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Example sentences for "kids"

Lexicographically close words:
kidnappers; kidnapping; kidnaps; kidney; kidneys; kie; kien; kier; kies; kieselguhr
  1. In one of the tales told by the Manjhis of Mirzapur the goat has kids in the tiger's den, and when he arrives she makes her kids squall and pretends that she wants some tiger's flesh for them.

  2. The ceremony is performed in the village threshing-floor, when a kind of bread and kids are offered up.

  3. It was an easier life, and fun to boss kids like Edgar Doe and Rupert Ray.

  4. It's behaviour like Doe's that makes these kids so uppish.

  5. We had nothin' to do now, and stood by the railin' lookin' at the kids on shore.

  6. I've seen some fresh kids playin' the horses, but he had 'em all beat to a standstill.

  7. This recession has also compounded the burdens that America's families have been dealing with for decades: the burden of working harder and longer for less, of being unable to save enough to retire or help kids with college.

  8. Even with the tax relief we put in place, a family with two kids that earns the minimum wage still lives below the poverty line.

  9. We believed we could prepare our kids for a more competitive world.

  10. We can use that money to help more families pay for childcare and send their kids to college.

  11. Let's also make sure that a high school diploma puts our kids on a path to a good job.

  12. It requires everything from more challenging curriculums and more demanding parents to better support for teachers and new ways to measure how well our kids think, not how well they can fill in a bubble on a test.

  13. We need to teach our kids that it's not just the winner of the Super Bowl who deserves to be celebrated, but the winner of the science fair.

  14. Talk to the single teacher raising two kids who was told by her principal in the last week of school that because of the Recovery Act, she wouldn't be laid off after all.

  15. When kids do graduate, the most daunting challenge can be the cost of college.

  16. More of our kids are graduating than ever before.

  17. And I will keep pushing for progress on the work that I believe still needs to be done: fixing a broken immigration system, protecting our kids from gun violence, equal pay for equal work, paid leave, raising the minimum wage.

  18. And by the way, I want to acknowledge our First Lady, Michelle Obama, who this year is creating a national movement to tackle the epidemic of childhood obesity and make kids healthier.

  19. Why I often roam about like this after my kids when they fall into the precipice; and you are no heavier than a young kid, I'm sure.

  20. At such times the goatherd encamps on the summit of the mountains and nourishes his kids by felling with his axe a growing beech-tree, on which the little creatures fall and gnaw off the juicy buds.

  21. He had taught the kids and cats, too, to dance, and many a merry hour he spent among these his daily companions and friends.

  22. There were goats too about, over the mountain, and when the little kids came, she was as pleased with them as with the flowers.

  23. Kids from Cupertino to Moscow are talking about their lives, pets, families, hope and dreams.

  24. Their results were posted to the global project area, where they could be compared with reports from kids all over North and South America, India, Scandinavia, and Asia.

  25. He and the other three kids wouldn't give up hopin'.

  26. We kids used to poke fun at him, but I'm confessin' it made us kinder hanker to see that land ourselves.

  27. I don't ask anything better of life than my little house in the country, with the wife bustling about and the kids waiting for a game of ball or a tramp in the woods.

  28. Perhaps they had wives and kids at home same as us.

  29. Everywhere you turned somebody hollered something at you in a language you couldn't make head or tail of--even the hack drivers and little kids in the street talked French.

  30. Now I can go on with my work here, and know that whatever happens she and the kids are provided for.

  31. Humanity to my poor old missis and the kids doesn't count.

  32. Here in this little Brain Hatchery were two Kids who were not Mates.

  33. A bunch of punk kids and a loudmouthed Solar Guard officer?

  34. Do you remember when you were kids and tied a rock on the end of a rope and then swung it around your head?

  35. I suppose you're going to send some punk kids out on the next trip to Tara and leave us experienced spacemen to rot on the ground, huh?

  36. They musta lost everything in that crash of the Annie Jones, so if the major would recommend that Mason and me be sent to the Titan mines, instead of the rock, we could send our credits back to help take care of the kids and all.

  37. She has all this from the labour of their own hands, and for what is necessary to be bought, her kids and her chickens are sent to market.

  38. She is mistress of sixty goats, and I saw many kids in an enclosure at the end of her house.

  39. Raising his jacket collar, Zinc thought of home: home and steam radiators, his dad smoking his pipe, the neighbor kids .

  40. Orville remembered how dictatorial he had been: you kids get out of the greenhouse .

  41. What good was it, sending kids to school?

  42. Kids were sitting in the library, at long tables, faces, faces.

  43. We called him a dangerous sentimentalist; but the kids of Denver call him their friend, and he has done more for them than all the sheriffs and judges and jailers put together.

  44. He took it into his head that you can bust kids of their meanness by being good to them instead of clapping them into jail, and he has done it.

  45. Kids were seen here and there on the rocks.

  46. There were kids on all the hills, and cattle in every valley round.

  47. Do you remember how the kids played in the pasture, with the shadow of that huge eagle floating above them?

  48. Ye see," interrupted Daddy explanatorily, "that'll jest keep them kids lively.

  49. The kids don't remember Dick's face, and Bob's about the same age.

  50. Keeping by the enumeration of the Israelites given in the muster-roll of Numbers, some writers explain that the desert tribes might supply large numbers of lambs, and that kids also were available.

  51. In addition there were the fine flour and oil, and the bullocks, rams, lambs, and kids for sacrifice.

  52. I should think the governor and his wife would feel complimented that those kids were called for them!

  53. Be ye goin' to steal the kids tonight, Lon?

  54. I said as how ye wasn't to mention aloud, even to me, that the kids wasn't mine.

  55. I told ye that when ye said as how we could get them kids without spendin' no money.

  56. The mythology of Auriga is not clear, but the ancients seem to have been of one mind in regarding the constellation as representing the figure of a man carrying a goat and her two kids in his arms.

  57. Auriga was also looked upon as a beneficent constellation, and the goat and kids were believed to be on the watch to rescue shipwrecked sailors.

  58. Contend with swans or what compare could be In a race between young kids with tumbling legs And the strong might of the horse?

  59. Moreover, tender kids with bleating throats Do know their horned dams, and butting lambs The flocks of sheep, and thus they patter on, Unfailingly each to its proper teat, As nature intends.

  60. Many were the railroad lanterns Joe had to replace for those he broke over the heads of the two latter classes of tramps, especially the last ones, who clung even more obstinately to their road kids than a tiger clings to his prey.

  61. Everyone of the road kids had been trained by his jocker to become a specialist in some particular brand of the begging game.

  62. If needle cases can not be had, sticking plaster, aluminum thimbles, pencils, shoestrings and other such articles are given to the road kids to peddle.

  63. This fictitious price mark works straight into the hands of the jockers who purchase these needle cases by the gross for about two cents each and teach their road kids to dispose of them, at a huge profit.

  64. One of the road kids in the den of the plingers, who was known by the name of "Danny" because of his neat appearance and superior intelligence, attracted Jim's attention and gave a fair average example of the parentage of the rest.

  65. Just a lot of ignorant kids looking for adventure.

  66. Just the ship we need, and a lot of spoiled kids are using it for thrill-hunting!

  67. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "kids" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    boyhood; breed; brood; children; descendant; descent; family; fruit; gantlet; gauntlet; glove; heir; inheritor; issue; kid; lineage; offspring; progeny; seed; succession; young; youngster; youth; progeny; seed; succession; young; youngster