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Example sentences for "doubt whatever"

  • It was perfectly clear that we were looked upon with strong suspicion, and I had no doubt whatever that, if we were caught, we should be detained until the weather had moderated sufficiently for a boat to be sent aboard us.

  • There was no outward sign of any hesitancy or doubt whatever in the movements of either vessel.

  • For I have no doubt whatever of his having embraced everything in his letter which was likely to suggest itself to my recollection.

  • We do not exhort you to keep a good and pure conscience, as to which, we entertain no doubt whatever; we only desire earnestly that, in so far as your duty will admit, you will accommodate yourself more to the people.

  • We have no doubt whatever, but that you will at once succeed in restoring peace to the Church, however she has hitherto been overwhelmed with factions.

  • He was not acquainted with the roar of a tiger, but had no doubt whatever what it was.

  • Gallant as was the defence of the Legations, there could be no doubt whatever that it was as nothing compared with that of the cathedral.

  • Of course we had no idea then as to what it was, but I have no doubt whatever now.

  • There can be no doubt whatever that he is hard up.

  • Of the sympathy of the people there could be no doubt whatever.

  • That David Penlogan had loved his little homestead there was no doubt whatever.

  • But that the problem is capable of elucidation I have no doubt whatever.

  • If then it is agreed that neither Saint-Germain nor Cagliostro can be proved to have been Jews, here we have a man concerned in the movement, more important than either, whose nationality admits of no doubt whatever.

  • Horace Townsend was the name that he had given her, and there could be no doubt whatever of the truth of his statement.

  • There is no doubt whatever that I was a lackadaisical young spooney; but there was a purity of heart in all this still, that prevents my having quite a contemptuous recollection of it, let me laugh as I may.

  • Personally, I have no doubt whatever; it stands to reason that it is barely possible that two men could have, unknown to each other, made up their minds to murder my father on the same evening.

  • I have no doubt whatever that I shall be able to expose one of them; and I have equally no doubt that if the others are arrested, either false cards or pockets for cards will be found upon them.

  • I had no doubt whatever as to her goodness or her feelings for me, for she completely infatuated my judgment.

  • And there is no doubt whatever that at the time when the modern Law of Nations gradually rose it was the conviction of the States that they could extend their sovereignty over certain parts of the Open Sea.

  • That State servitudes are or may on occasions be of great importance, there can be no doubt whatever.

  • That stateless individuals are objects of the Law of Nations in so far as they fall under the territorial supremacy of the State on whose territory they live there is no doubt whatever.

  • There was no doubt whatever he should feel extraordinarily jealous.

  • There is no doubt whatever he could not endure to see Eugene's triumphs.

  • Up to a certain point, sir, I quite agree with you; and if the facts were to be exactly as you have described them, I have no doubt whatever that an intelligent jury would string me up.

  • But he scintillated also with splendour: he was probably omniscient, and of his omnipotence there was no doubt whatever.

  • The chink had widened, and there was no doubt whatever that it was he who was being observed.

  • When it is possible to obtain cool and clear accounts of the events in Belgium, the author has no doubt whatever, that proofs of civilian-baiting will be forthcoming in that unhappy country.

  • At that date they had apparently no doubt whatever as to the guilty party.

  • That Thorndyke would be able to justify the opinion that he had given, I had no doubt whatever; but yet there was no denying that his proposition was what Mr. Dick Swiveller would call "a staggerer.

  • That the woman was Mrs. Schallibaum I now felt no doubt whatever.

  • I have no doubt whatever that you could.

  • I have no doubt whatever that, if the diversion can be arranged, the perfect way for the railway traveller to approach Venice for the first time is from Chioggia, in the afternoon.

  • What he says, you cannot comprehend, for it is muttered and acutely foreign, but there is no doubt whatever that it is criticism detrimental to you, to some other equally objectionable person, or to the world at large.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "doubt whatever" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    adult male; amongst the; banished from; business affairs; doubt about; doubt but; doubt they; doubt whatever; doubt whether; doubted whether; doubtful cases; doubtful whether; each machine; external circumstances; fine cloth; had never seen her; immense number; machinery and transport equipment; mind when; mother was; neither will; pray take; something better; then those; with some; would stay