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Example sentences for "varnish"

Lexicographically close words:
varlets; varma; varment; varmint; varmints; varnished; varnishes; varnishing; varo; varones
  1. Treated, or coated, with varnish in the Japanese manner.

  2. Work varnished and figured in the Japanese manner; also, the varnish or lacquer used in japanning.

  3. At seventeen, to be a gentlewoman superficially is not impossible, but at thirty-two the varnish cracks.

  4. When she had recovered sufficiently to return to the picture, she put on a light varnish, which brought up the colour of the parts that had sunk in; but varnish could not brighten her mood, and she had little hope that "No.

  5. Varnish dries before it hardens, and requires time, the more the better, to season, so it can be polished.

  6. Flowing varnish is so-called because it is lighter in body than most varnishes, and is intended as the last of all, to produce that elegant glossy surface which characterizes all fine work.

  7. Use only the whitest copal varnish for your white holly, else you will find it yellow holly after the varnish has been put on.

  8. After one coat has been put on, it must be rubbed down with sand paper to remove any varnish that may not have sunk into the work, and when all is fair and smooth and dry, a second coat may be applied and treated in the same way.

  9. It is a very beautiful job to take a plain ogee moulding and curl a bird’s eye maple veneer on the round part, and an ebony veneer on the fillet or hollow, and then varnish and polish it.

  10. If you desire the gloss that varnish gives, you must apply a thin coat of wearing varnish after this.

  11. When that is dry and hard, sand-paper with fine paper again and varnish again.

  12. It is a common fault to apply too much varnish on the first coat.

  13. The reason is this: the polish is really given to the gum of which the varnish is composed, and not to the wood itself.

  14. On no account is a second coat of varnish to be applied before the first one is dry.

  15. After a while you will see that the surface of the varnish begins to have a hard, smooth body, like carriage work.

  16. Don’t be afraid to rub down with sand paper, under the impression that you are spoiling the work, but let the varnish get thoroughly dried, and be hard before you attempt it.

  17. He watches their gradual swelling, and the polish that comes upon them through the daily melting of their varnish under the influence of sunshine.

  18. To keep this mineral when in crystals from crumbling upon exposure it may be dipped in a thin mastic varnish or in a gum-arabic solution.

  19. The plate is first coated with a varnish of bitumen of Judea on the edges (if those parts are not already covered with albumen) and on the back, so that the etching liquid can only act on the lines to be engraved.

  20. Pope]; to varnish nonsense with the charms of sound [Churchill].

  21. Thereafter it reposes in an adjacent chamber or stove until the varnish is thoroughly dried and baked; whence emerging, a pneumatic tapping machine is waiting to clear the varnish from the thread of its nose.

  22. Hence we breathe a silent prayer that not only has the shell's inside been sprayed in the most efficacious and thorough manner possible, but that the composition of the varnish itself is entirely lead free.

  23. In this unenviable position a stream of varnish is generously sprayed with a hand pump up its inside.

  24. These are small precautions which it is always better to take; some, however, neglect them, and make their varnish on a wood fire, and then double attention must be given to prevent the drugs igniting.

  25. Any painting coated with this varnish becomes brilliant, beautiful and perfectly lasting.

  26. Pure wax, which must be softened in the hand to make it spread evenly, encaustic and spirit varnish are all efficacious in preserving the colour and increasing its transparency.

  27. In using bronzes or gold in powder, some spirit varnish or specially prepared varnish is necessary to make them adhere.

  28. We have quoted above the formula for golden varnish given by Fougeroux de Boudaroy which he ascribes to Reaumur.

  29. The varnish is then brown in colour, and curiously enough when laid over silver it becomes transparent and gives the effect of brilliant gold.

  30. When the varnish is cooked, pass it through a cloth or strainer.

  31. This quantity of varnish should, according to workmen, remain seven to eight hours on the fire to cook, but this cannot be regarded as an invariable rule.

  32. I expect he diskivered it by accident, using varnish and stuff, for stale varnish has nearly the same effect as our composition.

  33. This is one point where '61' varnish excels.

  34. A varnish concern sent to a large mailing list a series of illustrated letters describing the use and advantage of its products.

  35. With these men the sandpaper of parental admonition or the flowing varnish of early association had evidently been neglected.

  36. We will acknowledge that the paint and varnish are not all that is necessary.

  37. The round brown eyes and the ruddy varnish on his cheeks were a mask upon grief, if not also upon joy.

  38. The secret of that varnish is lost--like that of the varnish on the priceless old violins.

  39. What kind of silk is used for balloons, what is the varnish which covers them, and what amount of common illuminating gas will support one pound weight?

  40. Applying a smooth coat or body of paint or varnish with a flexible roller to pails, tubs, or other articles of hollow ware, substantially in the manner herein set forth.

  41. Never imagine that anything you can say yourself will varnish your defects, or add lustre to your perfections!

  42. So, likewise, are two tables, which, having received a coat of varnish over the inscriptions, form really curious and interesting articles of furniture.

  43. Our ride to Ayr presented nothing very remarkable; and, indeed, a cloudy and rainy day takes the varnish off the scenery and causes a woful diminution in the beauty and impressiveness of everything we see.

  44. Here the ground may be rubbed off, or will show cracks, if you touch it, in these places, and the varnish should be cleaned off the face with turpentine, the plate carefully dried and regrounded.

  45. Or else the photographic print is made on the varnish itself just exactly in the same way as for a zinc block; only in this case the picture is washed away and not the surrounding portions; the biting is then proceeded with.

  46. Otherwise the varnish will either crack while you are drawing on it, or come off in the bath of acid, and your work will be spoiled.

  47. The stopping-out varnish is also to protect the plate, and is only a cheaper sort of ground dissolved in oil of lavender or ether.

  48. In a few minutes the varnish will have been completely blackened by the smoke.

  49. It was a very cold morning, and by the time Mix reached his destination the varnish was as stiff as a stone.

  50. By some mishap Mr. Mix got hold of the wrong bottle, and the substance with which he inundated his scalp was not vigor, but the black varnish with which Mrs. Mix decorated her shoes.

  51. Our ride to Ayr presented nothing very remarkable; and, indeed, a cloudy and rainy day takes the varnish off the scenery, and causes a woful diminution in the beauty and impressiveness of everything we see.

  52. Tupelo takes glue, paint, or varnish well, and absorbs very little of the material.

  53. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "varnish" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
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