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Example sentences for "pageantry"

Lexicographically close words:
pagans; pagar; page; pageant; pageantries; pageants; paged; pages; pagi; pagina
  1. AEschylus was, however, too deeply conscious of the spirit of his art to let the Persae sink into the rank of pageantry or triumph.

  2. With the accession of Queen Elizabeth there was a revival of the courtly pomp and pageantry which were marked characteristics of her father's reign.

  3. The idle pageantry of the Boy-bishop, which had been formally abrogated by proclamation from the King, in the thirty-third year of Henry VIII.

  4. In the pageantry which was got up to grace her entry into London, a figure representing "Truth" dropped from one of the triumphal arches, and laid before the young Queen a copy of the Scriptures.

  5. In no other city was the Queen received with greater cordiality and pageantry than in Norwich.

  6. Matthew Paris, monk of St. Albany, a contemporary historian, describes the pageantry of the day, and expresses disgust rather than pleasure at the excessive foppery of the times.

  7. There was a pageantry of life which I had never before seen in war or in peace, and those of us who went that way became dazed by the endless riot of colour, and our ears were tired by a tumult of joyous sound.

  8. Better that their system should pass away, and that their houses should be dismantled and left only to beautify and adorn the landscape, than that we should have a return to their sensual pageantry and pent-up learning.

  9. But those times of pomp and pageantry have passed away, and the surface is now seldom ruffled save when occasionally a fish rises, or a stately swan glides gracefully through the warm sunshine.

  10. The pageantry of the veld was nothing to him, and in the amenities of life he scarcely advanced beyond bare physical comfort.

  11. American drama, the rise of pageantry and the civic festival.

  12. He witnessed the pomp and pageantry of Buddhist ritual in Kie-sha.

  13. And if the high-upreared architecture of the stars, and the changing fabric of the worlds, be but shadows, and the pageantry of time but a dream, yet the dreamer and the dream are God.

  14. Rome beyond all races had the instinct of tragic grandeur in state and public life, and by that instinct even her cruelty is at times elevated through the pageantry or impressive circumstance amid which it is enacted.

  15. The palace we have described, erected for the habitation of King Henry and his suite, had been designed and ordered by Cardinal Wolsey, to whose skill in pageantry the management of this great festival had been consigned.

  16. We read of tournaments, processions, feasts and pageantry in which all the people participated.

  17. It was the age old pageantry of the Catholic church, a pageantry that perhaps indicates an age old temperamental difference between the Latin and the Anglo Saxon.

  18. The fine dust, expelled into the upper air, painted the sunset heavens with these translucent green and violet tints which enhanced the pageantry of cloudland throughout the world for many months after the fiery forces had expended themselves.

  19. The glories of the tropics seldom alleviate the sense of exile, and cloudy England, with her "green fields and pastures dim," remains dearer than all the pageantry of Nature elsewhere to most of her absent sons.

  20. It is true that hypocrisy and vulgar self-seeking often succeed in life, occupying high places, and make their exit in the pageantry of honored obsequies.

  21. The book of ceremonies is a recital, tedious yet imperfect, of the despicable pageantry which had infected the church and state since the gradual decay of the purity of the one and the power of the other.

  22. The polytheist is oppressed and distracted by the variety of superstition: a thousand rites of Egyptian origin were interwoven with the essence of the Mosaic law; and the spirit of the gospel had evaporated in the pageantry of the church.

  23. We can trace the pedigree of princes, fill up the catalogue of towns besieged and provinces desolated, describe even the whole pageantry of coronations and festivals, but we cannot recover the genuine history of mankind.

  24. The Americans equally detest the pageantry of a king and the supercilious hypocrisy of a bishop.

  25. The pomp and pageantry of war gave place to the pomp and pageantry of the Church.

  26. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "pageantry" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
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