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Example sentences for "steal"

Lexicographically close words:
steads; steady; steadying; steak; steaks; steale; stealer; stealers; steales; stealeth
  1. But I, an old woman, am yet vain enough to steal these few moments from him who needs me, to see for the last time, mayhap, him who was once my very dear friend.

  2. I'm going to let you go only so long as you don't steal anything else," he thundered.

  3. A man who could steal five hundred thousand dollars and set a whole city by the ears must have wonderful adventures of all kinds, and Aileen looked like a true adventure.

  4. The moment you steal anything else, back you come to this court, and then you go to the penitentiary for a year and whatever more time you deserve.

  5. He did not think it was wise for any one to steal anything from anybody where the act of taking or profiting was directly and plainly considered stealing.

  6. Then he would steal over to where he had seen Bob disappear and poke his sharp nose into every bunch of grass and peek under every little bush.

  7. He was so busy trying to puzzle out what should bring Reddy and Granny that way so often that he neither saw nor heard Jimmy Skunk steal up behind him.

  8. But, inclining (with my usual cynicism) to think that he did steal the valuables, think of his life for the month or two whilst he still remains in the service!

  9. I--I'd steal that money from Neale Sorber if I got the chance.

  10. The thought, however, that Barnabetta might be tempted to steal from those who had been kind to her, troubled Agnes exceedingly.

  11. I was goin' to steal the money--or, some of it, anyway.

  12. We expected to steal a ride South, and sleep in farmers' barns, and the like.

  13. They hoped to steal aboard this train--perhaps to pay some small sum to a dishonest brakeman for a ride, and so travel a long way toward their destination before being driven from the train.

  14. The theory upon which all these parties are conducted, is secrecy and stratagem: to steal upon the enemy unawares; to lay in ambush, or decoy; to kill and to avoid as much as possible the hazard of being killed.

  15. She will grant me that one, I am sure, For a present so rare and so gay, And I easily can steal a few more And bear them enraptured away.

  16. I swear by God, Master, I did not steal it.

  17. However, they could not prove their case, and Caesar replied mockingly that, having no lack of women, he had not occasion to steal them by highway robbery.

  18. He'll buy the horn and steal the bullock.

  19. Both steal from the chamber noiselessly and climb to the roof.

  20. He must try to get through, and as it was impossible to force a passage, he determined to steal through at all hazards.

  21. The girl would steal out to this place also, carrying food to the young artisan.

  22. You want to rob us, to steal from my people in order that your people may prosper and we may suffer!

  23. A moment later she stood with Johnnie at her window, both almost holding their breath in expectation as they saw the young men, with Alf following, steal toward a clump of evergreens behind the house.

  24. I have never seen thy face--' 'That even the monkeys who steal our loquats count for again.

  25. Fakirs do not steal horses, so I gave them no more thought.

  26. They will not run away as the others did, nor will they steal baggage.

  27. On that day, towards evening, he and I had managed to steal out walking for an hour.

  28. When young Doc politely enquired whether she could steal enough time from her errand to turn about for a run up "The Boulevard," Missy acquiesced.

  29. All of a sudden she wanted nothing so much as to get a book and steal off alone somewhere.

  30. For I would not have you so much as tempted to do what you say some of the soldiers have done--that is, steal the turkeys belonging to the secessionists.

  31. And he tells of your going with others to steal turkeys of a secessionist in Maryland, and how you got out of the scrape by the most downright lying.

  32. A faint light was beginning to steal over the sky when, far away on their right, a horn sounded.

  33. They are afraid to put them out for fear somebody might steal them, but if Mr. Haralson had the handling of them under number nobody could steal them.

  34. The August frost put our corn out of business, so we are around with long fingers trying to steal seed corn.

  35. And yet he too was encompassed by a thousand dangers; there were a hundred avenues of sense, of emotion, by which some dark messenger might steal upon him.

  36. He'd steal a gem as quickly as a highway robber would!

  37. I will steal out after the house is quiet,--oh, my hero!

  38. But if Polly never left the Mortimer house, surely he didn't fly over and steal the earring.

  39. I've known him for years, and I'm sure he wouldn't steal a pin!

  40. I am going to steal you for my patient," she answered, "and try all the prescriptions on your case first.

  41. Slough agreed to go out with a party of volunteers, nominally to catch "some of the rascals who might attempt to steal horses.

  42. This is because the Turks steal them on the road.

  43. At night the Arabs come to steal our bedding and clothes.

  44. If only she might steal Aunt Clarinda and bring her back to live here with her while David was away!

  45. I have not forgotten my promise to play for you,” he said lightly, watching to see if the flush of rose would steal into her cheek, and that deep light into her expressive eyes.

  46. It seemed not right to steal the morning’s “quiet hour” thus rudely.

  47. Did you think you could steal a husband as you stole your clothes?

  48. Marcia had only time to steal hurriedly into the parlor, close the instrument, and then fly about getting her dinner ready.

  49. He kept his eyes upon her face and watched the sweet color steal up to her drooping eyelashes.

  50. Found he couldn't steal your aeroplane and was bound to lay his hands on something belonging to the Birds that would carry him out of danger.

  51. Then you imagine those fellows may have planned to somehow steal our aeroplane, and that they've sent word ahead to their friends along the Magdalena to look out for us?

  52. We chased them off at the time they tried to steal our aeroplane, and they even neglected to take those two suit cases of jewelry with them, so the stolen property was recovered.

  53. The switch-engine will be in the roundhouse at Pennington's mill to-morrow night so we can't steal that; but we can steal the mogul.

  54. You're the one man in this world for whom I'd steal a locomotive.

  55. I used to steal from him," the girl admitted.

  56. However, I don't want to steal him from you.

  57. Oh, you can't steal him from me, Cardigan," he laughed.

  58. Oftentimes during the long winter nights would Mr. Dayton steal softly to her chamber, and kneeling by her bedside gaze in mute anguish upon the wasted face of his darling.

  59. Scarcely was she alone when with cat-like tread there glided through the doorway the dark figure of a woman, who advanced toward the bedside, noiselessly as a serpent would steal to his ambush.

  60. Is it that you feel certain of giving me my last sleep, my last kiss as you steal the breath from me?

  61. Is there any man in love with me, and planning to steal away my convent from me?

  62. By degrees the effervescence of little Ireland, in which strange land his fortune had been cast, began to steal into his blood.

  63. Alarm began to steal over Everard, who was by no means a brave man.

  64. The same sea now mocked her, laughed at her rage, bearing on its bosom the mystery which she struggled to steal from time.

  65. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "steal" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.