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Example sentences for "definition"

Lexicographically close words:
defining; definite; definitely; definiteness; definitio; definitions; definitive; definitively; definitor; definitors
  1. Shall we spend all our care upon getting the planes right, or rely for our main interest upon light and shade and delicate definition of detail?

  2. For main definition in the design the essential lead line is all important.

  3. In fact, the ancient definition was "Concha petrae adhaerens," and would apply to any shells attached to rocks.

  4. That, I submit, is a pretty fair definition of the position of the wealthy man who works with his head.

  5. The missing link in his chain of evidence would be the major premise in the syllogism necessary to the establishment of his political status--a definition of "Democrat" or "Republican.

  6. He furnishes an express definition of the terms of eternal life: "Good master, what good thing shall I do, that I may have eternal life?

  7. Wherever it is sincerely held, it secures that reverential feeling towards others, beneath whose spell the selfish passions sleep, and without which the precept of courtesy and the definition of rights are an ineffectual form.

  8. So long as any idea is retained of mystically efficacious rites, consigned solely and authoritatively to certain hands, this definition cannot be escaped.

  9. That definition still holds, though we may have to include "skittles and beer" after awhile.

  10. The definition of the term as it will be used in this paper, might be given as "a record of sources and of material," and not merely a record of material to be found upon the shelves of any one library or institution.

  11. But may I ask what that definition has to do with the subject into which you so suddenly introduced it?

  12. I like your definition of her," said Kenelm.

  13. What kind of definition on the retina do these brown spots take to manifest themselves as signs of a thing eatable; and if an eagle sees a partridge so, does it see everything else so?

  14. Hold that definition always, and remember that 'light' means accurately the power that affects the eyes of animals with the sensation proper to them.

  15. It is necessary, and it is required, when the interests and rights of another government or of its people are so far affected by a pending civil conflict as to require a definition of its relations to the parties thereto.

  16. The importance of such definition is obvious.

  17. With him, as with all others, the great paradox and the great definition of life was this, that the ambition narrows as the mind expands.

  18. Whether this be or be not a good definition of the barbarian, it is an excellent and perfect definition of the poet.

  19. But the definition is faulty in one important point; it does not exclude some beings which are not of the species.

  20. It is perhaps impossible to furnish an adequate definition of his nature within the compass of a single logical proposition.

  21. The king, whom I afterwards asked for a definition of female beauty, confirmed all they said, and added a philosophical explanation of his own.

  22. One could hardly ask for a more perfect definition of immaturity.

  23. We say to you that you have made too limited in its application the definition of a business man.

  24. Mr. Wilson's speech of acceptance partook of the character of an essay in political science rather than of a precise definition of party policies.

  25. This teaching was, of course, calculated either to maintain a high standard of conduct or else to change the definition of sin.

  26. Without definition it is not found until the Christian period.

  27. According to Paul's own definition of it, it was this: 'How that Jesus Christ died for our sins, according to the Scriptures.

  28. The general adoption of the theory of evolution has definitely closed the controversy as to the nature or definition of the species.

  29. Thus the definition of the species becomes important.

  30. To give an exact definition of the word "Bushido" is impossible, because the conception of it is unknown to us.

  31. We notice that according to this definition the word includes more than a mere title; it expresses a whole social system, and regulates the views and appreciations of life of all its members.

  32. As a definition of Christian faith it is useless.

  33. The full definition of the council of Chalcedon should be published broadcast, and so studied by theologians in the light of modern psychology that they can present it as a reasonable dogma, intelligible to-day and touching modern life.

  34. This is a case in which the Chalcedonian definition is an invaluable guide.

  35. In fact, the first generation of monophysites maintained that their definition safeguarded the impassibility.

  36. This passage is unsatisfactory, both because it does not give any strict definition and because it does not seem to be in agreement with the facts.

  37. Only by such a description can we reach a correct and scientific definition of a given institution in a given society.

  38. This is a clear definition of what we called local group, and agrees perfectly well with the general picture already outlined.

  39. My choice for this purpose is the well-known definition of Dr.

  40. In accordance with our definition of "legal," we shall try to ascertain to what extent the relationship of man and wife was left to follow its natural course; at what point society interfered; and what form this intervention assumed.

  41. Keeping to the definition of this word as given above.

  42. On the other hand, the sexual rights of the husband, although very well determined, are so often crossed by other customs that exclusive access to a woman must not be made a part of the sociological definition of marriage.

  43. This is quite clear if we use the definition of legal given above, p.

  44. Westermarck's definition of marriage and family accepted at the outset as starting-point (pp.

  45. This is obviously an incorrect definition for sociological use.

  46. This definition is both negative and ambiguous, excluding elements of consanguinity from potestas and assigning to the latter "various historic roots.

  47. Sokrates proceeds to impugn the definition in this new sense.

  48. Side-note: Definition of Justice by Simonides--It consists in rendering to every man what is owing to him.

  49. At this turn of the dialogue, when the definition given by Simonides has just been refuted, Thrasymachus breaks in, and takes up the conversation with Sokrates.

  50. Side-note: Definition given by Thrasymachus--Justice is that which is advantageous to the more powerful.

  51. Plato's physiology and pathology compared with, 260; definition of sophist, ii.

  52. Definition of Justice by Simonides--It consists in rendering to every man what is owing to him ib.

  53. The definition given in the Charmides appears plainly ascribed to Kritias as its author (p.

  54. I ask again, Do the United States of America come under the definition of “Greater Britain”?

  55. And I have seen that definition quoted with approval by advocates of Imperial Federation[3].

  56. If so, then assuredly the United States of America do not come, and do not seek to come, within such a definition as that.

  57. In truth the relation between the United Kingdom and the colonies does not answer my old definition of federation which it has been said to answer.

  58. He was not a philologist if we accept the dictionary definition of that word as 'a person versed in the science of language.

  59. Johnson in definition and illustration; so that popular dictionaries of the first half of the present century commonly claimed to be abridgements of 'Johnson's Dictionary, with, the Pronunciation on the basis of Walker.

  60. Now there is and can be no objection to this definition of knowledge, provided it is consistently adhered to.

  61. We recall Aristotle’s account of moral knowing, and his definition of man.

  62. The same definition is found in James, in his chapter on Necessary Truths: “Experience means experience of something foreign supposed to impress us whether spontaneously or in consequence of our own exertions and acts.

  63. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "definition" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.