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Example sentences for "personality"

Lexicographically close words:
personae; personage; personages; personal; personalities; personalized; personall; personally; personals; personalty
  1. There was something vivid and dominating about his personality at that moment which lifted mere fanatical rhetoric to real grandeur.

  2. And the dead man whose personality the place expressed so poignantly was himself.

  3. Now, Jack," the doctor began afresh, the reassuring force of his personality again in play.

  4. One visitor whose bulk filled the doorway, the expansion of his smile spreading over a bounteous rotundity of cheek, impressed himself as a personality who had the distinction in avoirdupois that Jim Galway had in leanness.

  5. With the hearty breeze of his personality he fairly blew Jack onto the porch, where magazines and pamphlets were dropped indiscriminately in a pile on a rattan settee.

  6. All the effective charm of his personality which he never wasted, the charm that could develop out of the mask to gain an end when the period of listening was over, was in play.

  7. It was an immediate and unanimous tribute to the sway Carson Dwight's personality had long held over them.

  8. Not three men in the excited mob associated the voice or personality with the friend and partner of the man demanding their attention.

  9. The ebbing light was not enough to reveal to Mrs. Martin's aged gaze the personality of her visitor, till Hannah explained.

  10. Having no further doubt of her personality he came out with thoughtless abruptness from the closet behind her, and looking round suddenly she beheld his shadowy fur-clad outline.

  11. The Mystic in his moment of enlightenment attains through the flux of his personality the realisation of oneness with the divine forces of the Universe.

  12. The only other English name deserving comment in the petit cercle of the Café de Paris is that of Major Fraser, whose personality was an enigma.

  13. The sculptor himself has not produced it at first hand, yet his personality has been stamped even on the copy, for the machine can do nothing except what has already been done for it.

  14. A more skilled workman follows him to shape the material to a close copy of the cast; and the sculptor himself adds the finishing touches which stamp his personality on the completed work.

  15. His manner of sharp authority would be hard to dispute, for it was supported by a personality that seemed to be stronger than Alcatrante's.

  16. But greater far than the public esteem is the affection of the Staff, who naturally enough regard the personality of Punch with a good deal more than ordinary loyal sentiment and esprit de corps.

  17. The first dramatic effort of Punch, in his individual quality and personality as a jester, was the pantomime of "King John, or Harlequin and Magna Charta.

  18. I say "his" paternity; for the absolute personality of Punch has long been recognised.

  19. The most interesting personality of the Punch Staff was unquestionably Tenniel.

  20. Sir William Agnew's personality has tended to colour Punch up to a certain point with just a shade of his own Liberal political opinions.

  21. But Punch was not only a personality himself, but at the outset began by introducing the rest of his family to the public.

  22. Into his personality strangers must not intrude.

  23. As he puts on his uniform, he strips off his isolated personality and stands forth as the trusted champion of an institution.

  24. Both are rational persons, and the greater part of the young man's education is addressed to his rational personality rather than to the peculiarities of his sex.

  25. In a living university a great variety of methods spring up, according to the nature of the subject and the personality of the teacher.

  26. These speakers of an impersonal language which in psychological development was scarcely above the grade of childhood, were exercised in a tongue that stands second to none in Europe for purity, vigor, personality and philosophical power.

  27. Personality was next to nothing and individuality was in a certain sense unknown.

  28. The most striking personality in this group was General Ludendorff.

  29. It depended entirely on the personality of the Hungarian Prime Minister how he observed the regulation.

  30. Although his voice had lost much of its old sonorous reach, and although the old clear rhythms were occasionally broken by hesitancies, the magic of his personality oriented to him every face.

  31. A man could not know Forbes for long and not be quickly conscious of a new sense of the value of himself, which made him believe that his own personality and life were things of great importance.

  32. Just so: the game was only beginning, but, if the medium had developed, the split-off personality would have taken charge and limitless cheating and fraud could have been carried on by a medium who was to all seeming an honest man.

  33. Whether we are dealing with a singularly vivid imaginative picture or with the personality of a man no one can really decide.

  34. Perhaps being nauseated was, in this case, a symbol of the disgust which one personality felt towards the frauds and lies of the other.

  35. This loss of awareness can be carried further, and actions involving complicated processes can be performed without the main personality knowing of them.

  36. This stream is now independent of the main personality and out of its control; as far as the patient knows her pains are real, her deformity is a disease, and whoever doubts it is not only ignorant but cruel.

  37. Myers, and though his stories of the marvellous are largely repetitions of old material yet his treatment of the psychology of double personality is illuminating.

  38. Here I must differ and claim to have decided, for myself at least, that no personality other than that of the actual writer was concerned.

  39. This honesty of the main personality of the Dissociate leads astray professors of physics or of the old psychology.

  40. That the second personality of the dowser is able to deceive him is now explained, and his obvious honesty so influences non-critical observers that their credulity is no cause for wonder.

  41. Professionally speaking, it was his hand that made his personality unique and enviable.

  42. The rain-washed pine, the complete absence of windows, and the austerity of the massive brass door contributed to a personality of dignified and pessimistic aloofness.

  43. Not that mental processes made much difference to a man in his condition, still, they had the effect of setting her personality still further apart from that of other women.

  44. Nor was she so ignorant of life as such a guarded personality might be thought.

  45. She learned to efface her own personality that others might shine who had a better right.

  46. It was a reassuring room, bright, orderly, workmanlike, reflecting the personality of its owner.

  47. That I'll have to cater to the personality of the person I'm selling to?

  48. He was as one beside himself, so wholly absorbed was he in translating into the terms of color and line, the loveliness purity and truth that was expressed by the personality of the girl as she stood among the flowers.

  49. To Aaron King--aside from the subtle flattery of the famous novelist's attention--there was in the personality of the odd character a something that appealed to him with peculiar strength.

  50. Even on the streets of the little city, he found himself hoping to catch a glimpse of the uncouth figure and the homely, world-worn face of the man whose unusual personality had so attracted him.

  51. Yet his personality and his natural soldierly gifts were such that General Sherman considered him "the most remarkable man the Civil War produced on either side.

  52. There is a further reason for assuming the personality of the gods.

  53. But there is no more need for maternal personality between the sheets of a bed than between the leaves of a book or the bricks of a wall.

  54. The personality of the King spoils almost every chance of safety.

  55. Before I close this chapter I ought to say a word about the Brigadier whose personality dominates the canvas.

  56. Up to now his personality is merely a source of curiosity and amusement.

  57. All who served under Best-Dunkley remember the fact with a certain amount of pride, however unfavourably his personality may have impressed itself upon them at the time--for "All times are good when old!

  58. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "personality" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.