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Example sentences for "prearrangement"

Lexicographically close words:
preadamite; preak; preamble; preambles; prearranged; prease; prebend; prebendal; prebendaries; prebendary
  1. The prices for all this magnificence are quite moderate--largely due, no doubt, to the Captain's prearrangement with the manager.

  2. Fruit cannot usually be had even in season without prearrangement the evening before, and then only at exorbitant prices.

  3. Brockway reflected that the private car would doubtless be side-tracked on the spur near the telegraph office in the Union Depot, and wrote it down that prearrangement itself could do no more.

  4. It could scarcely be prearrangement this time, he decided; it was fate and no less; and having admitted so much, he crossed the platforms and let himself into the ante-room of the Tadmor.

  5. Personally, I like as little prearrangement as possible about the trick.

  6. This prearrangement is necessary, as rapidity of action is essential.

  7. For this trick, some slight prearrangement will be necessary.

  8. Somewhere not far south of the Arnus we reassembled, evidently by prearrangement and as accurately as a well-managed military-expedition.

  9. He was convinced that I had assaulted his men by prearrangement with the Vedians, after a mock fight with them at Vediamnum.

  10. By prearrangement he had been scheduled to bring the second, and as it proved, the final test of strength to the issue.

  11. By prearrangement with Mrs. Carter he hurried to Pocono at a time when he knew that Berenice was there alone.

  12. We silently separated, and by prearrangement secured our rifles; in twos we noiselessly circled the valley, and like a net gradually closed in to the center.

  13. Bonaparte as commandant, and therefore temporary dictator, received according to prearrangement the resignations of Sieyes and Roger-Ducos, to be presented on the morrow at St. Cloud.

  14. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "prearrangement" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    approach; arrangement; attack; blueprint; briefing; calculation; conception; contrivance; design; device; disposition; enterprise; equipment; foresight; forethought; foundation; game; groundwork; idea; intention; layout; lineup; manufacture; method; methodology; mobilization; organization; picture; planning; plotting; prearrangement; preliminary; premeditation; prep; prerequisite; procedure; processing; program; provision; rationalization; schedule; schema; scheme; scheming; setup; strategy; system; tactics; training; treatment; trial; tryout; way