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Example sentences for "cavil"

Lexicographically close words:
cavesson; cavetto; caviar; caviare; cavies; caviling; cavilled; cavillers; cavilling; cavils
  1. This punctilious cavil is very characteristic of Castelvetro.

  2. Erasmus can do nothing but cavil and flout, he cannot confute.

  3. I know of no other cavil against the historical accuracy of the New Testament, that I can regard as worthy of being dignified with the name of difficulty.

  4. Let unbelievers cavil as they may, an overwhelming majority of the holiest and the best of men have bowed before the character of the Jesus of the Evangelists in humble adoration, and felt that it was immeasurably above them.

  5. Surely, then, no cavil on this score can be admitted.

  6. And let none cavil at the thought, that thus Adam may have rested his thousands of years, and the last taken of Adam's children only a few moments.

  7. But although, with our rectified information, we may except against the picture of Steele as a man, we can scarcely cavil at the reproduction of his manner as a writer.

  8. Yet don't expand a trifling blot, Or ban the book for what it's not (That is the poor device of those Who cavil where they can't oppose!

  9. But this paltry cavil had completely failed.

  10. From my point of view the cavil is certainly paltry, but it is hard to see that it is more paltry than the others.

  11. And I could have wish'd, if I had not loved the Mystery rather than the Letter, that no Cavil and Exception could have been made to it.

  12. We must certainly do something to cover this difficulty; if we omit the subject entirely, we shall leave much opportunity for cavil on this question when the question goes to the people.

  13. I will not stop to cavil about the construction of these words; but I see none of the difficulties that suggest themselves to the mind of my friend from Virginia.

  14. I cavil not with Him: the voice That freedom's blessed gospel tells Is sweet to me as silver bells, Rejoicing!

  15. Now, I have been too long apprenticed to the trade of the cataloger to find it in my heart to cavil at his art and the carefully evolved, scientifically derived principles upon which it rests.

  16. There was no note of cavil in Marion's voice.

  17. Had she seemed to cavil at the words of her Lord when she simply longed with all her soul to understand?

  18. Which step conciliates all and some, stops cavil in a trice: "The humble holy heart that holds of newborn pride no spice!

  19. But the Author of the plays intended when the time had fully come for him to claim his own that there should not be any possibility of cavil or doubt.

  20. The existence of such a principle is good; and we will not cavil at it, if it be accompanied with a little pride, or even with a great deal.

  21. Let no one cavil at our phraseology, when we say that the determination was most heroical.

  22. He expressed his opinions with a clearness and precision the more impressive because totally devoid of cavil and of rhetoric.

  23. So that if any other do innovate and bring up to me a word afore not used or not heard, I would not dispraise it: and that I do attempt to bring it into use, another man should not cavil at.

  24. And, where they once agreed, to cavil now.

  25. None learn from thee to cavil with their God; None commune with thy genius to depart Without a loftier instinct of the heart.

  26. But if you speak doubtfully, or covertly in answer there unto; I doubt not but God will help me to find you out, and lay open your folly; if I shall live till another cavil by you be put forth against the truth.

  27. It is a vain thing for men to cavil at the doctrine of peculiar election, and to quarrel with God for choosing some, and passing by others.

  28. If, led from earthly things to things divine, His creature thwart not his august design, Then praise is heard instead of reasoning pride, And captious cavil and complaint subside.

  29. Because ye will not, Conyers would reply-- And he says much that many may dispute And cavil at with ease, but none refute.

  30. Thou shouldst observe much tact and wisdom, for they seek at all times to cavil at and deny the Cause.

  31. We are loath to enlarge on this subject, inasmuch as the unbelievers have inclined their ears towards Us in order to hear that which might enable them to cavil against God, the Help in Peril, the Self-Subsisting.

  32. It may, perhaps, be inquired by those who are willing rather to cavil than to learn, what is the just measure of frugality?

  33. Progress leads toward the outside world of letters, and to cavil at work such as Mrs. Renshaw's is to set obstacles in the path of progress.

  34. It would be in bad taste to cavil at slight technical imperfections or instances of triteness when considering so earnest and glowing a delineation of the British character; the noblest human type ever moulded by the Creator.

  35. She was free to choose a husband, and we have no right to cavil at her choice.

  36. The dreaded critics received the tidings of his indisposition without cavil at its imputed origin, treated the whole subject with comparative indifference, which would have mortified him a week ago, but seemed now to assuage his unrest.

  37. In cases where a whole seam is stopped, it having been previously cavilled separately, the men belonging to such seam shall not be entitled to have a cavil put in for any other seam.

  38. The system adopted in paying rent was to cavil the collieries, and pay them as they were drawn, with this provision, that if any colliery were drawn, but had not paid the levy, no rent was allowed until the levy was paid.

  39. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "cavil" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
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    ambiguity; animadversion; argue; aspersion; bicker; boggle; carp; carping; cavil; chicane; contend; contest; criticism; dispute; dodge; evade; exception; fence; flak; gripe; haggle; hassle; hedge; hit; imputation; knock; moot; mystify; nagging; niggling; nit; obloquy; obscure; palter; parry; pestering; plead; prevaricate; prod; quibble; quibbling; quiddity; quip; rap; reflection; shift; shuffle; shy; sidestep; slam; spar; stricture; swipe; wrangle