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Example sentences for "scowl"

Lexicographically close words:
scouting; scoutmaster; scoutmasters; scouts; scow; scowled; scowling; scowls; scowre; scowred
  1. In a secluded part of the waiting- room he sat down, his face drawn up in a scowl such as I had never seen.

  2. Lord Clowes, with a deepened scowl on his face, intercepted them at the door.

  3. The officer, a scowl on his face, paused in the doorway and glanced about, then threaded his way to where two negresses stood weeping, and began talking to them.

  4. Lord Clowes, a scowl on his face, turned from the two, to avoid sight of Hennion's look of gladness.

  5. The livid scowl with which Barnes greeted my wife surprised that lady, though it did not induce her to prolong her visit to her friend.

  6. Tip Branders was sitting in a chair, a dark scowl on his face.

  7. Tip, looking around with a scowl at the chums.

  8. He ran over the rest swiftly, then looked up suddenly with a scowl that made the man literally collapse.

  9. The Jeddak of Ptarth nodded his assent, but the ugly scowl that he bent upon Matai Shang harbored ill for that pasty-faced godling.

  10. The officer beside me guessed my perplexity; and as the brows of Kulan Tith darkened in a menacing scowl as his eyes rested upon me, the noble drew a small mirror from his pocket-pouch and held it before my face.

  11. Ivondwe was as impassive as a statue; but the chief's son walked with his head thrown back, his tall form erect, and a bitter scowl of hate and defiance upon his face.

  12. Ukozi was sullen and impassive, but the younger prisoners glared around with a savage scowl which deepened as it rested on Falkner.

  13. He found a taboret for himself, and as he put it down at her feet, he saw Nechutes fling himself into a chair and scowl blackly at the nomarch's daughter.

  14. Wilt thou set the crown upon her unregal head, invest her with the royal robes, and yield thy homage to a scowl and a bitter word?

  15. A scowl of suspicion came over Sube's face as he halted and turned towards the author of his existence.

  16. As Sube seated himself at the breakfast table one morning and glanced over his working orders for the day, a scowl came over his usually sunny countenance.

  17. The sight of Miss Lavinia slightly removed the wrathful expression, and Mr. Rushton contented himself with bestowing a dreadful scowl on Roundjacket, which that gentleman returned, and then counteracted by an amiable smile.

  18. He peered with a short-sighted terror-stricken scowl on Mrs. Jenny and her charge, as if for a moment the fancy had crossed him that his refractory familiar had taken their shapes.

  19. The surly man bestowed a passing scowl upon him, and turned his angry regard again upon Ichabod.

  20. He met the fierce scowl of the despot with a scowl every whit as savage and defiant.

  21. A hard resentful scowl came upon the young fellow's face, and he gazed sullenly before him.

  22. A fell and menacing scowl overclouded the royal countenance.

  23. His towering form seemed to dilate, and the scowl on his enraged countenance was terrible to behold.

  24. Did he ever have anything but a scowl for me?

  25. Gradually the angry scowl on the face of the Circus Boy relaxed into a broad grin.

  26. He eyed Phil from head to foot, a fierce scowl wrinkling his face and forehead.

  27. Larry pretended not to see the boys, but there was an ugly scowl on his face that told Phil he did, and after the lads had gone on a piece Phil turned, casting a careless look back where the torches were flaring and men working and shouting.

  28. Many of them practised at the glass in the hope of catching the curl of the upper lip, and the scowl of the brow, which appear in some of his portraits.

  29. Sam's efforts at amusement failed upon the strangers, for one was quietly weeping, while the other wore a scowl of anger.

  30. The scowl on Lucy's face grew darker as she replied, "I have nothing to do with grandma's hired help.

  31. As he stared gloomily at Bramham, the colour of his prospects were of the same hue as the black scowl on his brow.

  32. Miss Cornell's hands slipped to her hair, the scowl disappeared from her face, and in a high affected voice she called: "Come in!

  33. But her face was flushed and heated, and her eyebrows met in a scowl of decided ill-temper.

  34. With a scowl on his face, and an angry look at Jack, Adrian shuffled from the laboratory.

  35. He scarcely interrupted me through my long recital, unless an occasional heavy scowl at some special perfidy of the chevalier's could be called an interruption.

  36. Whereupon Walton grinned and Cotter, with a sigh, begged him to scowl again!

  37. There was an instant of silence during which Tim closed the door and leaned against it, hands in pockets and a thoughtful scowl on his face.

  38. Jasper shook him angrily by the shoulder, and a sullen scowl darkened the little monkey-like face as he recognised his visitor.

  39. A rustle of silken skirts attracted his attention; the scowl vanished, and he readjusted his smiling mask as the door opened and Lady Constance entered the room.

  40. He started from his seat, a scowl of savage hatred and triumph appeared on his shaggy brows, and he paced to and fro through the chamber like a wild beast in his cage.

  41. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "scowl" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    color; flush; frown; glare; gloom; glower; gnarl; grimace; growl; lour; lower; mantle; offense; pique; pout; redden; scowl; snap; snarl; spit; umbrage