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Example sentences for "movie"

Lexicographically close words:
movers; moves; movest; movet; moveth; movies; movimiento; moving; movingly; movings
  1. While editing this magazine he became editor of Los Angeles' first theatrical magazine, The Rounder, which was a "must" on the list of early movie stars and soon discovered that the most lucrative field for a journalist was in ghost writing.

  2. Alone, jobless, yet they were so recklessly happy that they went to a ten-cent movie and watched the extreme heroism of a young district attorney with the motionless eager credulity of the simple-hearted.

  3. She used to look a lot like Clarissa when she was a movie star.

  4. They've turned an old movie house into a TV studio.

  5. Had they held less for her, or had she not been so completely the household's slave, she might have found a certain solace and satisfaction in viewing the Greek profile and marcel wave of the most-worshipped movie star.

  6. The kind of a yell a movie cowboy gives on a Saturday night.

  7. A suspicion tinkled in the breast of Spondee, in those days a valiant movie fan.

  8. If it were a movie theatre, what a boon it would be!

  9. We know one man who stands in line for hours in front of movie theatres just in order to shout Merry Christmas through the little hole in the glass.

  10. As one of my colleagues remarked, how wonderful it would seem, to be present at the proper moment to witness such an event, particularly if one had a time-lapse movie camera to record it for posterity!

  11. The observers took candid movie shots of groups of Italians and of Jews; they differ from one another and both differ from the American mode (which is a composite, with probably an Anglo-Saxon dominant).

  12. Charley Chaplin was kicking out with his feet in the movie (there, I have dropped into a 'Yankeeism' myself!

  13. I told Fred, and he said it was the peach sundae on top of the crazy old movie we saw that evening.

  14. Even if he did take her to but one movie in two weeks he was her old friend, and Tessie would not hurt him for the world.

  15. But there was one thing which even the lowiest B movie has that I missed--explanatory dialogue.

  16. The brothers confronted me together then, the first beaming with friendliness and a tail-wagging anxiety to please, the second smiling in the manner of a movie actor meeting the president of one of his fan clubs.

  17. It was better than a movie in one sense: it was real, and the angry expressions on the faces of the performers weren't assumed for the sake of a camera.

  18. I thrust out one leg and ran my hands over it as though I were pulling up a sheer stocking; I smiled in an over-exaggerated way that would have, I felt, put to shame any of the old time movie vamps.

  19. They couldn't all be movie stars," I protested.

  20. You've got a fine nerve, kicking about a movie because it shows a few legs!

  21. She heard them smacking moist lips over every love-scene at the Rosebud Movie Palace.

  22. In the sensitive art of the Rosebud Movie Palace there is a Message, and humor strictly moral.

  23. In New York a movie magnate talked about the psychology of people who patronize grand opera.

  24. Resuming his monologue he impressed on me the fact that the one thing the movie firms are after is stories that will grip the public and make them give up their money.

  25. These experiences have convinced me that irresponsible movie shows must be brought under control.

  26. This finds expression, not only in the press and from the platform, but in the movie shows.

  27. Now let me tell you something about Canada, where the movie business is in its infancy.

  28. It is seldom that I have ever seen anything so amazing as this movie show proved to be.

  29. They earned money for their promoters and for the local movie houses, so what more need be considered?

  30. That, I think, is a fair presentation of the spirit and atmosphere of the fountain-head of the movie shows that are pleasing the people of the United States and rousing the wrath of Canadians.

  31. Discreetly avoiding the wine list, Sextus dined well, noting several movie stars and other vip's in the crowded dining room.

  32. Then one of the room clerks rang to say that Gary Gable, the movie star, was raising hell in the lobby because he couldn't get the bridal suite and demanded to see the manager.

  33. After official business was over for the day, the party "did" Theatre Street, where our own movie queens reigned beside some poster depicting a Japanese soldier fighting a dragon.

  34. Some of the older members of the party welcomed the Sunday evening movies instead of the strenuous dancing, but we were all glad to go to bed after the movie villain had been killed.

  35. I've some errands and I don't feel like seeing a movie to-night, anyway.

  36. Lots of the movie heroes had graying hair at the sides.

  37. She possessed an infinitesimal income of her own, left her out of the ruins of her dead husband's money, but this Hugo always waved aside did she essay to pay for her own movie ticket or an ice cream soda.

  38. Your editor has since been informed that the movie NEVER SO FEW portrayed recognizable homosexuals.

  39. This movie is still playing in specialty theatres around the big cities.

  40. Without the fantastic photography which made the movie superb, this is a remarkably silly pseudo-science thing about a man who finds away to survive indefinitely by glandular transplants.

  41. Each script is a long-range symbolic model; thus, the movie as a whole is logical.

  42. ETA 29: Problems associated with movie making I have seen on TV a scene presenting a vehicle entering a street.

  43. Thus, an art movie is a logical and harmonical long-range image model.

  44. If the scope of the presentation were transmission of information to help build a model associated to the recorded external reality, other rules to shoot a movie would exist, which should be different from the ones used nowadays.

  45. Indeed, when I think of it now, the whole show seems more like a big movie than anything else.

  46. On came Fritz, coolly contemptuous, and on went the show, like the unrolling of a movie scenario.

  47. As a matter of fact, they did it rather violently--a good deal more like movie rough stuff than the real thing.

  48. B and 453-C were taken from a movie that was made of that, and we also have on that movie a picture of Lee Oswald as he appeared on the television program in New Orleans on a sound track.

  49. It seems experimental because it is thrown into contrast with extreme commercial formulas in the regular line of the "movie trade.

  50. The movie show generally lasts five reels, that is, an hour and forty minutes.

  51. We cannot run away into non-automobile existence or non-steam-engine or non-movie life long at a time.

  52. The stage-production depends most largely upon the power of the actors, the movie show upon the genius of the producer.

  53. We're going to enjoy a little movie together, that's all.

  54. You were shown this little movie Lee in order to stimulate your mind into the production of a movie of its own.

  55. Makes me feel like I was some darned movie star.

  56. A small movie projector began to purr; a bright rectangle was thrown upon the silver screen and then, Lee stirred.

  57. The audience in the movie house began to laugh, for the dog in his first jump had upset a bucket of paint.

  58. But Brother and Sister thought everything about the movie theatre beautiful.

  59. I don't see why you want to talk to me," Lorraine retorted, not in the least frightened at the gun, which was too much like her movie West to impress her much.

  60. Unconsciously Lorraine mentally fitted herself into a dramatic movie "scene" and plunged straight into the subject.

  61. If she pictured Echo, Idaho, as being a replica of the "set" used in the movie serial, can you wonder?

  62. For in that third year she worked her way enthusiastically through a sixteen-episode movie serial called "The Terror of the Range.

  63. For that matter, she hoped that Lone Morgan would never stray into a movie where any of her pictures were being shown.

  64. For Chief Totantora has become interested in the movie business too.

  65. He smiled, adding: "Quite too much like a movie plot, eh?

  66. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "movie" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.