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Example sentences for "associated with"

  • And almost on the other side of the world, nearly five thousand miles from the Sutherland beds, and more than eight thousand miles from the Carolina ones, the same Oolitic flora again appears, associated with beds of coal.

  • A mental image is more often vivid, in proportion as it is associated with a greater number of other images.

  • We may in like manner conceive hatred, hope, confidence, and the other emotions, as associated with wonder; and we should thus be able to deduce more emotions than those which have obtained names in ordinary speech.

  • In proportion as an image is associated with a greater number of other images, so (II.

  • The Latin term penis, which has established itself among us as the most correct designation, is generally considered to be associated with pendere and to be connected therefore with the usually pendent position of the organ.

  • It may well be that a congenitally large clitoris is associated with an abnormally developed excitability of the sexual apparatus.

  • In rare cases the fracture passes into the acromio-clavicular joint, and is associated with dislocation of the clavicle.

  • In some cases this fracture is associated with sprain of the ankle-joint.

  • This may result from constitutional dyscrasia, or may be associated with a defective blood supply, as when the nutrient artery is injured.

  • The most serious forms are those associated with gun-shot wounds.

  • Joel Scranton, whose name is associated with much of the history of Cleveland, during the period when it grew from a small village to a city well on the way to permanent prosperity, was born in Belchertown, Mass.

  • An affection characterized by persistent increase in the white blood corpuscles, associated with changes, either alone or together, in the spleen, lymphatic glands and bone-marrow.

  • Nagel describes it as "an inflammation of the nerves of an acute or chronic nature, associated with more or less degeneration, change in the nerve fibrils of the affected nerves.

  • It is associated with seven or eight hydrogen lines, with three of "yellow" helium, and with a good many of undetermined origin.

  • Branched and recurving jets were curiously associated with it.

  • Similarly, the sensation of warmth is associated with feelings of the secure and salutary.

  • The image of that which completes us is inseparable from the image of ourselves, not only because it is associated with us, but especially because it is our natural complement.

  • The unrest is associated with conditions in which the individual or society feels unable to act.

  • The concession of liberal principles becomes a treason to social order when it is associated with a force still in fermentation, and increases the already exuberant energy of its nature.

  • In these occurrences the tungsten mineral is almost invariably scheelite, and is associated with calcite, garnet, pyroxene, and other silicates.

  • The principle, therefore, becomes useful in exploration in geologic series where oil is associated with coal.

  • I will tell you, Dad, why he wants to be associated with you in this coal mine business.

  • Hence the relentless Nemesis that sooner or later overtakes those who, whether ignorantly or maliciously, break laws, fell upon the National Machine Company and upon those who had the misfortune to be associated with it.

  • Can't you see why he wants to be associated with you?

  • When indigestion is associated with an ulcerated condition of the mouth, separate treatment is required.

  • Nowhere else, indeed, among the creatures which are intimately associated with men, do we find two related forms which afford, along with a certain likeness, such great diversities of quality.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "associated with" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    associated with; door relief; fifteen cubits; five tablespoonfuls; flint implements; good knights; great passion; happy woman; kept closed; like processes; made also; meet with; moral sentiments; other terms; poor old; pour forth; seven bells; small detachment; social values; three days after the; three friends; wine and