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Example sentences for "eight shillings"

  • Swift wrote that his rooms consisted of the first floor, a dining-room and bed-chamber, at eight shillings a week.

  • Observe, that eight shillings a week is the wages for a day labourer in the village.

  • Now the malt is eight shillings a bushel, and eight pounds of the very best hops will cost but a shilling a pound.

  • Not on the twenty-eight shillings a week you get from me!

  • His salary is only twenty-eight shillings a week, and we know nothing whatever about him except that his references were satisfactory.

  • The different taxes upon malt amount to six shillings a-quarter; those upon strong ale and beer to eight shillings a-barrel.

  • On what could they save, out of eight shillings?

  • They leave unsolved the problem of those last seven or eight shillings, on the expenditure of which turns the really vital question which an inquiry like this ought to settle.

  • He contributes to St. John's Church one pound, eight shillings.

  • In 1783 a tailor charged him one pound, eight shillings, sixpence for "making a Coat.

  • Twenty-two weeks at eight shillings, let me see.

  • Bill said confidently; "and then two shillings for rent, and that will leave us eight shillings a week to put by.

  • Nearly twenty years after Arkwright had begun to spin by machinery, that is in 1786, the price of a particular sort of cotton-yarn much used in the manufacture of calico was thirty-eight shillings a pound.

  • We are told that "lambs fed with a turnip-cutter would be worth more at the end of a winter by eight shillings a head than lambs fed on whole turnips.

  • Five years after, it was raised to seven shillings, and after the lapse of another five years it had been increased to eight shillings.

  • These poor women were able to clear from six to eight shillings a week: and to earn even that they had to work almost incessantly for fourteen or sixteen hours a day.

  • At that time the shepherd had to keep his own dog--no small expense to him when his wages were no more than six to eight shillings a week.

  • How the labourers at that time, when they were paid seven or eight shillings a week, could afford to buy fuel at such prices to bake their rye bread and keep the frost out of their bones is a marvel to us.

  • I shal haue my eight shillings I woon of you at beating?

  • I shall haue my eight shillings I wonne of you at beating?

  • This substantially came to the same thing, as it left the two dollars a week, or eight shillings, with the girls over and above their cost of living.

  • As my salary was to be eight shillings a week, there wasn't much chance of my eating my head off, in addition to providing myself decently with the ordinary necessaries of life.

  • It'll be a tight fit," said he to me, "out of eight shillings a week.

  • My eight shillings a week, too, seemed a princely allowance to begin with, and even the lodging-house in Beadle Square was tolerable.

  • Surely," he said, "you do not live on eight shillings a week.

  • That, I suppose, is why Mr. Davies tramps no more, but writes verses and saves money to print them out of eight shillings a week.

  • Neither of these was a skilful workwoman, and after the payment of their rent there was seldom left at the end of the week more than seven or eight shillings to expend in food.

  • Say it brings in only twenty-eight shillings, and make the total charges one pound four, and there remains a clear profit of four shillings for the year.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "eight shillings" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    business woman; damp places; eight companies; eight cubits; eight hundred; eight inches; eight leagues; eight lines; eight volumes; eight weeks; eighteen guns; eighteen hundred and sixty; eighteen inches; eighteen miles; eighteen shillings; eighteenth century; eighth part; eighths inches; eighty acres; eighty leagues; eighty yards; general exercise; haired priest; hunting grounds; thought that; western yellow