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Example sentences for "plating"

Lexicographically close words:
plates; platform; platforme; platforms; platina; platinic; platinized; platinotype; platinous; platinum
  1. A direct current of electricity is then caused to flow through the copper plate and into the iron plate or surface, and the plating proceeded with until the iron surface has a thin film of copper deposited thereon.

  2. Silver and nickel plating are brought about by this action of a current passing through metals, which are immersed in an electrolyte.

  3. In the Tuscumbia this forward plating was six inches thick.

  4. On the after-side nearly all the plating was found to be started, the after gun-carriage was disabled and there were distinct marks of nine XI-inch solid shot having struck within a few square feet of that port.

  5. The plating throughout was fastened with bolts 1¼ inch in diameter, going entirely through and set up with nuts and washers inside.

  6. The hull was launched the following winter and towed to Mobile, where the plating had already been sent from the rolling mills of Atlanta.

  7. The iron plating was taken off the Ozark, and the sides of our old friends the Eads gunboats, the four survivors of which were here, as ever where danger was.

  8. Iron plating was then too scarce and valuable to the Confederates to let it fall into their hands.

  9. The work was begun at Selma, on the Alabama River, one hundred and fifty miles from Mobile, in the spring of 1863, when the timber was yet standing in the forests, and much of what was to be her plating was still ore in the mines.

  10. She could not therefore be made out; which was the more unfortunate because, although only pierced twice in the morning, her plating on the exposed side had been much loosened by the battering she received.

  11. As the wax has been left on, the plating will fill the lines of the design only, and will not touch the covered surface.

  12. If a small plating outfit is not at hand the piece may be plated at a local plating works for a nominal price.

  13. The metal is then taken out and after a thorough rinsing in water is hung in the plating bath.

  14. A large open-mouthed bottle or glass tank will be required for the plating solution, which is made by dissolving copper sulphate in water until the solution is saturated with the sulphate and then adding a few drops of sulphuric acid.

  15. Illustration: The Amperes of a Fuse Reduced by Making a Nick in the Lead Wire] Dip-Plating Process The various ways of doing dip plating are practically the same method, the coating fluid consisting of essentially the same materials.

  16. Electroplating without a Tank Electroplating without a plating tank is made possible with the following easily homemade apparatus described in a German scientific magazine.

  17. The metal used for plating consists of bismuth, 4 oz.

  18. The glossy walls were painted and hung with cotton or feather tapestry, to which Las Casas adds silver plating and jewels.

  19. The jars are too easily broken, and the leaking acid eats into the steel plating of the boat, weakening it if not actually letting in the sea water.

  20. No decipherable written record was discovered inside her hull, which was filled with sand washed in through a large hole made in the plating by the chafing of the chains.

  21. Where a few seconds previously a towering mass of black and red plating rose high above the boats, there hung a cloud of smoke, steam, and spray, while all around the water was thrashed white with foam.

  22. Holes gaped in the thin plating close to the waterline.

  23. As soon as the space was filled the diver was able to open a similar door in the outer plating of the submarine, and thus gain the bed of the sea.

  24. The great rifles carried by this vessel weigh 81 tons each, throwing shot weighing a half-ton from behind iron-plating two feet in thickness.

  25. One shot had ripped up the plating of the Patapsco and pierced the wood-work beneath.

  26. The iron plating was slushed with grease.

  27. Her plating was but pine wood to the steel projectiles, flying with almost the swiftness of a minnie bullet.

  28. Probably the first incision was deep and wide, the damage, as the shelf of ice was ground down by contact with the framing and plating of the ship becoming less in area as successive compartments were ruptured.

  29. The damaged plating and broken frames were then cut away; new frames were built into the ship, the plating was riveted on, and the vessel was restored to first-class condition without entering drydock.

  30. Its upper and lower surfaces were each one inch in thickness, and each consisted of two layers of half-inch plating riveted together.

  31. This construction merely involves carrying the inner floor plating of the double bottom up the sides of the ship to the under side of the lower deck.

