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Example sentences for "sheltering"

Lexicographically close words:
shells; shelly; shels; shelter; sheltered; shelterless; shelters; sheltie; shelve; shelved
  1. Soon upon the German works, sheltering squadrons of the sinister undersea boats, there rained a hell of exploding projectiles from sea and sky.

  2. The curious can find enlightenment at such sources as Mr. Louis C.

  3. Its choric structure is masterly, its spirit is running fire.

  4. Then he may be seen skulking about the borders of the streams, sheltering in the weeds or clambering about the drift.

  5. This nest was saddled upon a twig a few feet above the ground amidst the sheltering branches of a huge cedar, thus protecting the young from any direct contact with the rain.

  6. Evidently the gardener knew what he was about in sheltering these unpaid assistants.

  7. When she takes the air she rides in a carriage that has a sheltering hood, and she is veiled up to the eyes, and she must never lean out to wriggle her little finger-tips at men lolling in front of the cafés.

  8. You go right along and nail your man and we'll sit here in the shade of the sheltering palm and tell each other our troubles.

  9. Nort looked across at Dick, behind the sheltering rock, and at a nod from the latter they both began firing.

  10. Following the skilful advice of the cowboys, Bud and his cousins took their places behind some sheltering rocks, leading their horses in with them, for much depended on their mounts.

  11. Dick of his brother, as they reached some sheltering rocks on the flank of the party besieging Bud.

  12. Treading as if on eggs, he glides from trunk to trunk; for a time sheltering behind each, till assured he can reach another without being seen.

  13. Wherever night found them, whether with cloudless skies or raging storm, it mattered not, the work of an hour with their hatchets, reared for them a sheltering camp.

  14. But he would always find some sunny nook, with a southern exposure and a pleasing prospect, near the brook or some spring of sweet water, and, if possible, with forest or rock sheltering from the north winds.

  15. She turned to the sheltering arm open to her, and tried to choke the tears down, which were again rising.

  16. Not a hundred yards from the spot where the accident had taken place, two men were sheltering themselves from the violence of the rain in a half-ruined barn.

  17. Breed moved east across the Flathead and for two days he urged Shady on relentlessly till they were far up the sheltering slopes of the main divide.

  18. It had been very real, and Breed started suddenly from the knoll and headed for the base of the hills five miles away, nor did he stop until he was far back among their sheltering ridges.

  19. He ran with the last of his strength, crept from the sheltering coulee and leaped into the center of a heavy clump of sage where he crouched flat and peered out at the puzzled dogs.

  20. The great elms hung still green and sheltering over the lean-to door.

  21. Jo ran away from the Infants' Sheltering Home at Whiteville--just took to the woods one day, and the Home knew him no more forever.

  22. Unable to give any account of himself he was arrested as a vagrant and sentenced to imprisonment in the Infants' Sheltering Home--where he was washed.

  23. It was a pretty scene, the park of famous Haddon Hall and the meeting between pretty Dorothy Vernon and her young lover beneath the sheltering yews.

  24. The surrounding hills kept off the wind, and it was warm beneath the sheltering scrub.

  25. O Jesus, Saviour of the lost, My Rock and Hiding-place, By storms of sin and sorrow tost, I seek thy sheltering grace.

  26. Around this feeble, trusting band, Thy sheltering pinions spread, Nor let the storms of trial beat Too fiercely on our head.

  27. No tranquil joy on earth I know, No peaceful, sheltering dome; This world's a wilderness of woe, This world is not my home.

  28. Though long of winds and waves the sport, Condemned in wretchedness to roam, Thou soon shalt reach a sheltering port, A quiet home.

  29. Ladies sheltering behind men, men sheltering behind servants--the whole system's wrong, and she must challenge it.

  30. Time after time he begged her to let him take on the business, but she always refused him, sheltering herself, as her habit now was, behind the negligible personality of her husband.

  31. He felt that in gaining the shelter of its walls he was doing more than sheltering from the bitter wind and the dust.

  32. This creature belongs to the very middle of the Silurian, and must have lived in great depths, undisturbed by swell or breakers, and sheltering vast multitudes of other creatures in its stony colonnades.

  33. And the Filipino who went to Spain was as a rule, a very general rule, taken under the sheltering care of Miguel Morayta (see note 13).

  34. He stood Silent in prayer below the sheltering hill; A tall, wild figure, with his long, loose hair Streaming upon the wind.

  35. To DON RUY GOMEZ) My lord, I hear that you are sheltering my foe, The brigand Hernani.

  36. Skinks often were caught at their hiding places beneath rocks or other sheltering objects.

  37. In many instances those that had excavated nest burrows, but had not yet laid, deserted the nests after the disturbance involved in raising the sheltering rock.

  38. Such desertions were noted many times in the females observed on the study area, where the disturbance from my own activities in raising the sheltering rocks may have caused shifts, but it was probably not the sole motivation.

  39. The large sheep run is broken up into farms, each marked by its sheltering plantations of pinus insignis.

  40. In five minutes a second shell entered our hold, wounding two or three where we were, mostly by the buckling of the floor plates, then passing down below to the lowest hold where many men were sheltering under the water line.

  41. We lie about camp a good deal where we have an abundance of light literature, sheltering under two large, double-lined Indian tents we were lucky enough to secure the day after our arrival.

  42. As he often passed through the hands of Catholics, the priests hole, as they called it, the place where they were obliged to conceal their persecuted priests, was sometimes employed for sheltering their distressed sovereign.

  43. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "sheltering" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    covering; custodial; defensive; guardian; guarding; parental; preventive; prophylactic; protective; safe; sheltering; shielding; tutelary; vigilant; watchful