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Example sentences for "whim"

Lexicographically close words:
whill; whilom; whilome; whilse; whilst; whimper; whimpered; whimpering; whimpers; whims
  1. It was the Duke's whim to condescend further in the direction of Noaks than in any other.

  2. No; for in Oxford it is a whim of mine--I may say a point of honour--to lead the ordinary life of an undergraduate.

  3. The imagery is so lucid that we are able to follow with effortless pleasure the intricate windings of a plot which at Beckford's whim twists and turns through scenes of wonderful variety.

  4. I grew weary of forever sending good hard-earned dollars after bad ones, merely because of the shifting whim of some theorist five thousand miles away.

  5. The law has been changed repeatedly at the whim of every theorist who happened to be in power.

  6. She has a whim for revisiting Switzerland; and in the mean time begs that if, during our absence, you should have a whim for sea air and solitude, you may make of the villa any use you please.

  7. The dream of a genius, or the whim of a madman," Rolston answered in a grave voice.

  8. To let the world suppose that it's his whim and fancy to live like a rook at the top of an elm tree, when all the time he's providing against the possibility of annihilation, that's a stroke of genius.

  9. It was Juanita's whim to have dinner served in a wonderful conservatory built out on that side of the Palacete which looked upon the gardens separating it from the eastern villa where Rolston and I were housed.

  10. Obviously the secret was out, it was startling enough in all conscience, and, as I thought, merely the whim of a madman.

  11. For so hath her strange whim wrought upon her that she knoweth naught of that which passeth around her, and one face to her is like another.

  12. For only a whim they supposed this drilling to be, though in reality he had taken note of all their figures and, with the exception of Herbert's and Dorothy's, saw that each could be improved.

  13. A whim had seized the obstinate animal to approach his late rider and fawn about his feet, nibbling the scant grass which grew there, as the pony was already doing.

  14. Fifty-eight years ago Jolyon had become an Eton boy, for old Jolyon's whim had been that he should be canonised at the greatest possible expense.

  15. His whim to take up farming was but a bit of sentiment, and about as likely to last.

  16. I can find no trace of any reasonable motive; he seems to have slandered you from mere whim or the mere love of causing misery, or some spite or perhaps to increase the impression of his own importance.

  17. There was a time, you know, when you had some whim about it, and when I had to report to you.

  18. I had the whim to make something for somebody--I have an embroidering mania on me sometimes--and there was a chance to dispose of it, you see.

  19. It is my good fortune to have a friend whose whim it is to support a touring-car, chiefly in innocuous idleness.

  20. He had in life a passion for collecting jewels, and it had been his whim to carry them with him, wherever he went.

  21. Specifications, either for supplies or for construction work, were worded differently at different times, according to the individual wish or whim of the department officer preparing them.

  22. So I am afraid the matter will have to stand just where it is today--a book will be censored as unfit or unclean according to the whim of the individual librarian.

  23. Then the common whim of the observer drew me to compare her with her brother, and to note their likeness and unlikeness.

  24. You are free to stop whenever the whim strikes you; I must do exactly as you bid.

  25. The literary society, named in accordance with the grotesque whim of Oxford undergraduates, consisted of eight members, and it was proposed that each one should contribute a chapter.

  26. It would be unfair to me and to the other men not to say frankly that the whim was not taken up in any malicious or underhand spirit.

  27. You see this is your father's house, though the whim is mine.

  28. It is a very discreditable whim for a young lady in your position," he said sternly; "and I beg that such a proposition may not be made to me again.

  29. This trip to the seaside was a whim of my wife's; and, like most other whims of my wife's, it has entailed trouble and expense upon me.

  30. But this is a whim of mine, papa; I should really like to spend the afternoon at Chelsea.

  31. Gladly would I give it if I could, but I only know that it was the whim of my timid Viola, and I yielded to it.

  32. His last whim had been to bring with him on his weekly visits some new, useful, and ingenious article for the young housekeeper.

  33. Of course I was driven from whim to whim, to keep them busy, and to preserve my originality, and at last I became eccentric for eccentricity's sake.

  34. At a cross-road, which would take the stage into the village without its passing our house, a whim possessed me.

  35. He has a whim of having him broken to drive without blinders, bare of harness; he has been away so of late that he has not accomplished it.

  36. Let this whim pass, my son; be sensible, and do not wish to see my life worn out, this house fall to the ground, my household go to ruin.

  37. The old woman was beside herself with amazement when she heard the strange whim and the fancy of the Prince, and the toils and perils he had gone through to satisfy himself; then she said to him, "Hasten away, my son!

  38. I will see this especial young goddess,' said Nadine, who never relinquished a whim when it encountered opposition.

  39. He was conscious that he must appear unmanly and feeble to her, since he allowed her to play with him thus at her whim and pleasure.

  40. It was but an odd whim of some old pedant, to find in this a reason for declaring it ungrammatical to say "This is the best of the two.

  41. This name therefore is too general; it includes other parts of speech than interjections; and it was but a foolish whim in Dr.

  42. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "whim" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.