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Example sentences for "digressive"

Lexicographically close words:
digress; digressed; digressing; digression; digressions; digs; digue; dihedral; diis; dije
  1. In imitation of Sterne is conceived the digressive speculation concerning the door through which at the beginning of the book he is cast into the rude world.

  2. In a beautiful, digressive exclamation at the end of the Lusiad, he affords us a striking view of the neglect which he experienced.

  3. What follows is a natural completion of the whole; and, the digressive exclamation at the end excepted, is exactly similar to the manner in which Homer has concluded the Iliad.

  4. A rule which, strictly speaking, is not outraged by the digressive exclamations of Camoens.

  5. Another digressive chapter considers the proper subject of physical science, to wit, corpus mobile, and another considers its divisions.

  6. Several chapters, that seem digressive in an historical light, are to be defended by this consideration.

  7. Brougham made a great speech on education the other night, but it was so long, tedious, and digressive that he drove everybody away.

  8. It is as digressive as a wild convolvulus.

  9. Some description of this singular body, which was, we believe, in a measure unknown to the great mass of the people of the Northern States, will not be deemed digressive at this point.

  10. I will not," said Death, "I know my job, and I stick to my job.

  11. He had no strength to go down the three flights of stairs in the cheap Brooklyn lodging house where he lay, and borrow a knife from the landlady who came and went vaguely in the nether regions, dim and damp and dismal.

  12. But in the Northern cities, with their enormous numbers of aliens, all more or less strange to the American eye, Carter found no great difficulty in passing as white.

  13. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "digressive" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    aberrant; aimless; backhanded; circuitous; circular; desultory; deviating; devious; diffuse; digressive; discursive; divergent; episodic; errant; erratic; excursive; helical; inarticulate; indirect; labyrinthine; loose; mazy; meandering; oblique; orbital; planetary; rambling; rotary; round; roundabout; roving; serpentine; shifting; side; sidelong; sinister; sinistral; snaky; spiral; stray; swerving; tangential; turning; twisting; undirected; vagrant; veering; wandering; winding; zigzag