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Example sentences for "overwhelming majority"

  • All Brahmans are not, of course, Chitpavans, but the Chitpavans supply an overwhelming majority of those Government officials, and their ascendency over every other Brahman sept in Maharashtra is undisputed.

  • But the National Congress condemned and forbade such action by an overwhelming majority.

  • But Mr. Toombs represented an overwhelming majority of the people of Georgia, the wealthiest and largest State of the Confederacy at that period, as determined at their last election.

  • The evidence that a personal God exists has appeared irresistible to an overwhelming majority of mankind, including a great majority of minds gifted with equal, and even with greater powers than that of Mr. Mill.

  • These theories, however, contradict the experience of an overwhelming majority of mankind.

  • He was a sort of Andrew Jackson over again, and in 1904, he was sent back to the presidency by an overwhelming majority.

  • In 1868, the Republican party nominated unanimously for President the general who had pushed the war to a successful finish, and who had received Lee's surrender, Ulysses Simpson Grant, and he was elected by an overwhelming majority.

  • It seemed certain that an overwhelming majority of the House of Commons were for the bill, and were prepared to vote it into law.

  • Because even an overwhelming majority of private members are powerless to enact law in the face of a hostile Government of eleven cabinet ministers.

  • The Council's decision was approved by an overwhelming majority of the conference.

  • An explicit declaration, that an "overwhelming majority" of the present Congress concede the power to abolish slavery in the District, has just been made by Hon.

  • In the elections of November, 1890, the Government was accorded an overwhelming majority.

  • More and more the political center of gravity shifted to the Folkething, and when the general elections of 1901 returned to that body an overwhelming majority of Liberals, Christian IX.

  • Contrary to general expectation, the election gave the Catholics an overwhelming majority in the lower chamber.

  • It is the essence of Marx's teaching that the social revolution must come as a historical necessity when the proletariat itself comprises an overwhelming majority of the people.

  • No Bolshevik spokesman has ever yet challenged the accuracy of the statement that an overwhelming majority of the deputies elected to the Constituent Assembly were representatives of the Revolutionary Socialist party.

  • By an overwhelming majority of votes the Congress decided to uphold the Coalition Government and rejected the Bolshevik proposals.

  • Thus, in both houses, the original address was carried by an overwhelming majority.

  • Notwithstanding Burke's eloquence, the bill was carried in the commons by an overwhelming majority, and it was also carried through the lords with little or no opposition.

  • The success of the French arms, to be sure, gave the government an overwhelming majority at the elections.

  • Archduke John of Austria, one of the most popular of German princes, was elected to this office by an overwhelming majority of 436 votes.

  • Congress voted for recognition by an overwhelming majority, and the President signed the bill.

  • As a consequence of his unbending fidelity to the principles of his life, Mr. Mackenzie was beaten at the general election by an overwhelming majority.

  • The polling took place on the 12th April, when Wilkes was for the fourth time returned by an overwhelming majority.

  • In March, 1722, the first septennial Parliament came to an end, and again the Whigs were returned by an overwhelming majority.

  • The motion, however, found but little support except from Wilkes and Sawbridge, and upon being pressed to a division, was lost by an overwhelming majority.

  • They are fewer in the black belt and in those counties and States where whites are in an overwhelming majority.

  • Tillman was reĆ«lected by an overwhelming majority, and on the expiration of his term was sent to the United States Senate, which he shocked by his passionate utterances as he had so often shocked his own State.

  • Cast all misgivings aside, the soldier masses are with you in overwhelming majority.

  • An overwhelming majority of the Soviet was aware of the necessity of overthrowing the coalition power.

  • By an overwhelming majority of votes, the regiment expressed itself for us and did not even give the ex-ministers a chance to finish their speeches.

  • When we come to gather the statistics of this war we shall find that an overwhelming majority of the dead were less than thirty years old, and probably that the majority were under twenty-five.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "overwhelming majority" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    believe they; dear madam; dollars each; equal footing; even said; fortified place; hear her; large birds; large flock; little more; our history; overwhelming force; overwhelming majority; overwhelming numbers; political economists; rerum natura; somewhat resembling; terrific explosion; this district; want her; what nature; whatever cost; will please; will the