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Example sentences for "gauntlet"

Lexicographically close words:
gauging; gaulois; gaun; gaunt; gaunted; gauntleted; gauntlets; gauntness; gauze; gauzes
  1. They could draw the velvet glove over the gauntlet to pleasure a lady, but the gauntlet was there, nevertheless, and the gauntlet was of steel.

  2. The gauntlet had been flung down by France in 1792, when war was declared against the Holy Roman Empire, with which Prussia made common cause.

  3. In this matter Great Britain stood alone, and the Duke had to run the gauntlet of fierce criticism on his return to England.

  4. He threw the gauntlet on the threshold of the haunted chamber.

  5. It was too hopeless, too desperate, running the gauntlet against countless odds.

  6. The road was blocked by the party of horse, and, weaponless, to attempt running the gauntlet of them would be to get piked out of his saddle, or cut to pieces in it.

  7. Instead, they were assayed with taunts and derisive cries, some even getting kick or cuff as they ran the gauntlet between the lines of their truculent enemies.

  8. I wished to hurl myself and my theories to the test, and gauntlet my defiance to a withered world.

  9. He had been living against society, had foregathered with outcasts and had thrown down the gauntlet generally to organised society, for some years, but he still from time to time worked at some job or other.

  10. He well knew that the Caudron would take all sorts of risks in order to obtain the desired pictures; and the protecting Nieuports, to fulfil the duties imposed upon them, must all expect to run a fiery gauntlet of shrapnel.

  11. The disappointed Germans immediately sprang to the attack, and the little Nieuport was running the gauntlet of rifle and revolver fire.

  12. When I left the door of the justice room I had to pass through the main court-yard, and run the gauntlet of open scorn and contempt, bestowed upon me by all assembled there.

  13. We must take care that Austria does not regard as a gauntlet the bone that I mean to throw to the Poles," said Napoleon.

  14. Archer," cried Heinrich, "there lies a gauntlet which is yours of right.

  15. DionĂ½sio made a further effort to turn them, which so far succeeded that the ram separated and bounded up the rocks towards the higher pass, where he ran the gauntlet of Bertram within thirty yards.

  16. Yet these hosts seem to throw down the gauntlet of defiance at our very doors; and under the reproach of that unspoken challenge experience succumbs.

  17. In the summer of 1863, three men ran the gauntlet of shot and shell and rifle-fire for forty miles to save an army, with death dogging them all the way.

  18. The gauntlet had been run and General Thomas' army was saved.

  19. There is no record of even the most hardened Indian fighter ever running the gauntlet for any life save his own.

  20. Suddenly around Slaughter House Point, silent, grim and terrible, came the black fleet which had safely run the gauntlet of forts, gunboats, batteries and torpedoes.

  21. General Thomas decided to make the attempt and called for volunteers who were willing to run this forty-mile gauntlet between the Confederate lines and batteries.

  22. Watchful of every shade of expression in Theodora's face, she was resolved to take up the gauntlet her hated rival had thrown to her, to draw her out of her defences into open conflict, for which she longed with all the fire of her soul.

  23. Give me but that which my soul desires and I shall run the gauntlet unflinchingly.

  24. He whipped off the right gauntlet and held forth his hand.

  25. He wanted then to throw down the gauntlet in the name of science or the name of feeling, before the whole world.

  26. His eyes glistened, and it might well be believed that if at that moment any kind of gauntlet had been flung at him he would have leaped upon any kind of horse to ride to death for the Philippines.

  27. Make them drop the mask and fling down the gauntlet to you!

  28. After overcoming many difficulties caused by rocks and sandbanks, after running the gauntlet of the Mahdist fire, this forlorn hope neared Khartum on the 28th, only to find that the place had fallen.

  29. Bachelors must be dragged, on every available pretext, and without the slightest reference to the nominal ends of amusement or hospitality, from the novel or cigar, and made to run the gauntlet of female charms.

  30. The man too, who has the stomach of an ostrich and an appetite to correspond, but about whom the home superstition is that he has a feeble digestion and must take care of his diet, has also to run the gauntlet of his wife's interfering forces.

  31. Let's stand here and run the gauntlet until the next dance--then we can find seats.

  32. Thus it happened that the two ran a gauntlet with watching young people on each side, out to the open part of the hall.

  33. He had raised a company of his neighbors, and running the gauntlet of guarded roads, succeeded in reaching our army in Kentucky.

  34. Again we were compelled to run the gauntlet of insulting and jeering mobs that had annoyed our course down the road.

  35. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "gauntlet" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
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    aegis; armor; cartel; challenge; dare; defy; gantlet; gauntlet; glove