  32. On account of its permanence in air and inertness to oxidation, it is used in the smaller coins, for plating iron, brass, etc.

  33. It is used for graduated circles and verniers, for plating certain silver goods, and somewhat in dentistry.

  34. The procedure most widely used is that of (2) "plating out" by means of gelatin or agar plates.

  35. The thermal death-point is determined by exposing the organisms in thin tubes of broth at varying temperatures for ten-minute periods and then plating out to determine growth.

  36. The plating of the internal fire-box around this aperture is bent at right angles to meet that of the external fire-box, to which it is fastened by a row of copper rivets.

  37. In the plating which forms the back of the external fire-box, an oval aperture is formed, as represented in the back view of the engine, fig.

  38. After the brass plating is bent into the form of a tube, and being overlapped, is properly soldered together, and the edges smoothed off, the tubes are made perfectly cylindrical by being drawn through a circular steel die.

  39. Of recent years there has been a considerable demand for thin steel plating proof against small-arm bullets at close ranges.

  40. Among Congreve's unpublished papers there is also a suggestion for armour-plating the embrasures of casemates.

  41. The height of the double bottom between the outer and inner skin plating is 2½ ft.

  42. Four strakes of the skin plating extending up to the armor shelf had also been forced inward and fractured where they crossed the longitudinal frames.

  43. The following is one of the best solutions for plating with tin by the battery process:-- Potassium pyrophosphate 12 oz.

  44. For plating small delicate articles of jewellery one cell of the above form will be found powerful enough for the purpose.

  45. The solution for electro-plating articles of jewellery is the next part of the subject we have to consider, of which there are many, containing various proportions of the metal employed in silver depositing.

  46. This took place about the year 1840, and since that time the art of electro-plating and gilding has wonderfully developed, in its application to the various manufactures of the country.

  47. Another lever caused a corresponding part of the outer plating to slide back, revealing an observation plate of about three feet by two through the double skins of the starboard bilge-plates.

  48. The composition placed over the steel plating of this submarine is a secret.

  49. Although her steel plating was badly cracked and jagged, the restronium sheathing was severed as evenly as if made of wax.

  50. Not heavy enough to penetrate the plating of the 'Vorwartz,' I can assure you.

  51. Occasionally a crocodile would alight upon the deck of the "Aphrodite" and drag its armoured body over the metal plating with a dull metallic sound.

  52. He had no time for further explanation, and Hythe was at a loss to understand how the dangerous missile had exploded without actually coming into contact with the metal plating of the submarine.

  53. A dull patch in the side of the craft indicated that a portion of her plating had been swung back, revealing on closer inspection a door about five feet in height and thirty inches wide.

  54. The hiss of a powerful water jet was just audible through the double plating of the submarine's hull.

  55. Only by subjecting the plating to a fresh treatment, and that can only be done at our base in Sumatra.

  56. When the compartment was full Captain Restronguet thrust back a couple of levers and a portion of the exterior plating of the hull was pushed aside.

  57. Had she been a quarter of a minute earlier they would have stove her bows in against the massive plating of the elusive vessel.

  58. The plating curved in and there was a wide flat space parallel to the ground.

  59. Its bright plating shone through the gossamer scaffolding all about it.

  60. The plating of the Platform was actually double.

  61. From here the steep plating curved down and away in every direction.

  62. Though girders rose roofward even yet, this was as high as the plating had gone.

  63. The modern armoured car is constructed on a strongly-engined chassis, and is provided with a bullet-proof armour-plating both for engine and crew.

  64. The armament of such a car consists of two heavy machine-guns, firing through slits in the armour-plating of the body of the car.

  65. The lost Captain was somewhat heavier in both plating and backing.

  66. They average 6 inches of iron-plating to 10 inches of wood backing.

  67. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "plating" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
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    coat; coating; collop; covering; cut; deal; disk; electroplating; film; flap; foil; fold; lap; leaf; membrane; pane; panel; patina; peel; pellicle; plait; plank; plate; plating; ply; plywood; rasher; scum; sheet; skin; slab; slat; slice; table; tablet; veneer; wafer