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Example sentences for "moves"

Lexicographically close words:
movens; mover; movere; moveri; movers; movest; movet; moveth; movie; movies
  1. It is amid such a maze of contradictions and surprises that one moves in Japan.

  2. The wounded arrive in a never-ceasing stream of carts, and another stream of ambulances moves northward, for the place must be cleared for to-day's victims.

  3. I begin to notice people looking at me curiously as I try to get it right and my head moves about.

  4. They have told her their secrets as she moves among them, and lavished all their store upon her.

  5. He shudders, turns, sees her near by, moves as if greatly alarmed, and hangs his head.

  6. Thus, if the atmospheric pressure increases, the face is pressed inward; if atmospheric pressure diminishes, the elastic reaction of the metal moves the face outward.

  7. The operator moves with his hand an upright pointer or stylus, with which he writes the message on paper.

  8. A truly noble character moves so tranquilly and unobtrusively that it is often unobserved, perhaps, rather, taken for granted, unless some startling event compels attention to it.

  9. I was thinking only of what other moves that gang could make.

  10. He says: "Surely it was thus, while Numa was offering sacrifices, that the shield fell with which the chosen patrician youth moves along.

  11. In the case of the former journal the proprietor tried some skilfully-devised preparatory legal moves and manoeuvers, not one of which of course succeeded, though their justice and legality were apparent enough.

  12. She looks as if no thought of ill In all her life had stirred her; But while she moves with careful tread, And while she spins her silken thread, She is planning, planning, planning still The way to do some murder.

  13. He had the listless, indifferent air of one who lets himself be drifted here and there rather than of one who moves securely along, strong enough to hold his own way in spite of any opposing elements.

  14. No one has ever heard him speak; he has never been willing to learn the use of weapons, and he moves through life in phlegmatic indifference, taking no interest in anything about him.

  15. After two or three moves the Emperor made a wrong one on purpose; the automaton bowed and replaced the piece on the board.

  16. He sweeps with confident finger over the whole gamut of human emotions, and moves us equally to terror and to pity.

  17. We want him to be caught before he moves at all.

  18. As a wry face moves laughter, or a deformed vizard, or a rude clown dressed in a lady's habit and using her actions; we dislike and scorn such representations, which made the ancient philosophers ever think laughter unfitting in a wise man.

  19. The celestial and infernal councils, adopted as machinery, recall the rival factions in Olympus; but the force by which the plot moves is love.

  20. There are many sordid tragedies in the life of the student, above all if he be poor, or drunken, or both; but nothing more moves a wise man s pity than the case of the lad who is in too much hurry to be learned.

  21. Life is no longer a tale of betrayals and regrets; for the man now lives as a whole; his consciousness now moves on uninterrupted like a river; through all the extremes and ups and downs of passion, he remains approvingly conscious of himself.

  22. But God's way moves here and there across this trackless wild.

  23. Let me leisurely think upon it, until my very soul moves amid my affairs in noble and hallowed dignity.

  24. When I move in obedience the Lord moves in inspiration.

  25. No living man can explain his own breathing, or can unravel the mysterious decree which moves his own finger!

  26. He is ever guiding us, sometimes with the delicacy of a glance, sometimes with the firmer ministry of a grip, and He moves with us always, even through "the valley of the shadow of death.

  27. It moves with reluctance, it offers with averted face, it takes back with one hand what it gives with the other.

  28. A crouching savage has leveled his gun at her, and she evidently knows the danger she is in, but moves steadily forward without spilling a drop of her precious burden.

  29. As it moves slowly along, he reads from the Buddhist scriptures the passages on death, and fixes his thoughts upon the fleeting nature of this earthly life.

  30. He moves his head quickly backwards and forwards in front of the hole, poking out his tongue and rolling his eyes with marvellous rapidity.

  31. The game is substantially the same as that played in England, but a boat replaces the castle, the bishop is represented by a nobleman, and the knight's moves are made by a horse.

  32. The armature, B, is pivoted in the center by means of a small piece of wire and has an indicator or hand, C, which moves to either right or left, depending on which half of the magnet is magnetized.

  33. The amount the end of the needle moves can be easily changed by moving the support or the couple toward or away from the shaft supporting the needle, which changes the position of the steel pin in the slot C.

  34. The shadow of the edge of the triangular plate moves around the northern part of the dial from morning to afternoon, and thus supplies a rough measurement of the hour of the day.

  35. About the center piece H moves a disk, held down by another disk F (Fig.

  36. After the 15 moves are made the men will have changed places.

  37. The contrivance can be used upon hard frozen ground, thin ice and snow-covered surfaces, and under favorable conditions moves with remarkable speed.

  38. My publishers tell me, however, that it not only continues to sell, but moves off considerably better in its later editions that it did on its first appearance.

  39. The lever is universally jointed and when moved fore and aft operates the two ailerons as if they were one; when the shaft is rotated it moves the tail as a whole.

  40. Every school boy knows that if he moves with speed he may skate or glide in safety across a thin sheet of ice that would not begin to bear his weight if he were standing still.

  41. In order that the cats shall have every facility for the chase, holes are often cut in the bottom of house-doors, so that at night they may go in and come out as the quarry moves them.

  42. Now the procession moves towards the cemetery.

  43. There is no difference between Time and any of the three dimensions of Space except that our consciousness moves along it.

  44. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "moves" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.