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Example sentences for "held together"

  • And it is true that what is called a complex (or compound) proposition is often not a proposition at all, but several propositions, held together by a conjunction.

  • The conversion of the animal substance (by combination with the poison) into a chemical compound, held together by so powerful a force as to resist the subsequent action of the ordinary causes of decomposition.

  • From these separate threads of connection between parts of the great whole which we term nature, a general tissue of connection unavoidably weaves itself, by which the whole is held together.

  • But men will be held together in society no longer by a supreme authority, but by the legally binding force of contract.

  • By this cement the whole fabric of the State is held together.

  • Rather, men are to be held together in the union by the advantage which each individual has from the union at every moment.

  • But a free society cannot be held together by authority,[378] but only by contract.

  • That such troops should have been held together in such extremity proves their general's power of command.

  • The one great service which the empire performed to humanity was this: it held together, as nothing else could have held together, the nations of the civilized world, and thus rendered possible a higher unity of mankind.

  • A world of egotism, without faith or morality, could be held together only by force, which presented itself in the person of the ablest, most daring, and most unscrupulous adventurer of the time.

  • In such a group the father is the chief or patriarch as long as he lives, and the family is held together by their common subjection to him.

  • In all cases the clan system shows a marked organisation, with a much stronger cohesion than is possible in the restricted family, which is held together by the force of the father.

  • A nerve consists of a bundle of tubular fibers, held together by a dense areolar tissue, and inclosed in a membranous sheath--the neurilemma.

  • In the latter case the fragments are held together by the periosteum when it is intact; in that case the fracture belongs to the intra-periosteal class.

  • They are made by the union of two or more bones, held together by ligaments of fibrous tissue, and are lubricated by a thick, viscid fluid, called synovia, which is secreted by a special membrane inclosing the joints.

  • The earth is held together not by cohesion but by gravitation; it is not difficult to reckon how fast the earth must spin for gravity at its surface to be annulled, and for portions to fly off.

  • A, B, and C; the edge of A being gripped by and between B and C, which must be held together by a spiral spring S or other equivalent device.

  • It consists of two legs A and B, held together by the screws C D, which screw into nuts.

  • Still less could he recognise as the Church that part of mankind which is held together by a common tradition of worship, or by a given theory of organisation, since these also are historical and incidental.

  • Hegel said: Yes, but the true notion of spirit is that of the resolution of contradiction, of the exhibition of opposites as held together in their unity.

  • Of course, Schleiermacher would never have recognised as the Church that part of humanity which is held together by adherence to particular dogmas, since, for him, Christianity is not dogma.

  • In all matters of opinion, the social compact, or the principle by which society is held together, requires that the majority of opinions becomes the rule for the whole, and that the minority yields practical obedience thereto.

  • They are the natural dictates of conscience, and the bonds by which society is held together, and without which it cannot exist; and are nearly the same in all religions, and in all societies.

  • The two beliefs can not be held together in the same mind; and he who thinks that he believes both, has thought but little of either.

  • This sandstone is composed of grains of pure and nearly limpid quartz, held together by the cohesion of aggregation.

  • From these separate threads of connexion between parts of the great whole which we term nature, a general tissue of connexion unavoidably weaves itself, by which the whole is held together.

  • And it is true that what is called a complex proposition is often not a proposition at all, but several propositions, held together by a conjunction.

  • What we roughly and loosely call "the universe" or "nature" is therefore an accumulated projection or creation of all the souls which exist, held together by this pervading medium which enables them to communicate with one another.

  • I must not forget to add that the interior of San Stefano requires to be held together by iron ties in every direction--a sin to which, in Italy, the eye soon has to become accustomed.

  • Their effect is almost invariably beautiful in the extreme, and their only defect is, that they all require to be held together by rods of iron connecting the capitals of the columns.

  • This roof is held together by two tiers of iron ties, and being arched and boarded at the end as well as at the sides, has somewhat the look of the inverted hull of a great ship.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "held together" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    after drying; another month; books printed; carnival time; closely related; colored flowers; colour painting; coloured clothes; dined together; economic affairs; general idea; heart went; held fast; held forth; held her; held out; held out his hand; held responsible; held the; held them; held till; held together; held until his death; set out; small schooner; that man