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Example sentences for "drama"

Lexicographically close words:
drainings; drains; drakes; drale; dram; dramas; dramatic; dramatical; dramatically; dramatick
  1. Here there is no drama except the simple homely drama of applied industry.

  2. There is drama in the pause; a fine theatricalism in the interlude.

  3. Indeed there was nothing about the scene, except a knowledge of the immediate proximity of German skirmishers, which would serve to invest it with one-tenth of the drama that marked a hundred other sights we had that day witnessed.

  4. I suppose there was an element of theatricalism in the sight and in the fury of sound which appealed to the Gallic sense of drama that was in them.

  5. As an underplot in this drama of ingratitude and treachery, the Cardinal of Rouen proposed that Julius should be deposed by a general council, with a view to securing for himself the tiara.

  6. The revival of the comic drama may be traced to Ferrara; and, though the pieces originally represented there before Duke Ercole I.

  7. But every drama has its scenario and its prologue and its behind-the-curtain scenes--none ever written was so rich in these preliminaries and accessories as is Europe's epic.

  8. What Mr. Thornton modestly failed to add was that he himself, as a colleague presently bore testimony, had played a conspicuous role in the drama of British military mobilization.

  9. Theodore devoted much of his time to the interesting invalid; he talked to her, read to her, and before long had quite adopted her opinion of her favourite Claerchen in the drama of 'Egmont.

  10. There can be no other meaning to the drama of history, the sweep of whose movement is always upward for the life of millions, always writing in letters of fire across the sky 'THE LAW--THE LAW!

  11. Stuart looked at her flushed face with a deepening thrill of the drama of the soul its quick changing expression shadowed.

  12. No, they were intent on the drama at the altar.

  13. The faces around the table looked brighter, and the directors cleared their throats and settled themselves down in their chairs as audiences do in the theatre when the drama is reaching its climax.

  14. A new source of attraction was at once discovered,--a vast fund of available fuel was suddenly found to recruit the cinerulent embers of the drama withal.

  15. Scene and hour are felicitously selected, and the humanity which belongs to this pictorial drama is finely conceived.

  16. The drama that was being acted on the occasion of the fire seems to have been Shakespeare's Henry VIII.

  17. It is somewhat remarkable that the first two writers of comic drama in the language should both have been schoolmasters.

  18. So the town itself becomes the theatre in which the interest of the aquatic drama is concentrated.

  19. Drama League of America, for example, it will bring far more valuable returns in twelve months than the same amount expended in books.

  20. By co-operation with the Drama League the library might receive word in advance when a published worthy play is to be given in town.

  21. It is easy to see how difficult it will be for clubs and individuals to take up a study of drama under such conditions.

  22. Cannot the libraries go even farther in their effort to improve dramatic taste and meet the demand for dramas and books on dramas, a demand which the Drama League is attempting to create?

  23. It is not used for league propaganda, but was taken over by The Drama League merely because it was in danger of being abandoned.

  24. The library could also helpfully publish a separate list of its books on drama and dramas, or better yet arrange them in a separate section.

  25. Vaguely the people as a whole are feeling around for one means or another to correct these conditions, to create a great national art and to restore drama to her proper place among the arts.

  26. The Drama Quarterly, moreover, is especially adapted to the needs of the student of drama, and should be accessible to him.

  27. So will the libraries and The Drama League, representing the universities, schools, clubs and individuals in general have aroused the public conscience to a realization of its responsibilities for the amusements of the people.

  28. We must create a demand for good drama and the supply will follow--the dramatist, actor and manager are only too willing to fall into line, if the public can be induced to refuse the worthless play and support better drama.

  29. Westward the course of empire takes its way; The four first Acts already past, A fifth shall close the Drama with the day; Time's noblest offspring is the last.

  30. With the succeeding playwrights the decadence of the Elizabethan drama began.

  31. Like his other work, his drama is artificial, refined, and skillful.

  32. The contemporary influence of great Continental writers to whom reticence is unknown, combined with the influence of a contemporary opera and drama to which reticence would be unprofitable, are now assaulting this dominant convention.

  33. Like that excellent German who wrote the History of the English Drama in six volumes, I begin with Physical Geography.

  34. She had an instinct that the climax of the drama was at hand.

  35. In the meantime, unknown to Mrs. Holt, who might in all conscience have had a knowledge of what may be called social chemistry, a drama was slowly unfolding itself.

  36. Life is indeed a drama; a drama with but few encores--and no bouquets!

  37. This play is that rarity, an English drama of ideas which is not in any sense imitative of Mr Bernard Shaw.

  38. Looking at individual lots, I seemed to see in each the same story, wrought out with more or less of tragedy, and I determined the elements of my drama under the influence of these ideas.

  39. I conceived the plot, and wrote nearly the whole as a drama in 1864.

  40. Do you happen to remember that saying of Balzac's, "When I want the world to praise my novels I write a drama; when I want them to praise my drama I write a novel"?

