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Example sentences for "backhanded"

Lexicographically close words:
backfire; backgammon; background; backgrounds; backhand; backing; backlash; backless; backlog; backs
  1. Floki did not strike downwards, but whirled his halberd with a peculiar backhanded stroke, as erratic as the man's nature.

  2. Hobson faced the bar as if to pick up his beer; instead, he swung at Tesno's head with a vicious backhanded blow.

  3. He flung it backhanded and it caught Willie on the shoulder as he dived into the room, falling flat.

  4. I deemed not that there was a knight in Scotland, save the Bruce himself, who could have so borne himself; and never did I, Ingram de Umfraville, come nearer to losing my seat than I did from that backhanded blow you dealt me.

  5. At this significant Italian rest on the word 'But,' his backhanded shake of his right forefinger came into play; a very little, and very cautiously.

  6. There ought to be some way to detect and punish such backhanded knockers.

  7. They'll be the friends of the Central Empires, who want to give Old England and her Colonies a backhanded blow by cutting off the supply of munitions and supplies that keeps on flowing toward the coast day after day.

  8. As it fell, Klaas knocked it away with a backhanded blow, and sprang between it and his foe.

  9. I saw you put aside a thrust from an officer in the melee, and strike him from his horse with a backhanded cut with your sword, dealt with a vigour that left nothing to be desired.

  10. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "backhanded" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    abusive; atrocious; backhanded; circuitous; circular; contumelious; degrading; deviating; devious; digressive; discursive; divergent; excursive; helical; humiliating; indirect; insolent; insulting; meandering; oblique; offensive; orbital; outrageous; rotary; round; roundabout; scurrilous; shy; side; sidelong; sinister; sinistral; spiral; unspeakable