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Example sentences for "photoplay"

Lexicographically close words:
photometry; photomicrograph; photomicrographs; photons; photophobia; photoplays; photos; photosphere; photostat; photostatic
  1. Madeline of the Movies: A Photoplay done back into Words V.

  2. What I set down here represents my thoughts as I sit in front of a moving picture photoplay and interpret it as best I can.

  3. The Short Story Market" or "The Photoplay Market," each 10 cents.

  4. Prevost says seems to be proved by the fact that when famous playwrights and best-selling authors have supplied photoplay plots to the manufacturers, they have been exceptionally well paid.

  5. It is utterly impossible in a work of this nature to include a list of the requirements of every photoplay editor.

  6. Here is a rule of photoplay writing that you must not violate: Do not offend the religious beliefs of a single patron if you wish to retain the good will of the editors and manufacturers.

  7. They are simply reproduced as examples of photoplay casts which have been printed in the manufacturers' bulletins and other advertising matter, after the photoplay itself had been produced and was ready for release.

  8. There is absolutely no place in the photoplay for side trips.

  9. The photoplay author of fame," he says, "must be a specialist.

  10. The upshot of that conversation was an appointment to meet the manager of a photoplay house, who wanted a singer.

  11. She could say good-by to singing in photoplay houses, to vaudeville engagements, to concert work in provincial towns.

  12. We don’t like the phrase, we don’t like anything that claims to be a course in photoplay writing.

  13. Photoplay Somethin’ or Other, and the combination of U.

  14. The name of the author of the photoplay as given in the application follows next when it differs from that of the claimant.

  15. The Star's photoplay editor once had remarked to me that the promoter was 90 per cent "bull," and 10 per cent efficiency.

  16. Of Stanley Werner I had heard a great deal, through interviews, character studies, and other press stuff in the photoplay journals and the Sunday newspaper film sections.

  17. All this I had learned from visits to a studio with the Star's photoplay editor.

  18. But I wish to suggest that the ideal censorship is that to which the daily press is subject, the elastic hand of public opinion, if the photoplay can be brought as near to newspaper conditions in this matter as it is in some others.

  19. Then there are endowments already in existence that will no doubt be diverted to the photoplay channel.

  20. Here is where the photoplay can begin to give him a more delicate utterance.

  21. Yet when the photoplay chooses to behave it can reproduce a race far more joyously than the stage.

  22. Though no photoplay tableau has yet approximated the brush of Inness, why not attempt to lead Jeanne through an Inness landscape?

  23. The next photoplay book that may appear from this hand may be construed to meet his point of view.

  24. The photoplay reporters can then take the enthusiasts in hand and lead them to a realization of the finer points in awarding praise and blame.

  25. The Action Photoplay deals with generalized pantomime: the gesture of the conventional policeman in contrast with the mannerism of the stereotyped preacher.

  26. The product need not necessarily be the type outlined in chapter two, The Photoplay of Action.

  27. Do not let the length of the commercial film tyrannize over your mind, O young art museum photoplay director.

  28. His name ranked high on the roster of America's foremost photoplay directors.

  29. Nobody denies that the photoplay shares the characteristic features of the drama.

  30. But surely the photoplay shares many conditions with the drama on the stage.

  31. The usual make-up of the photoplay must strengthen this effect inasmuch as the wordlessness of the picture drama favors a certain simplification of the social conflicts.

  32. Our mind is here and there, our mind turns to the present and then to the past: the photoplay can equal it in its freedom from the bondage of the material world.

  33. There must be inner values which make the photoplay so extremely attractive and even fascinating.

  34. If we raise the unavoidable question--how does the photoplay compare with the drama?

  35. The photoplay and the theater in this respect are evidently alike.

  36. Moreover it is evident that the realization by actors is needed for the photoplay too.

  37. We must therefore also disregard the accompanying music or the imitative noises which belong to the technique of the full-fledged photoplay nowadays.

  38. The result would be a kind of lyric or epic poem on the screen, or a travelogue or what not, but it would never shape itself into a photoplay as long as that conflict of human interests which the drama demands was lacking.

  39. But on the other hand the photoplay much more than the drama emphasizes the background of human action, and it shares this trait with the novel.

  40. Even the clearest recognition of the specific demands of the photoplay cannot be sufficient to replace original talent or genius.

  41. The drama and the photoplay may serve the purpose of art with equal sincerity and perfection and may reach the same goal with sharply contrasting means.

  42. More than in the drama the persons in the photoplay are to us first of all subjects of emotional experiences.

  43. The great Photoplay was made from this book.

  44. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "photoplay" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    cartoon; chiller; cinema; documentary; drama; feature; film; flick; flicker; movie; photoplay; picture; preview; short; show; talkie; thriller; trailer