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Example sentences for "skein"

Lexicographically close words:
skeered; skeert; skeery; skees; skeeters; skeins; skeletal; skeleton; skeletonized; skeletons
  1. So I resolved to wind on my little thread of life day by day, and undo one little knot after another, until now, indeed, the skein has disentangled itself.

  2. Wind, dear child, wind on, inch by inch, undo each knot one by one, and the skein will soon disentangle itself.

  3. I asked Your Majesty to come here," said the Nome King, "to show you a curious skein of golden thread which my workmen have made.

  4. With this he held out a small skein of glittering gold twine, which was really pretty and curious.

  5. Uncle Nicholas," said Amber, "you promised to buy me a skein of blue silk.

  6. Something Miss Carmichael approves of," came from the skein of silk.

  7. Miss Carmichael sings Scotch songs; I've heard her," said Paul from the skein of silk he was holding for Alice Woodward.

  8. And they used to say, he wound the Gineral round and round like a skein o' yarn; but he couldn't come it round Ruth.

  9. I was holding a skein of yarn for Aunt Lois; and she went on winding in silence, putting the ball through loops and tangled places.

  10. To entangle; to complicate; to involve in knots; as, to snarl a skein of thread.

  11. Defn: A lay or skein containing 120 yards of yarn.

  12. To coil into a ball or small compass, as a skein of thread; to coil completely.

  13. Note: A skein of cotton yarn is formed by eighty turns of the thread round a fifty-four inch reel.

  14. Thread half a bunch of beads on a skein of coarse netting silk, and cast on eighty-eight stitches.

  15. Spin for thy brother's sake, A skein of golden thread.

  16. The unravelling a skein so tangled as that of the Erie Railway was a task that might have given months of labor to the most efficient District Attorney, with all his official tools to work with.

  17. He knew not in what new direction to turn, and sat at his desk, idly pulling threads out of the tangled skein of science, to see whether or why they aligned themselves.

  18. History is a tangled skein that one may take up at any point, and break when one has unravelled enough; but complexity precedes evolution.

  19. More common, more difficult to deal with, and therefore more within the province of the social worker, are the diseases in which industry is only one factor in the complicated skein of causes.

  20. But, only a being with infinitely subtile senses, like Maxwell's imaginary demon, could disentangle this inextricable skein and turn back the course of the universe.

  21. Verily the future was growing strangely dark, the skein of the race more tangled hourly.

  22. The situation is dark," she said; "the skein is tangled.

  23. Now, they ply axes and crowbars; Now, they prick pins at a tissue Fine as a skein of the casuist Escobar's Worked on the bone of a lie.

  24. Gertrude gave him a hug, and Mary's eyes got so misty, that her skein fell into worse entanglements than ever.

  25. She was cloaked by a skein of ravelled fluff beneath us and we caught the chant before she rose into the sunlight.

  26. Tim gathers up a skein of it and surveys the last few feet, which record "162's" path through the volt-flurry.

  27. Life has become a badly tangled skein of threads.

  28. With infinite patience and skill and diplomacy and success too He is ever working at the tangled skein of human life, through the human will.

  29. When the tailor awoke in the morning, the first thing which he saw upon the patchwork quilt, was a skein of cherry-coloured twisted silk, and beside his bed stood the repentant Simpkin!

  30. And everything was ready to sew together in the morning, all measured and sufficient--except that there was wanting just one single skein of cherry-coloured twisted silk.

  31. With the skein thread round the little finger work 1 R D (L, 1 R D 14 times).

  32. With the skein thread round the little finger (L, 1 D 9 times) draw 1 thread through the L before the beginning of the single stitches, and fasten off.

  33. With the skein thread round the little finger (L, 1 D 8 times).

  34. With the skein thread round the little finger (L, 1 R D 8 times).

  35. When you come, will you bring a skein of silk with you every time?

  36. When she returned she brought with her a skein of thread, three times as big as herself; it was so fine that a breath of air would break it, and so tangled that it was impossible to see the beginning or the end of it.

  37. One hardly sees, looking round the political ranks, who are to be the men to come forward and take up this tangled skein effectually.

  38. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "skein" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
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