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Example sentences for "pageant"

Lexicographically close words:
paganized; paganizing; pagans; pagar; page; pageantries; pageantry; pageants; paged; pages
  1. But as a Pageant there was much to be desired.

  2. To make September's pageant the scented, pale petals of spring, the drowsy contentedness of summer's fulfillment and the Tyrian dyes of fall are joined.

  3. We have a description of the brilliant pageant of Ferdinand and Isabella's entry after defeating the king of Portugal.

  4. No scene of chivalry during the middle ages displayed a more brilliant and bloody pageant than the battlefield of Granada.

  5. And again: 'What boots it now that Byron bore, With haughty scorn which mocked the smart, Through Europe to the AEtolian shore, The pageant of his bleeding heart?

  6. Insist upon his giving his opinion about the pageant of the Childe's bleeding heart, and more likely than not he will laugh outright.

  7. He abated his pretensions as a philosopher, was content to attempt some picture of the thing acted--of the great pageant of history--and succeeded.

  8. A few words with regard to this pageant may afford a little help to its comprehension.

  9. Thus the wonderful pageant described in this canto must be regarded as being displayed, not to him only, but to all Christendom in his person.

  10. She had scarce said a word the whole morning and had sat staring with troubled face at the magnificent pageant as it passed.

  11. Villiam, quickly clasping his hands to save the bottle from slipping out of his breast-pocket, "the beautiful pageant of a nation feasting these martial beings on turkey, is something for besotted Europe to tremble at.

  12. On the ninth day there is a lovely pageant just before sunrise and another in the afternoon.

  13. Much of this sort of thing takes on a lighter, theatrical flavor amounting to a pageant of great fun and frolic.

  14. The Flute Ceremony at Mishongnovi is perhaps the most impressive example of this pageant as given by the double fraternity.

  15. Just before sunset of the eighth day, the Antelope and Snake priests give a public pageant in the plaza, known as the Antelope or Corn Dance.

  16. Pageant Helmet, with the Crest of Burgau.

  17. These were borne, with many others of the same character, in the pageant of the funeral procession of the Emperor Frederick III.

  18. Pageant Helmet, with the Crest of Austria (ancient) or Tyrol.

  19. The Queen and Prince bowed, the Megatherium packed up his legs close under the abdominal region of his august body, the royal pageant passed under, and was soon out of my sight and welcomed by the cheers of the multitude before the library.

  20. There was an additional picturesqueness, as well as a curious vividness, lent to the pageant by the circumstance that in many cases the blood of the men and the women represented ran in the veins of the performers in the play.

  21. One eager confused glance, one long-drawn breath, one vehement heart-throb for her who was the centre of all, and the disordered pageant had swept past.

  22. Through these corridors and drawing-rooms streamed the princely pageant of the Queen's Plantagenet Ball.

  23. Every window which could command the passing of the pageant was filled with spectators.

  24. The queen of this Twelfth-Tide pageant was also celebrated by the court poet Buchanan.

  25. The whole pageant closes with an epilogue spoken by the herald Talthybius, who also foretells further defections from Diana's maidens: Another marriage!

  26. But like some savage maiden clad in sylvan pageant rare.

  27. I thought the finest feature of the Pageant the singing of the national hymn, "Hen Wlad fy nhadau," at the close, actors and audience all joining in the stirring chorus with thrilling effect.

  28. They were both pleased and interested; but it was impossible to deny that the poetic glamour of the Warwick pageant (largely due to the romantic beauty of its setting) was almost wholly wanting at Oxford.

  29. I believe that our Oxford pageant (in spite of the wet summer) proved financially successful, if not altogether so artistically.

  30. Crowds of cheering women watched this wonderful pageant and waved their handkerchiefs to the handsome young cavalier as he passed on his magnificent horse draped with garlands of flowers.

  31. No sublimer pageant of blood and flame and smoke and shrouded Death ever moved across the earth than that which Lee now witnessed from the hilltop on which he stood.

  32. I looked upon the glorious pageant of the stars.

  33. The pageant of the hills, the panorama of the battle, faded and were gone.

  34. I sought to stay, if for but one instant, this army of brave men, this panorama of exalted war, this incomparable pageant of a day gone by!

  35. At night scenes from the pageant were staged on floats which passed along the streets.

  36. In the masque and pageant of the afternoon four thousand school children took part.

  37. The pageant of "bringing-in May," was a favourite pastime at Poulton about fifty years ago [i.

  38. Certain stations had been selected throughout the city, where each pageant should stop and, in the proper order, present its own play.

  39. There is no such pageant of wealth in London or Paris.

  40. Royalty, stripped of its reality, is largely become a mere matter of show, a part of the pageant of State.

  41. I wish for a long pageant of bad things to come and whirl and rage through this strange leaden life of mine and break the spell.

  42. Always when I used to look at her there would rush a train of things over my mind, a vaguely glittering pageant that came only with her, and that held an always-vivid interest for me.

  43. The long, bitter pageant of my Nothingness mingled with this look and the coming together of these was like the joining of two halves.

  44. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "pageant" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
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