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Example sentences for "scoreboard"

Lexicographically close words:
scorches; scorching; scordar; scordium; score; scored; scorer; scorers; scores; scoria
  1. A wooden slide in the mechanism of the scoreboard rattles into place, upside down.

  2. At one end is a scoreboard and miniature gridiron, along which a colored counter is moved as the telegraph behind the board clicks off the plays hot from the real gridiron.

  3. The Jefferson player followed the instructions of his captain to the letter,--and the man at the Scoreboard put up the number 14.

  4. On the black scoreboard a white figure 6 appeared after the name of the visiting school and a few moments later it was replaced by a 7.

  5. On the Scoreboard the figures remained: Ridgley 20--Jefferson 14.

  6. Amid a riotous ovation by Pomeroy rooters, the point after touchdown was added as the third quarter ended with the scoreboard reading: Pomeroy, 14; Grinnell, 0.

  7. Greater cheers as Speed kicked goal for extra point and the scoreboard changed to read: Hamilton, 13, Medford, 7.

  8. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "scoreboard" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    card; disc; file; film; microfilm; platter; scoreboard; slip; tape