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Example sentences for "stiffness"

Lexicographically close words:
stiffer; stiffest; stiffish; stiffly; stiffnecked; stiffs; stifle; stifled; stifles; stifling
  1. But all stiffness vanished with the sound of Jerry Plympton's fiddle, and the girls on the west side of the room began to look at the boys on the opposite side, who were straightening their collars and glancing at their "pumps.

  2. To prevent subsequent stiffness the joints should be bathed with warm oil and chloroform, and wrapped in flannel cloths.

  3. The physician can palliate the pain and perhaps shorten the attack, can control and perhaps prevent complications and stiffness of the joints, but he cannot arrest the disease.

  4. With native courtesy, which had no stiffness about it, the old gentleman led me to my place, sat down beside me, and began to talk.

  5. But after a time the stiffness wore off, and I began to find the pace of the horses too slow.

  6. Footnote: In one or two sentences he has left a degree of stiffness in the style, not so much from inadvertence as from the sacrifice of ease to point.

  7. By the third day I was on my feet again, with only the stiffness of healing wounds to remind me of those desperate passages.

  8. My short arm lacked reach and vigour, and there seemed to be some stiffness in wrist and elbow and shoulder which compelled me to yield to smaller men.

  9. Mr. Evans complained to me while outside the tent that he had a stiffness at the back of his legs behind the knees.

  10. There is an archaic stiffness about this statue, but the flowing hair, the form of the eyes, and the free style of the nude parts all show that it belongs to the archaistic period (Fig.

  11. A horse should not be sent on a journey or any other hard work immediately after new shoeing;--the stiffness incidental to new shoes is not unlikely to bring him down.

  12. Stiffness in a cod, or in any other fish, is a sure sign of freshness, though not always of quality.

  13. He should also occasionally, when sitting or lying down, quietly bend the joint backwards and forwards, to cause its natural motion to return, and to prevent stiffness from taking place.

  14. Peggy, wondering when and where any stiffness would intrude into Connie's friendship, agreed that riding was an admirable path to intimacy.

  15. His stiffness vigorously refused the approaches of Beaufort's familiarity.

  16. She would stop suddenly in the middle of a sentence, and a peculiar stiffness of the whole body would seize her, fixing the limbs immovably for several minutes.

  17. He complained of considerable stiffness of the limbs, and was undoubtedly weak, but otherwise seemed none the worse for his remarkable retirement from active life, and abstention from food for nearly a week.

  18. The stiffness begins at the top, the head and neck, and descends gradually to the trunk.

  19. Now the stiffness of the limbs accompanying this intense form of trance supervenes at once, and lasts as long as the paroxysm continues.

  20. Some of the stiffness of drawing of the earlier carpets remains, but the blossoms are clustered more naturally and the whole treatment is more skilful.

  21. The general stiffness was relieved by the boisterous greetings of the captain's boys, who had just rushed in from school; but it was a terrible evening to Bluebell, feeling de trop, and unable to calculate how soon she should be released.

  22. There was a far-off, touching look in her eyes that had come there since marriage, and she was reserved about herself, though the stiffness of first acquaintance had long ago given way to affectionate intimacy.

  23. But with intellectual people this stiffness must soon disappear, and each one will do something to keep the ball rolling.

  24. Soon conversation became lively, strangers got to know one another; when they rehearsed together duets and little pieces their stiffness wore off.

  25. The quantity of tapioca determines the stiffness of the dessert.

  26. From the difference in the methods of preparing Cream Puffs and Popovers before baking, explain the difference in the stiffness of the mixtures.

  27. This is an indication to the pupil of the proper stiffness of the dough.

  28. Laura bowed with all the stiffness of which a young back is capable.

  29. In the added touch of stiffness which she had observed in Helbeck's manner, she easily divined the result of that conversation he had no doubt held with Augustina after dinner, while she was by the river.

  30. The frankness of Polly's flatteries, and the exuberance of her whole personality, ended by producing a certain stiffness in Laura.

  31. There was nothing majestic, but the very reverse, in the King's deportment, and he seemed only kept upright by the exceeding stiffness of his cumbersome clothes.

  32. This buckram attire, it will be easily conceived, contributed no little to the natural stiffness of his thin tall figure.

  33. How much stiffness and jerkiness exasperated him may be judged from what Madame Zaleska related to M.

  34. We began dinner with the stiffness of men between whom much is unsaid.

  35. The query floored him; he could not deny that it was, and as curlylocks began to evince an intelligent interest in Lombard matters, his stiffness melted like wax under a burning glass.

  36. Our dinner proceeded drearily enough, the diplomatist's stiffness never relaxed for a moment, and my own awkwardness damped all my attempts at conversation.

  37. I have often heard that the ceremonious observances and rigid etiquette of the old Bourbon court were far preferable to the stern reserve and unbending stiffness of the imperial one.

  38. He affected a little stiffness in his behaviour, but managed all his affairs with such clearness, such steadiness, and such application, that it was no wonder he had such success in every undertaking.

  39. These heavy web-frames extended up to the middle deck, a few feet above the water-line, and added greatly to the strength and stiffness of the hull.

  40. The embroidered dress and mantle stood out with the stiffness of stone folds, and over the head-dress sparkled a crown as large as a helmet, diminishing the face.

  41. Here even the popular dances have much that is priestly, recalling the priestly stiffness of the sacred dances, and the circling frenzy of the priestess, who ended by falling in front of the altar with foaming mouth and bloodshot eyes.

  42. For a while they talked together, Mrs. Cameron noting carefully every item of Helen's attire, as well as the purity of her language and her perfect repose of manner after the first stiffness had passed away.

  43. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "stiffness" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.