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Example sentences for "parental"

Lexicographically close words:
parenchyma; parenchymatous; parens; parent; parentage; parentem; parentes; parentheses; parenthesis; parenthetic
  1. The youthful person at first tries to separate himself as much as possible from his family; he may even estrange himself from it, but inwardly this only ties him the more firmly to the parental image.

  2. The few following histories will show how this parental constellation obstructs the adaptation of the offspring.

  3. Parental power guides the child like a higher controlling fate.

  4. In the plastic years between one and five there have to be worked out all the essential formative lines which fit exactly into the parental mould.

  5. Then it occurred to him that this bargaining was altogether derogatory to his parental authority, and by no means likely to impress upon her mind the conviction that Tregear must be completely banished from her thoughts.

  6. But not on that account was he the less determined to make the young man feel that his parental opposition would be invincible.

  7. He was tolerably certain that, should he be able to overcome the parental obstacles which he would no doubt find in his path, money would be forthcoming sufficient for the purposes of matrimonial life.

  8. I hope to help young people to understand something of parental love and its responsibilities.

  9. Cast off sorrow and cheerlessness, and abstain from parental affection.

  10. But the sire, whatever his distress, moved by parental affection, never abandons the son.

  11. Ye cruel wights, how can you go away, casting off parental affection upon hearing the words of a sinful vulture of uncleansed soul?

  12. Till the god of day sets, do ye remain here hopefully, induced by parental affection.

  13. The germ cells are the elements in which the life and growth of the parental individual are continued.

  14. In sexual (digenic) reproduction the formation of the germ cell is brought about by the union in equal parts of both parental idioplasms.

  15. But also both parental characters may appear at once and in various combinations.

  16. By the same token, the parental stock can, and no doubt does, become modified to suit its environment more perfectly, thus accelerating the tempo of this type of divergent evolution.

  17. Once adaptive mutations have occurred, if genetic isolation from one source or another accompanies it, a new population different from the parental stock may become established.

  18. Leete, the plot of which turned on a situation suggested by his last words, concerning the modern view of parental responsibility.

  19. She was a little girl once more, at her parental home out West.

  20. For the doctor's horse and chaise to stop at the door of Miss Euthymia Tower's parental home was an event strange enough to set all the tongues in the village going.

  21. He was not quite finished in his parental existence.

  22. Cynthia sat perfectly still, without rocking, and watched kind Mrs. Hopkins at her quasi parental task.

  23. The death of his parents left him in charge of his Aunt Nancy, whose tender care took the place of those parental attentions which should have guided and protected his infant years, and consoled him for the severity of another relative.

  24. She had glanced off from her parental probabilities at an unexpected angle.

  25. Even their children were not to be baptized without parental consent, as this would be contrary to natural justice, as well as dangerous to the purity of the faith.

  26. The condition of parental consent seems at first glance an anachronism, but may have some Eugenic value if modified to mean that the age of consent can be pre-dated in exceptional cases.

  27. Factory life and "home" labour are equally objectionable where children are forced by parental pressure, or the exigences of economic circumstance to earn bread for themselves or to contribute to the family sustenance.

  28. The average parental influence is in itself largely a result of the heritage of the stock and not an extraneous and additional factor causing the resemblance between children from the same home.

  29. Although in many cases such a death is the result of lack of prenatal care, in still more it must be ascribed to a defect in the parental stock.

  30. The question of the influence of parental age on the characters of the offspring is one of great importance, for the solution of which the necessary facts have not yet been gathered together.

  31. Handling their material with the most refined statistical methods, and in an elaborate way, they reached the conclusion that parental alcoholism does not markedly affect the physique or mentality of the offspring as children.

  32. If these views be correct, we can only say that parental alcoholism has no marked effect on filial health.

  33. The relationship, if any, between parental alcoholism and filial intelligence is so slight that even its sign can not be determined from the present material.

  34. The frequency of diseases of the eye and eyelids, which might well be attributed to parental neglect, was found to have little, if any, relation to parental alcoholism.

  35. To sum up, then no marked relation has been found between the intelligence, physique or disease of the offspring and the parental alcoholism in any of the categories mentioned.

  36. Parental alcoholism is not the source of mental defect in offspring.

  37. The impress on the parental body must in some way be transferred to the parental germ-plasm; and not as a general influence, but as a specific one which can be reproduced by the germ-plasm.

  38. Professor Pearson's various popular lectures, also A Second Study of the Influence of Parental Alcoholism on the Physique and Intelligence of Offspring.

  39. Even when he heard within the year that she was about to make a brilliant marriage with a titled Frenchman whom she had met at Newport, he persisted in thinking of her as the victim, not of her own inconstancy, but of parental sternness.

  40. Did they realize that it was poured before the altar of parental devotion?

  41. Devoted to the education of her children, her parental government and guidance have been described by those who knew her as admirably adapted to train the youthful mind to wisdom and virtue.

  42. Let them at at least rear their children on wholesome food, and with unsophisticated habits, as the most unequivocal testimony of parental affection performing its duty towards its offspring.

  43. Let us decide, by a vote in our societies, whether we will continue our parental care over them, or leave them friendless and abandoned to their own weakness and ignorance.

  44. He had made his own money and he drew his own checks when he pleased, instead of taking them the first of the month wrapped up in a cayenne coating composed of parental remarks on extravagance and laziness.

  45. In the absence of parental care the persistence of the species is ensured by the enormous number of such offspring.

  46. It is with warm-blooded birds and mammals that the phenomena of infancy and the correlative parental care really begin.

  47. So with mammals, for the most part the young are in litters of half a dozen or so; but in Man, with his prolonged and costly infancy parental care reaches its highest development and concentration in rearing children one by one.

  48. He had, it appears, loved a beauteous girl in early life, and met with a reciprocal return; but the stern mandate of parental authority prevented their union.

  49. It is my privilege to enjoy the full flow of parental affection emanating from the bosom of God, and to reciprocate that affection, through the power of the indwelling Spirit.

  50. I should be a whale on parental authority myself if I were in your place.

  51. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "parental" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
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    adoring; affectionate; ancestral; conjugal; covering; custodial; defensive; demonstrative; devoted; faithful; fatherly; filial; fond; guardian; guarding; husbandly; languishing; lovelorn; lovesick; loving; maternal; melting; mother; parent; parental; paternal; patriarchal; preventive; prophylactic; protective; romantic; sentimental; sheltering; shielding; soft; tender; tutelary; vigilant; watchful; wifely