • The simplest means of settling State differences, and that to which States always resort before they make use of other means, is negotiation.

  • For this reason, and compared with attack and seizure of enemy vessels, violence against enemy persons and the other means of sea warfare play only a secondary part, although such means are certainly not unimportant.

  • And it must be mentioned that nothing prevents a belligerent who has taken possession of an undefended fortified place from destroying the fortifications by bombardment as well as by other means.

  • And it matters not whether despatch-bearers make use of balloons or of other means of communication.

  • By other means, a swing blade, for instance, the matches were all severed from the block.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "other means" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    other areas; other branches; other colonies; other colors; other crime; other duties; other food; other foods; other hands; other material; other night; other organisms; other organs; other particulars; other places; other points; other schools; other sins; other snakes; other species; other stars; other trees; other vessels; others will; otherwise than; strange woman