  41. Let us now proceed to places where other scenes in the great drama were enacted.

  42. This was the last scene in the drama of violence so long enacted in Wyoming.

  43. When the terrible drama which we have been considering was performed, almost the whole country was covered with the primeval forest.

  44. The people are dissatisfied with it, and doubtless, ere long, a more noble structure will mark the spot where the curtain of the revolutionary drama was first lifted.

  45. They had got up a farce called "Boston Blockaded they were now called to perform in the serio-comic drama of Boston bombarded, with appropriate costume and scenery.

  46. They then retired to the marquee together, the British army filed off and took up their line of march for Boston, and thus ended the drama upon the heights of Saratoga.

  47. We shall visit Tappan presently, and then the events in the last scene of this drama shall be rehearsed; for the present, let us stroll about Tarrytown during the remainder of this pleasant afternoon.

  48. In Mrs. Warren's drama called The Group, Ruggles figures in the character of Brigadier Hate-All.

  49. He now thrilled and tingled from head to foot with the perception that all this meant love--love to Dennet; and in every act of the drama he beheld only himself, Giles, and Dennet.

  50. But to most quiet and sceptical souls such an issue of the drama contradicts the laws of nature.

  51. There must be some form of literature found, loose and lax enough to express the Moral Idealism of the second-rate mind; and Poetic Drama lends itself beautifully to this.

  52. It throws the human will once more into the foreground, and gives the drama of our days its rightful spaciousness and breadth.

  53. For me the shadow of an old bowed acacia-tree, held together by iron bands, was over the history of Heathcliff; but the forms and shapes of that mad drama gathered to themselves the lineaments of all my wildest dreams.

  54. Drama was Religion to the Greeks, and in the old Elizabethan days great playwrights wrote great poetry.

  55. Cain" has a certain charm, I admit; but of all forms of all literature the thing which is called Poetic Drama seems to me the most dreary.

  56. He turned from the gate with a sense of having been permitted a glance into the very heart of a secret drama which might at any moment become a tragedy.

  57. Altogether a stage worthy of some colossal drama rather than the calm slumber of a forgotten hamlet.

  58. Her gestures, her plea for help, her descent of the stairway, came to seem like the climaxes in a singular drama powerfully acted.

  59. She might have had a veritable hand in to-night's drama and still be innocent.

  60. She seemed very feminine, very lovely, and very helpless, and he had a definite and powerful desire to take her in his arms, to wake her, to snatch her from this most revolting drama of the dark.

  61. The Promised Land: A Drama of a People's Deliverance.

  62. It may appear as a coldly intellectual interest in some who are wont to deal with the tragedies of life as mildly amusing scenes in a drama of endless fatuity.

  63. The Drama of Love and Death: A Story of Human Evolution and Transfiguration.

  64. The first is, that our English drama was closing,' or actually had closed, just about the time when the French was opening.

  65. About seven or eight years after that, the Puritans officially suppressed the English drama by suppressing the theatres.

  66. All the other sections have been simply inert and neutral; but the drama has ever been in murderous antagonism to every principle and agency by which our own lives and moves.

  67. At the opening of the Parliamentary war, the elder (that is, the immortal) English drama had finished its career.

  68. Well, I was seeing a drama and did not even know it.

  69. Besides, I was more interested in the Drama than in Literature.

  70. Also, they are seldom connected with either the Drama or The Movies (a slang term but aparently taking a place in our Literature).

  71. The time when the English orator was thus speaking of America preceded but by a few days the actual opening of the revolutionary drama at Lexington.

  72. The great objects of life were accomplished, the drama was ready to be closed.

  73. Where but in New England did the great drama of the Revolution open?

  74. The speech was a complete drama of comic and pathetic scenes; one varied excitement; laughter and tears gaining alternate victory.

  75. Let us endeavor to comprehend in all its magnitude, and to feel in all its importance, the part assigned to us in the great drama of human affairs.

  76. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "drama" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    alphabet; art; ballet; blueprint; boards; bomb; burlesque; carnival; characterization; charade; chart; circus; delineation; demonstration; depiction; diagram; dialogue; drama; drawing; duologue; exemplification; extravaganza; failure; figuration; flop; happening; hieroglyphic; hit; iconography; ideogram; illustration; imagery; legit; letter; map; masque; melodrama; miracle; monologue; morality; mystery; notation; opera; pageant; pantomime; pastoral; piece; plan; play; portraiture; portrayal; presentment; printing; production; projection; realization; rendering; rendition; review; schema; score; script; serial; show; sketch; skit; soap; spectacle; stage; stock; success; syllabary; symbol; tableau; theater; theatre; variety; vaudeville; vehicle; work; writing

    Some related collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    dramatic action; dramatic author; dramatic composition; dramatic construction; dramatic critic; dramatic criticism; dramatic entertainment; dramatic expression; dramatic form; dramatic literature; dramatic music; dramatic poem; dramatic poet; dramatic poetry; dramatic representation; dramatic work; dramatic works; dramatic writer; dramatick poetry; dramatis person; dramatis personae