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Example sentences for "backhand"

Lexicographically close words:
backfield; backfire; backgammon; background; backgrounds; backhanded; backing; backlash; backless; backlog
  1. A; a12] strike with a backhand slap or hit with a backhand stroke.

  2. In forehand play the bowl as it courses to the jack describes its segment of a circle on the right, in backhand play on the left.

  3. He slices his straight backhand shot, but pulls his drive 'cross court.

  4. Johnson chopped viciously down the side-line, but Pearson volleyed to Johnson's deep backhand corner.

  5. The locked wrist, with no turn is essential on all backhand shots below the shoulders.

  6. The fundamental weakness of Gerald Patterson's backhand stroke is so apparent that any player within his class dwarfs Patterson's style by continually pounding at it.

  7. For the cross drive to his backhand, you must conceive of a diagonal line from your backhand corner to his, and thus make your stroke with the footwork as if this imaginary line were the side-line.

  8. Young Jones has a splendid all-court game, with a remarkable forehand drive but a tendency to weariness in his backhand and service.

  9. She chops viciously forehand and backhand off the ground and storms the net at every opening.

  10. I believe that every leading player in the world in 1950 will have a drive and a chop, fore- and backhand from the baseline.

  11. His backhand is slightly sliced down the line and pulled flat across the court.

  12. Watson has a fine service, beautiful ground strokes fore and backhand and a more aggressive volley than Garland.

  13. His backhand is a poke and very unreliable.

  14. His backhand is a severe "poke," none too accurate, but very deadly when it goes in.

  15. The perfect backhand drive is off the waist, and the racquet passes along that hitting plane.

  16. His backhand is a flat drive, accurate and low but rather slow and in the main defensive.

  17. Washer has a very feeble backhand for so fine a player.

  18. Her backhand is beautifully played, from perfect footwork, with a free swing and topped drive.

  19. Crosscourts: To be mixed in with your straight up and down strokes are the crosscourt forehand and backhand shots.

  20. Straight up and down backhand and forehand rail shots.

  21. The ball travels off your racquet high into the backhand or left wall, rebounds sharply to the opposite or forehand wall heading toward the front of the court.

  22. The forehand and backhand ground strokes should be hit with a short, snap of the wrist--as though you were cracking a whip.

  23. The double boast is hit almost straight into the side wall and fairly low (three to four feet above the floor) and can be hit either off the forehand or backhand side.

  24. At length the Scotchman made a swinging, backhand stroke, full at Sir Frederick's neck.

  25. As I passed him in my career I struck at him a backhand blow; but he caught it, with great dexterity, upon his shield.

  26. I would suggest that we go through the forehand and backhand strokes to make certain that we are right.

  27. In making the backhand stroke, which you will learn this afternoon, the fingers should be closer together and the thumb extended out along the handle behind the racquet.

  28. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "backhand" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
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    abusive; atrocious; backhanded; circuitous; contumelious; degrading; devious; digressive; divergent; excursive; haymaker; hook; humiliating; indirect; insolent; insulting; oblique; offensive; outrageous; roundhouse; scurrilous; side; sidelong; sinister; sinistral; swing; unspeakable