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Example sentences for "leapt"

Lexicographically close words:
leapers; leapes; leapeth; leaping; leaps; learn; learnd; learne; learned; learnedest
  1. Choosing my time I leapt in, held on to the line, the boat was pulled seaward out of reach of the breakers and I clambered on board.

  2. Startled and confused by the sudden volley which was delivered with slaughterously fatal precision, the scarcely awakened red-skins leapt to their feet.

  3. While saying this, he had leapt into a corner of the room, caught up an old repeating rifle which was standing there, and struck heavily with it at George Laithrop.

  4. Scarcely had he uttered this than, wounded as he was, the savage leapt to his feet and ran.

  5. At the same instant, Brighton Bill, who had been stretched on the cool turf with his eyes closed, leapt to his feet.

  6. Then, actually frantic with terror, many of the doomed savages leapt from the brink of the precipice.

  7. No sooner had his information been given than Jake Jordan leapt upon his horse, and stopping at every house, called for volunteers.

  8. The red ruffian had certainly fallen, and, extricating myself from the panting body of my dying horse, I leapt towards him for the purpose of raising his hair.

  9. The position of the sun, low beneath the western summit of the canyon, testified to the fact that some two hours must have elapsed since the two Pah-utes had leapt upon me.

  10. I forgive you, old boy," panted out Tom, as he leapt back once more.

  11. All my mates crowded round me with congratulations, and Captain Crim shook me by the hand as I leapt from the back of the other Captain with a warmth that was at the least as effective as it was affecting.

  12. Then it was stilled, and, without a word of reply, I leapt from the back of my horse.

  13. And then, his heart crumbling with panic, he leapt aside suddenly with a mighty spring and went crashing off through the woods as if all the fiends were clawing at his tail.

  14. The fox leapt straight upwards, hoping to pull her down, but his clashing jaws just failed to reach her talons.

  15. But the moment he fell, a score of riflemen had leapt from their lines and dashed out to rescue him.

  16. At exactly the right fraction of the instant the cock had leapt upwards on his powerful wings, lightly as a thistle-seed, but swift as if shot from a catapult.

  17. They jumped upon the upturned canoe, stared fearfully for an instant at Jackson, then leapt past him over the barrier and took refuge in the farthest corner of the cabin, under the bunk.

  18. The neglected, almost forgotten, old bridge had suddenly leapt into importance.

  19. Mac 9:48 Then Jonathan and they that were with him leapt into Jordan, and swam over unto the other bank: howbeit the other passed not over Jordan unto them.

  20. Mac 3:23 Now as soon as he had left off speaking, he leapt suddenly upon them, and so Seron and his host was overthrown before him.

  21. At that instant Blütherski awoke, leapt out of his bed and grasped her roughly by the arm.

  22. Dashing down the steps of the Foreign Office, Carmichael leapt into the waiting motor and shouted hoarsely to the driver.

  23. Had the Gentleman in Black himself advanced out of the darkness at that moment, with his blue bag on his arm and his bundle of documents in his hand, we should not have leapt to our feet and cried out more suddenly than we did then.

  24. Then Coppinger, who was standing impatiently awaiting them, leapt on board and took the command.

  25. Same little blessé makes a spiel; Says he: "When I saw our driver reel, A Strange Shape leapt to the driving wheel And sped us safe through the night.

  26. A poet in a lilied pond Espied the moon's reflected charms, And ravished by that beauty blonde, Leapt out to clasp her in his arms.

  27. But I'll never forget till the day I die, As I stood in the driving rain, And the jaded columns of men slouched by, How amazement leapt into every eye, Then fury and grief and pain.

  28. And oh, but they'd have got him too; they banged and blazed away, When like a flash a woman leapt between them and their prey.

  29. A pink flame leapt up in her cheeks, her glance swam in dreamy reminiscence.

  30. However, it did very well, and when she came she was good and loving to me, and my heart leapt out to her.

  31. A confused medley of thoughts and images passed through his brain; and then there leapt up within him an illuminating flame of certainty-- "Now he knows!

  32. For a moment a wild hope leapt up within him only to be quickly smothered.

  33. Then his eyelids fell, and he slumbered, and it seemed as Sigurd gazed That the flames leapt up in the stithy and about the Master blazed, And his hand in the harp-strings wandered and the sweetness from them poured.

  34. And his war-gear clanged and tinkled as he leapt to the saddle-stead: And the sun rose up at their backs and the grey world changed to red.

  35. With that word he leapt Into the boat, and o'er the cushions crept From stem to stern, but found no rudder there, Nor any oars, nor were the cushions fair Made wet by any dashing of the sea.

  36. Fearing discovery by day, he leapt from the train with no more hurt than a severe shaking, and as dawn came hid in some broken ground amidst trees.

  37. They flung themselves down when the great 40-pounder shells came hissing amongst them, and then, when the explosion had come and gone, leapt up to shake their fists at the Boers.

  38. Out of the brain of Leh Shin's assistant the great scheme had leapt full-grown, and it only required a little careful preparation to put it into action.

  39. Curiosity leapt into the eyes of the Chinaman, and he dropped his attitude of contempt.

  40. Above the clamor and the clang shrill sounded Vigi's bark, And when the groaning ship of Raud drew seaward to the dark, And Thorir Hart leapt to the land, bidding his rowers live Who could, Olaf and Vigi strained hard on the fugitive.

  41. She doubted whether he would be willing to go back with us, but when the phaeton was driven to the door, Sigurd rushed out to meet it and leapt into his place before we had finished our more ceremonious farewells.

  42. The King's son was beside himself with pain, and in his despair leapt down from the tower.

  43. But she did not return his kisses, for she was afraid to feed the flame that already leapt so high.

  44. The question leapt from him almost involuntarily.

  45. It was as if something within him leapt to meet the steel.

  46. Scott was already in the doorway before, like a frightened fawn, she leapt from his grasp.

  47. Her cheeks still burned at the thought, and her heart leapt with a wild longing.

  48. Once, I remember, Archie had leapt from his horse and was making his way through a patch of bush on the plains, in pursuit of a young guanaco which he had wounded.

  49. Dugald had thrown up his hands and almost leapt from the water.

  50. I would try for that big trout that had just leapt up to catch a moth.

  51. Swiftly there leapt to his recollection the critic's words, at the close of the second act.

  52. He leapt to her, heard the broken music of her sob, felt her arms close about him, her lips seek his and cling, loath to relinquish them even for the passionate murmurs of her love and longing for him.

  53. On examination, I found my second shot with the Winchester had only caught it in the hind foot as it leapt over the aloe clump.

  54. As it leapt over a clump of aloes to the left I again fired, and it answered to the shot with a growl, and disappeared from sight.

  55. And now the tension broke, and her voice leapt to high, shrill, half-hysterical speaking.

  56. And all the woman in her leapt to defend me.

  57. Amid these angry words he ordered the standards to be pulled up with all speed and leapt into the saddle, but the horse suddenly fell and threw the consul over his head.

  58. A gentleman was riding on the shore, when all at once his horse, refusing to obey the bit, leapt into the sea, walking on the crests of the waves toward the boat.

  59. For suddenly the driver screamed to his horses, and, like a bolt from the blue, a handsome, athletic fellow leapt to the ground and rushed back along the dusty road, brandishing clenched fists and stamping his feet in frenzy.

  60. The nimble torero leapt aside, but the bull's horn struck his sword and sent it spinning half across the arena.

  61. Providence was robbing him of his vengeance, and despite his crushing sense of failure, somewhere in his heart leapt a great gladness.

  62. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "leapt" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.