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Example sentences for "ignore"

Lexicographically close words:
ignorantly; ignoratio; ignoraunce; ignoraunt; ignoraunte; ignored; ignores; ignoring; ignota; ignoto
  1. His excursions into philosophy were accordingly in the nature of raids, and it is easy for those who are attracted by one part of his work to ignore other parts, in themselves perhaps more valuable.

  2. There are terrible difficulties in the notion of probability, but we may ignore them at present.

  3. The correlation of the times of different perspectives raises certain complications, of the kind considered in the theory of relativity; but we may ignore these at present.

  4. For our purposes, therefore, it will be convenient to ignore the bare possibility that there may be non-inductive non-reflexive numbers, since all known numbers are either inductive or reflexive.

  5. His former master had been a peer, and even after some years of serving a commoner Barnes found it difficult to ignore the old habit.

  6. But she must ignore what she still hoped was but superficial.

  7. Those who hold this view fail to relate the texts they emphasize with others of a deeper significance, and they ignore the grandeur and penetration and depth of the man whom they make out such a dreamer.

  8. Jesus could not have ignored the problem of sin and forgiveness, even if he had wished to ignore it.

  9. He could not deliberately ignore its mandates.

  10. Mrs. Gerhardt, who had begged him not to ignore Jennie entirely, trembled for fear he would say or do something which would hurt her feelings.

  11. From that time, although there was always a great reserve between them, Gerhardt tried not to ignore her completely, and she endeavored to show him the simple affection of a daughter, just as in the old days.

  12. Perhaps it was this feeling that no woman could prefer any other man to an Enslee that led him to ignore the ordinary caution of a lover.

  13. Forbes was horrified at the thought of Persis under such escort; but she seemed to ignore Willie's temper, and Forbes dared not intervene.

  14. He was such a youth as even Mildred could hardly ignore or despise.

  15. He saw her, ample and comfortable and sane, so busy with the comforts of the body that she seemed to ignore the soul, and yet bringing healing with her every matter-of-fact movement.

  16. He was very professional instantly, and so absorbed for a moment in relieving the child's pain that he could ignore his own.

  17. And her pride chose neither to slight nor to ignore him now, but rather to meet him casually, with indifference, as a stranger in whom she was not at all interested.

  18. Neither the Butterfly Man nor I have ever referred to that morning's incident; the witness of it we cherish; otherwise it pleases us to ignore it as if it had never happened.

  19. He broke his contract to ignore the existence of Marie Louise.

  20. They ignore the divinity that attends the mining and smelting and welding and selling of iron things, the hewing and sawing and planing of woods, the sowing and reaping and distribution of foods.

  21. Young people ignore them until they find themselves up against them.

  22. The art of ignoring is one of the accomplishments of every well-bred girl, so carefully instilled that at last she can even ignore her own thoughts and her own knowledge.

  23. In writing these lines, he was so inconsistent as to ignore the fact that he had already refused to return to public life on the ground that he must provide for his family.

  24. De Chauxville, from carelessness or natural perversity, chose to ignore the persistent eyes.

  25. Most of us ignore the fact that there are others at all, and very few indeed recognize the fact that the Russian of to-day is essentially a modern outcome of a triple racial alliance of which the best component is the Tartar.

  26. There is no simpler method of discovering a secret than to ignore its existence.

  27. I don't want you to address all your conversation to Maggie, and to ignore me.

  28. So long as you do not ignore her, she is happy.

  29. For while you can resolve the tragedy of Lady Wishfort into wicked and very grim comedy, you can do nothing with the tragedy of Lady Touchwood but try to ignore it.

  30. Up till now he would hardly have known that he was married; it had been so easy to ignore her.

  31. It was as if they had agreed to ignore it.

  32. And on this Sunday, the day of Jane's departure, she was no longer able to ignore their significance.

  33. In spite of the superb sincerity of his indifference, he found it increasingly difficult to ignore his wife.

  34. It is a justified distinction and to my mind those who ignore it are to be despised.

  35. Miss Beatrice," he said, appearing to ignore her question, "do you remember some time ago my telling you that we were like two partners at a game of bridge?

  36. A very little thing will make him turn on his heel and look at a piece of the landscape which he has hitherto chosen to ignore or despise, and probably acknowledge that it is finer than his hitherto obstinately retained outlook.

  37. I could less easily ignore Virchow's denunciation of me than his satire--a denunciation which gibbeted me as a confederate in the social-democratic cause, and which made the theory of descent answerable for the horrors of the Paris Commune.

  38. Her first feeling was to ignore her, and pedal along in front as fast as possible, to get away from such an incarnation of all her school worries.

  39. When she was bursting to impart some piece of information, and had run home, and begun eagerly to pour it out, Mrs. Patterson would utterly ignore her news, and interrupt her by reminding her that she had not changed her boots.

  40. The Pelagian would push out the doctrine of free-will so as to ignore the necessity of grace; and the Augustinian would push out the doctrine of the servitude of the will into downright fatalism.

  41. Grant that Essex had bestowed favors, and was an accomplished and interesting man,--was Bacon to ignore his official duties?

  42. The rationale of these illusions is that whenever the limit is reached, we tend to ignore it and to interpret the impression in the customary way.

  43. As for the morality of it, we had as good a right to buy picture-postcards as they, and, as I had ascertained from other rencounters of this kind, George knows very well how to ignore his family when needful for his policy.

  44. To all these novelists whose ways are cast in safe and humdrum middle-class places I would say that they had best ignore their entourage as a help to local colour.

  45. It was her bounden duty to ignore the other, even if she did not hate and despise him--seeing that he found no other friend in her family: could there have been a stronger guaranty for her going madly in love with the scapegrace?

  46. He would have liked to give up business, ignore propriety, and have the company of the odd combination of female graces and weaknesses who had won him, all the while for the present, and afterwards by way of variety.

  47. Colonel Crawford either forgot, at that moment, that he had any connection with the legal profession, or he chose to ignore the fact; and it is not to be supposed that his subordinate reminded him of it.

  48. We have no business to ignore them, or to forget them, or to make allowances for them.

  49. You must ignore the nastiness, and give the pleasant qualities, if there are any, room to manoeuvre.

  50. Miss Van Ashton, ignore me, trample me in the dust if you like, but do you know, if it had been any other woman than yourself, I should have laid her quietly down upon the ground and left her to regain consciousness as best she could!

  51. Those who deny a fixed destiny and can therefore afford to ignore the laughter of the gods, may answer with some assurance that the lives of most people, especially the marked ones, are tragic--perhaps.

  52. Then, we have the labourers of the soil who know nothing of machinery, while those who work at machinery ignore everything about agriculture.

  53. They proclaim a revolutionary principle, and ignore the consequences that this principle will inevitably bring about.

  54. Was it even quite decent in Catherine to ignore my existence until I could be of use to her, and then to ask the favour in her first breath?

  55. I had to confine my mind pretty closely to the general principle, and rather studiously to ignore the particular instance, before I could bring myself to answer the almost infantile inquiry in those honest eyes.

  56. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "ignore" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.