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Example sentences for "good deed"

  • If I do a good deed which I am free to do or not to do, I perform a morally good and therefore meritorious work.

  • Gazzaniga says that sufficient grace confers the power to perform a good deed, but that something more is required for the deed itself.

  • It is written, that a good deed bears a blessing for its fruit; and it is also written, that the wages of sin is death.

  • And therefore she does many a good deed, thinks of all in the humble cottages and in the rich mansions, where there are also afflicted ones.

  • That is a good deed," she said; "I hope the others will take example by it.

  • Thou didst me a good deed, therefore let it be thine.

  • As thou hast taken pity on me, I will take pity on thee; in place of a good deed look for a good deed.

  • If thou hast done a good deed, boast not of it.

  • However determined a person may be to commit a crime, or to perform a good deed, the idea of the immediacy of the event may, in the last moment, induce him to change his mind.

  • A father does right in supporting his young children, inasmuch as he, by supporting them, discharges a duty incumbent upon him, but we do not say that he does a good deed by supporting them, or that it is good of him to do so.

  • He went back to him, found him, and was kindly welcomed; the sight of him reminded the priest of a good deed he had done; such a memory always rejoices the heart.

  • I would not have you trust to dainties rather than to the honour which is the reward of a good deed.

  • If I do a good deed in secret, I know that it is seen, and my conduct in this life is a pledge of the life to come.

  • Yet there can be passive scandal, without sin on the part of the person whose action has occasioned the scandal, as for instance, when a person is scandalized at another's good deed.

  • For it belongs to every virtue to perform a good deed and to avoid an evil one.

  • For even as one who has the faith, can commit an actual sin, venial or even mortal, which he does not refer to the end of faith, so too, an unbeliever can do a good deed in a matter which he does not refer to the end of his unbelief.

  • Twould be a good deed, Skipper Davy,' says I.

  • Twould ease your heart t' do a good deed,' says I.

  • He who does a good deed is instantly ennobled; he who does a mean deed, is by the action itself contracted.

  • Tis a kind of good deed to say well: / And yet words are no deeds.

  • So shines a good deed in a naughty world.

  • When an early English word is compared with Hebrew or Coptic, as used to be done in the old editions of Webster's Dictionary, history is set at defiance; and it was a good deed to clear the later editions of all such rubbish".

  • Brigit and Bress were the parents of three gods entitled Brian, Iuchar, and Uar, and it looks as though these three were equivalent to the Persian trinity of Good Thought, Good Deed, and Good Word.

  • In Persian philosophy the trinity of Goodness was Good Thought, Good Deed, and Good Word, and in Britain these Three Graces were symbolised by the three Golden Berries of the Mistletoe or Golden Bough.

  • The assurance of my companion that I was doing a good deed seemed to disfavor this supposition, as what possible good could that do myself or any one else?

  • The joy of the spirit, which is the reward of a good deed, comes a gift from God, a treasure worthy of being garnered into the storehouse of an immortal being.

  • I ventured to make an inquiry, and the reply was, "You are doing a good deed.

  • Needful it is therefore that a man do what good he can, and do not pride himself thereof in thought or in word; for he has not the doing of a good deed of himself, nor of his own desiring.

  • The fourth that snatches from a man his reward for a good deed (is) when he does it with the intent to be holden better than others, or to lessen the good deed of others, or to outdo it if he can.

  • The third that snatches a reward from a good deed is boasting by him that does the good deed, as the Pharisee did, of whom GOD said to the folk that stood before Him, "Soothly, this man has lost his reward for all his good deed.

  • That were a good deed if thou couldest do it.

  • Unhappy is he who does a good deed in hope of a return.

  • They say, that a good deed is the command, and sin the prohibition of the law; and therefore that the law forbids the wicked many things, but commands them nothing, because they cannot do a good deed.

  • Ah, it will be a good deed to carry you from this godless home.

  • I want to earn a Mitzvah (good deed) and a little money thereby.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "good deed" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    electrical phenomena; good advantage; good book; good brother; good brown; good deal; good face; good fruit; good intention; good large; good length; good letter; good looking; good memory; good number; good sermon; good sign; good size; good stead; good talk; good will; good yeast; good young; goodly portion; obtain from; political opinion