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Example sentences for "eight thousand"

  • You consented to receive this amount, and to assure the child an income of eight thousand francs.

  • Set out for Germany, in a good traveling carriage, with seven or eight thousand francs, which he knows how to get.

  • About two months since, you discounted, through the agency of a broker, a bill for fifty-eight thousand francs, drawn by the house of Meulaert and Co.

  • The last caravans comprised altogether from six to eight thousand men.

  • In his late expeditions against the Wahabys, he was accompanied by six or eight thousand Bedouins, who joined him, as they would have joined another Sheikh, without receiving any regular pay [p.

  • At the time of which we write, the house, which was worth a hundred thousand francs, brought in a rental of eight thousand.

  • At last, thanks to her boldness, Madame Rabourdin heard the hour strike when she was to have twenty thousand francs a year instead of eight thousand.

  • As if a man with forty-eight thousand francs a year from landed property, and a castle fit for a prince, would stoop to such things!

  • Dear, eight thousand francs a year and a pretty cottage on the Loing, why, that's a fortune, is it not?

  • The Turkish loss is estimated at eight thousand, at the head of whom stood Dragut, of more account than a legion of the common file.

  • In token of his satisfaction with her conduct, his majesty had raised the pension which she had hitherto enjoyed, of eight thousand florins, to fourteen thousand, to be paid her yearly during the remainder of her life.

  • The whole Moslem force, according to Balbi, was forty-eight thousand, exclusive of seamen.

  • To supply this vast number of men with bread would have been ordinarily no easy task, requiring, as it would have done, twenty-eight thousand rations of bread daily, or eight hundred and forty thousand rations monthly.

  • The numerous hospitals of Washington treated in 1863 sixty-eight thousand patients, and lost twenty-six hundred, or less than four per cent.

  • I dissected a fallen veteran that grew on the St. Vrain watershed, at an altitude of eight thousand feet, that was eighty-five feet high and fifty-one inches in diameter five feet from the ground.

  • A primeval spruce forest crowds all the mountain-slopes of the Uncompahgre region from an altitude of eight thousand feet to timber-line.

  • Such rocks, as well as gigantic moraines in an excellent state of preservation, extend from altitudes of twelve or thirteen thousand feet down to eight thousand, and in places as low as seven thousand feet.

  • In the meantime the duke of Marlborough repaired to Berlin, where he negotiated for a reinforcement of eight thousand Prussians, to serve under prince Eugene in Italy during the next campaign.

  • The Dutch garrison consisted of eight thousand men, commanded by the old baron Dorth, who made a vigorous defence.

  • On the eighteenth, Napoleon, with sixty-eight thousand men, attacked the combined army commanded by Wellington, consisting of ninety thousand troops.

  • The population, initially of twenty-eight thousand people, is reduced to six or seven thousand only.

  • Footnote 1139: It cost one million two hundred thousand francs, besides the traveling expenses of eight thousand delegates.

  • Only thirty-eight thousand," contemptuously answered the boy, as he clutched the note now held out to him.

  • The little hoard of twenty-eight thousand dollars in certified cheques was there, with an order for Randall Clayton's active stocks.

  • Like a snowball, however, the troop grows as it marches along until, on reaching the National Assembly, Santerre has behind him from seven to eight thousand persons.

  • Eight thousand of them at Rouen, in obedience to the decree, charter transports, which the riotous population of both sides of the Seine prevent from leaving.

  • It's up four flights at the end of the hall, very dark, eight thousand dollars in a green cloth sack, and lots of lights a-burning.

  • Well, sir, from twenty-five thousand I brought him right down to, say, eight thousand.

  • But at the critical moment he had appeared in Wall street with fifty-eight thousand shares of stock, the existence of which no one had suspected.

  • They are said to have been as many as eight thousand of his bravest men.

  • The Syracusans, who had marched from home with eight thousand troops, were met at the river Myla by a messenger, who informed them that the city was taken.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "eight thousand" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    ancient languages; eight dollars; eight leagues; eight members; eight millions; eight months; eight pages; eight pounds; eight shillings; eight thousand; eight times; eight yards; eight years; eighteen dollars; eighteen guns; eighteen hours; eighteen miles; eighth chapter; eighty acres; eighty days; eighty pounds; eighty yards; guardian angel; other subjects; person having; till she