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Example sentences for "backs"

Lexicographically close words:
backhanded; backing; backlash; backless; backlog; backsheesh; backside; backsight; backslidden; backslide
  1. When they are in motion their tails are curved high over their backs like those of some hounds, and have a bare place each on the outside from the tip midway, that does not seem to be matter of accident, but somewhat singular.

  2. The two half-backs must also be fast runners and good dodgers.

  3. As soon as the ball is passed to one of the half-backs for a run, for example, round one end of the line, his interference must form immediately.

  4. In recent years, owing to the development of "passing," the field position of the half-backs has undergone a change.

  5. The approach of a boat, or a person walking along the sand, will cause them to at once speed like lightning into deep water, leaving behind them a wake of sand and mud, which is washed off their backs in their flight.

  6. The backs of the seas were smoother and less disturbing to watch as they faded into the gathering dark.

  7. There was no wind, and in the foreground the sea ran in long undulations whose backs blazed with light.

  8. All material was carried up on Indians' backs from the plain 350 feet below, by an almost precipitous trail.

  9. As the Rock was bare of building material, this had all to be brought up from below on the backs of Indian neophytes--the timbers from the mountains 20 miles away.

  10. Almost at the same instant one of her boats was lowered, and came pulling towards us as fast as the men could bend their backs to the oars.

  11. As soon as their backs were turned the drop was made by all, but in such haste that everyone’s hands were terribly lacerated by the rope.

  12. Glancing along the line of backs at the bar, the Mexican singled out Conrad and touched his arm.

  13. He walked out behind their backs without saying a word.

  14. Between them they worked the sodden weight of the dead magter through the hole, their exposed backs crawling with the expectation of instant death.

  15. The few workers still on duty turned their backs in frigid silence.

  16. This rejection savours of the contempt with which some young men turn their backs on the fathers who fashioned them.

  17. The stiff straight back in the neat black dress is different from all the other toiling backs on the slopes.

  18. Their names were put down on a list without a word being said, and they were simply taken elsewhere; after the lapse of some days they came back to us with their backs all wounds and blood.

  19. Some turned their backs on me, and made no reply to my parting words.

  20. The men condemned to the rods, having undergone their punishment, were brought straight to the hospital, their backs still bleeding.

  21. He had seen the bundles and bags and boxes of a hundred pounds that they were to carry on their backs around rapids too swift to pole or "track," and over the many portages and exchanges on their long journeys.

  22. As the occupants are generally sitting flat on the floor, or stretched out at full length on their backs or stomachs in the dirt, they are in a stratum of air comparatively clear; or, at least, endurable to Indian lungs.

  23. The two wrestlers lie flat on their backs upon the ground or sand and against each other, but head to foot, or in opposite directions.

  24. I could not have imagined it was possible for half so many people to turn their backs on everybody else in such small rooms as ours.

  25. I recall him most vividly against the background of faded brown book-backs in the old library in which we less destructive seniors were trusted to work, with the light from the stained-glass window falling in coloured patches on his face.

  26. But the unsaid things those backs expressed broke out, I remarked, with refreshed virulence in the various organs of the various sections of the party next week.

  27. I disentangled them very gently, and took each wrist and kissed it, and the backs of her hands.

  28. Her long fingers might have been of china, but that when raised so that the sun struck their backs they were turned to a translucent rose.

  29. Her eyes, moreover, were lustrous as the backs of these flies, iridescent with the changing lights of the declining sun, and the changed direction of her glance following the dancing ball of guelder-rose.

  30. She took it at once; the moment the backs of the two men were turned she darted into the passage and stood back against the door out of the flare of the candle.

  31. In the streets there are a very few wayfarers who are running to take shelter, running with their backs hunched up, although nothing is falling yet, like people without umbrellas surprised by a shower.

  32. But who would not be amused at that instinct which causes the majority of mankind to hunch their backs against hail of whatever description?

  33. Quick and handy with that ’ere clasp-knife of yourn, Conrad, when you done for the crew of the True Love what was lying on their backs off Calabar a-waiting for you to obey orders.

  34. Trees and the backs of a few cottages on their left, denser woodland ahead of them, circumscribed the view here.

  35. Ellidi now Or ever her way stop Shall smile the backs Of these asunder.

  36. Our hands were tied behind our backs and our feet were tied together, so we couldn't do a thing to him.

  37. Those pesky guys have got Gaston again," he announced, as he went over to where his three bunkies sat on the floor, backs propped against the wall, and busily engaged in writing letters.

  38. DINAH with a little playful scream backs to chair below writing-table, and sits.

  39. Pair of rose-coloured corduroy curtains with tie backs for centre windows.

  40. They all look at him and he becomes embarrassed and backs up stage a little.

  41. In the twinkling of an eye it was broached, and fifty backs were shoving round it like a football scrummage.

  42. A score of lashes on both your backs will teach you manners and him his duty.

  43. Holding their weapons and powder well above the backs of their swimming horses they reached the further side and took up the trail again.

  44. Deliberately and with unutterable scorn and loathing she turned from him to her father and her uncle, who forthwith shattered the absurd rules of pomp by showing him their broad backs and leaving at once.

  45. In the great courtyard of Bent's Fort one evening more than a week later, three trappers sat with their backs against the brass cannon that scowled at the heavy doors.

  46. When Hank and Tom took the packs from the backs of their mules at night not a move they made was missed; and they soon learned that quite a few of the Mexicans were sleeping in the wagons of friends during the morning traveling.

  47. We were sorely pressed by the Hun hordes and were fighting with our backs against the wall.

  48. Birds flew about in the pines, squirrels chattered in the oaks, butterflies floated here and there, and from the pond near by came the croak of frogs sunning their green backs on the mossy stones.

  49. It was principally for her sake that we decided to strike at all, and then, when we're all deep into it, she goes and backs out!

  50. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "backs" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.