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Example sentences for "protective"

Lexicographically close words:
protection; protectionism; protectionist; protectionists; protections; protectively; protector; protectorate; protectorates; protectors
  1. For twenty years he had advocated a protective tariff so mellifluously, and he believed so sincerely in its efficacy, that he could at any time hypnotize himself by repeating his own phrases.

  2. On one subject--a protective tariff--I think that Roosevelt was less satisfactory than on any other.

  3. Lowell worked hard to secure a protective tariff on cotton goods.

  4. Only in very recent years have oysters, though plentiful, become of competitive importance in the national market; they are greatly favoured by state protective legislation.

  5. She looked up in his face for some trace of the old kindness; but the rare, fascinating smile and protective tenderness had utterly vanished.

  6. The tears dried in her brilliant eyes, and she clinched her little fist with an exalted opinion of her protective powers.

  7. As they are only intended to fight with ships similar to themselves, which may attempt to make havoc among our merchantmen, their only protection is a protective deck which covers the vitals.

  8. She would herself have admitted to a certain hardness, secretly aware, however, that it was a trait she had deliberately cultivated for protective purposes.

  9. People like that seem to develop a sort of protective instinct which guards them from any possible contact with vulgarity until such time as they shall have accumulated enough refinement to be immune.

  10. In the second century, the good emperors carried on the work of weakening the empire by the softening and enervating effects of their gentle and protective policy.

  11. In the absence of these protective influences, the wonder is, not that so many children should turn out ill, but that so many girls should turn out well.

  12. Statistics indicating business prosperity might be used as the effect from which the arguer proves that they are caused by a high protective tariff.

  13. The purely protective tariff should be withdrawn from goods the manufacture of which has been firmly established in this country.

  14. The years at Oxford in which he would have taken a temporary sameness, a sameness in the long run protective and strengthening, were spared him.

  15. In his letters we have him unspoiled, as the sentimentalists would say--not yet with the distraction of protective colouring.

  16. Human bile is no longer used either for protective or medicinal purposes.

  17. In spite of American nationalism and the prevalence of protective sentiments it is said that there is still a prejudice in the United States against home-made fine cotton goods.

  18. Even in the matter of getting protective legislation reframed to give scope to the application of the water-frame, a powerful section of Lancashire employers worked against him.

  19. This protective legislation must here be shortly reviewed.

  20. New Zealand reduplicates the woolen manufactures of England and, owing to protective duties, has attained a deserved success.

  21. As Great Britain imposes no protective duties or taxes on its imports, it evidently can not collect anything from other nations by the system of taxation under consideration.

  22. But he had more hope of commercial union with other British colonies, which had protective tariffs.

  23. Purely revenue duties on goods that continued to come in freely, purely protective duties on goods which were practically shut out, and duties which served both ends in some degree, all were advanced.

  24. The protective tariff, as we have seen, remained in a modified form.

  25. By 1894 its place was taken by the Protestant Protective Association, or P.

  26. Once committed to setting up a protective tariff in order to make reductions in favour of such colonies as would reciprocate, Mr Chamberlain and his followers went on to find in it other great advantages.

  27. It is the first protective tariff law, in the present-day sense, ever passed.

  28. The preamble gives the usual arguments for protective tariffs.

  29. Each time that they attempted to leave the protective walls the French guns smashed their ranks and slew hundreds.

  30. Under their protective fire fresh troops were landed a few days later at Atina on the Black Sea, about sixty miles east of Trebizond, which promptly occupied that town.

  31. As for Mark Twain himself, the protective coloration that had originally enabled him to maintain his standing in pioneer society ended by giving him the position which he craved, the position of an acknowledged leader.

  32. His choice of a pen-name, as we have noticed, proves how urgently he felt the need of a "protective coloration" in this society where the writer was a despised type.

  33. Thus his humor, which had originally served him as a protective coloration against the consequences of the creative life, ended by stunting and thwarting that creative life and leaving Mark Twain himself a scarred child.

  34. Deep in both of them was a kind of protective nobility; I will not say it cost them nothing, but it turned the scenes between them into comedy of the better sort, the kind that deserves the relief of stone or bronze.

  35. The grounded point, the last stage of development of Venetian lace, began to be made to supply the markets of France after the fine old Venetian point had been excluded by protective laws.

  36. They crashed into the protective bushes where the winged things could not follow.

  37. They stopped, and their staves leapt a protective inch from the ground.

  38. In the natural history of belief it owes its survival, so long as it does survive, to its "protective colouring" and its power of mimicry.

  39. But so subtly protective is its colouring that some scientific enquirers have confidently and unhesitatingly identified it with religion, and have declared that magic is religion, and religion is magic.

  40. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "protective" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    conservative; covering; custodial; defensive; fatherly; guardian; guarding; keeping; parental; preservative; preventive; proof; prophylactic; protective; saving; sheltering; shielding; tutelary; vigilant; watchful

    Some related collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    protective coloration; protective colouring; protective duties; protective mimicry; protective resemblance; protective tariff; protectively coloured