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Example sentences for "gravity"

Lexicographically close words:
gravitational; gravitative; graviter; gravitie; gravities; gravius; gravure; gravures; gravy; graw
  1. The Gravity Cell= is a form of the above.

  2. See Apparatus Book for Home-Made Gravity Cell, its Regulation, etc.

  3. The pull of gravity in the room was normal.

  4. The magnetizer control under the chart-room was altered, our artificial gravity cut off.

  5. The gravity plates were being set to the new positions; we were on our new course.

  6. The slight bulk of the Planetara, floating in space, had no appreciable gravity pull on Snap's body, and the impulse of his step as he came to the unmagnetized area of the corridor had thrown him to the ceiling.

  7. Freight storage compartments; gravity control rooms; the air renewal systems; heater and ventilators and pressure mechanisms--all were located there.

  8. We have gravity and its opposite apergy, and I believe cold is really negative heat.

  9. The fall of the drop is occasioned by gravity overcoming the cohesion of the molecules.

  10. If, however, the glasses are inclined to a certain extent, the drop will remain stationary, since it is drawn in one direction by gravity and in the other by capillarity.

  11. The Chevalier, on receiving the challenge, perceived at once the gravity of his own situation.

  12. The gravity and humility of his demeanour astonished Grancey, who surveyed him quizzically.

  13. Mr. Frankland's gravity was not proof against his wife's change of political principles, and the conditions which she annexed to it.

  14. It seems almost impossible to make the authorities feel the gravity of the situation.

  15. Then followed grave discussion carried on with deliberation and courtesy by those sitting about the fire, and though gravity and courtesy marked every utterance there thrilled through every speech an ever deepening intensity of feeling.

  16. After another swift and searching look the lad took the pipe from Cameron's hand and with solemn gravity began to smoke.

  17. After explaining to them fully his plan and emphasizing the gravity of the situation and the importance of a quiet, cool and resolute demeanor, they set off toward the Indian encampment.

  18. There was an almost sad gravity in his demeanor that suggested a mind preoccupied with solemn and unworldly thoughts with which the doctor and his affairs had not even the remotest association.

  19. Griselda has known me since I was seven and all my gravity counts for ever so little with her.

  20. There has been a certain air of gravity overhanging her, of contrition perhaps, that stabbed with pain.

  21. This hope has been abundantly realized in the discovery of gravity and the decomposition of light, mainly by the inductive method.

  22. Robert Fludd is the theorist alluded to, who had supposed the gravity of the earth to be ten times heavier than water, that of water ten times heavier than air, and that of air ten times heavier than fire.

  23. He moved with his wonted precision, but without that extreme gravity of manner which had characterized him the night of the game.

  24. But the low gravity reduced the problem of heavy lifting to almost zero, at least.

  25. The tractor worked fine, except that the feeble gravity made the lugs of its wheels slip a lot.

  26. In the tiny gravity of the asteroid, Vesta, doing this was no trouble at all.

  27. There is no doubt that your highnesses would have been much pleased to have seen the gravity of his deportment, and the respect with which he was treated by his people, though all we saw were entirely naked.

  28. In his demeanour he was affable to strangers and kind and condescending to his domestics and dependents, yet with a becoming modesty and dignified gravity of manner, tempered with easy politeness.

  29. From the foregoing danger two Christians took care to preserve themselves; which I shall relate, to show the comicalness of the one who was an Italian of Lombardy, and the gravity of the other who was a Spaniard.

  30. The same hydrate can be prepared by dissolving borax in water until the solution has a specific gravity of 1.

  31. The hardness is as high as 7 on Mohs' scale; specific gravity 3.

  32. The exactions and tyranny of the eunuchs had led to increased taxation and general discontent; and the horrors of famine now enhanced the gravity of the situation.

  33. He answered with a smile which, as Dane had noticed before, appeared to linger on his lips after the gravity had returned to his eyes.

  34. It's been the same thing several times in succession now," said Fuschia, a touch of superstitious gravity in her expression.

  35. We experience for the author of this action antipathy; moreover we wish him evil,--we desire that he should suffer for the fault that he has committed, and in proportion to the gravity of the fault.

  36. It is found that it will endure a greater degree of cold at the same temperature than winter pressed sperm oil; it will burn longer, and its specific gravity is heavier; but it will not give so brilliant a light as sperm oil.

  37. Under their great gravity of demeanour--a man who is in charge of a few lakhs' worth of plant cannot afford to be riotously mirthful--lurks melody and humour.

  38. She took his hand, saying, with a gentle gravity and composure: "I want to see my husband alone.

  39. These ions are positive, just as in the case of the gravity battery.

  40. MY DEAR YOUNG MAN: You will need several batteries when you come to set up your radio receiver but you won't use such clumsy affairs as the gravity cell which I described in my last letter.

  41. In my gravity battery the sulphate ions used to coax the zinc ions away into the solution.

  42. The effects of gravity and of light become algebraically summated under their simultaneous action.

  43. The supposed analogy is however false; for while the stimulus of gravity acts, in the case of root, only on a restricted area of the tip, the stimulus of light is not necessarily restricted in the area of its action.

  44. On application of light on the upper side at L, the responsive movement is enhanced, proving that gravity and light are inducing similar effects.

  45. The incident stimulus is vertical, and it is the upper flank, consisting of the upper and lower halves of the pulvinus (on which the vertical lines of gravity impinge) that undergoes effective stimulation.

  46. I shall in this chapter show that the effect of stimulus of gravity is in every respect similar to other forms of stimulation.

  47. Under the continued action of stimulus of gravity the torsion increases till it reaches a limit; for the twisted organ resists further distortion and a balance is struck when the twisting and untwisting forces are equal and opposite.

  48. But in geotropism, the force of gravity by itself is ineffective without the intervention of the weight of cell-contents to exert pressure on the sensitive ectoplasm, and thus induce stimulation.

  49. The stimulus of gravity induces, as I shall show in a subsequent chapter, a similar responsive torsion, the direction of which is determined by the direction of the incident stimulus.

  50. That the sign of electric response depended on the relation of the side of the organ to the vertical lines of gravity was demonstrated by alternate rotation of the plant through +90 deg.

  51. I shall, however, describe a crucial experiment in the course of this paper, which will show that the direction of stimulus of gravity has a determining influence on the periodic movement.

  52. Full description is given of the new method of physiological exploration by means of the electric probe, by which the particular layer which perceives the stimulus of gravity is definitely localised.

  53. The stimulus of gravity is perceived at the root-tip; it is the effect of indirect stimulus that is transmitted to the responding region of growth.

  54. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "gravity" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
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