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Example sentences for "suture"

Lexicographically close words:
suttenly; suttinly; suttle; suttler; sutural; sutured; sutures; suturing; suu; suum
  1. It is divided above by a sharply bent suture from the two epicranial plates, which form the top of the head as well as a great part of its back and sides.

  2. Success has also followed suture of the vertebral border of the scapula to the subjacent ribs (Eiselsberg).

  3. Even when the paralysis has lasted for some time, secondary suture should be attempted; if this is impossible, the peripheral end should be anastomosed with the anterior primary divisions of the third and fourth cervical nerves (Tubby).

  4. If the straight edge of the paper be placed along the sagittal suture with the angle of folding over the upper end of the fissure of Rolando, the folded edge falls over the line of the fissure (Chiene).

  5. A normal suture may be mistaken for a fissured fracture.

  6. In this group the premaxillaries and maxillaries are present as in ordinary fishes, but united by suture and soldered to the cranium.

  7. In the family of Nototheniidæ the foramen is also wanting or confluent with the suture between the coracoids.

  8. In all the species known as jewfish and grouper, as also in the Oxylabracidæ and most Centrarchidæ, the maxillary bone is divided by a lengthwise suture which sets off a distinct supplemental maxillary.

  9. It is not identical with the infraclavicle of the Ganoids, but it is only a backward extension of the hypocoracoid, there being no suture between the two bones.

  10. In the remaining families of Gymnodontes, there is no suture in either jaw, the teeth forming an undivided beak.

  11. In point of fact, complete section when treated by suture was often more rapidly recovered from than an injury in which only a portion of the width of a trunk was divided.

  12. Entry (Mauser), through the lambdoid suture on the right side of the mid line.

  13. In one case of injury to the ascending colon recounted above, however, considerable local escape of fæces had occurred, and a successful result was obtained by a local incision on the third day without suture of the bowel.

  14. Cases of injury to the colon in which the posterior aspect is involved should be treated by free opening up of the wound, and either by suture of the bowel or else its fixation to the surface.

  15. Suture might be indicated in some cases of transverse fracture, but this would only be necessary if the fragments were widely separated.

  16. The musculo-spiral nerve was united by suture some three months later.

  17. From the median suture of the frontals, on the dorsal surface of the skull to the median suture of the palatines at the level of the first molar (not premolar).

  18. The suture is visible on the medial side only near the processus ascendens, for it is covered by a dorsal, toothed extension of the endopterygoid.

  19. This suture curves dorsally from a point anterior to the quadrate and passes anterodorsally to the extremity of the processus ascendens.

  20. The midline suture is straight, the anterior margin is concave and the lateral margin proceeds laterally in a concave curve to the widest portion.

  21. The suture between the endopterygoid and metapterygoid, seen in lateral view, is distinct in some specimens and has an associated ridge; these bones appear to be fused in others, without regard to size.

  22. The midline suture is straight, the lateral margins are nearly straight, the anterior margin slopes evenly posterolaterally, and the posterior margin is slightly convex to straight.

  23. The organ was then forced backward until the preputial frill or edge was approximated to the cut end of the penis-skin, where it was made fast by an uninterrupted suture around the whole of the circumference.

  24. The parts are then brought together with the continuous suture and dressed according to the fancy of the surgeon.

  25. The clypeus, however, is merged with the epicranium, and the usual suture between them does not appear distinctly in after life, though its place is seen in figure 167 to be indicated by a slight indentation.

  26. The labrum, or upper lip, is separated by a deep suture from the clypeus, and is trapezoidal in form.

  27. A line resembling a seam; as, the dorsal suture of a legume, which really corresponds to a midrib.

  28. Defn: The region of the skull between the two parietal foramina where the closure of the sagittal suture usually begins.

  29. Glover's suture or stitch, a kind of stitch used in sewing up wounds, in which the thread is drawn alternately through each side from within outward.

  30. The line, or seam, formed by the union of two margins in any part of a plant; as, the ventral suture of a legume.

  31. Defn: Having a suture or sutures; knit or united together.

  32. Defn: Shaped like the Greek letter lambda (as, the lambdoid suture between the occipital and parietal bones of the skull.

  33. In the infant, also, the petro-squamous and the squamo-mastoid suture are still patent.

  34. In the deeper forms of juxta-cervical fistula, the above technique is impossible, and suprapubic incision and suture of the bladder must be substituted.

  35. In patients who have had children care should be taken not to pass the needle so deeply into the uterus that the suture traverses the superficial parts of the endometrium and becomes infected: this will lead to a suture sinus.

  36. When it is healthy, then the flaps are brought together by one or two interrupted sutures, and the edges more carefully approximated by a continuous suture of thin silk.

  37. Each suture should have a needle at either end.

  38. The conjunctival wound is closed by a suture if necessary.

  39. Granulations and polypi in the socket are usually the result of leaving some tag of tissue between the margins of the wound, and are therefore more likely to occur when no suture is used to close the wound.

  40. This I secured at once with suture and the accident had no bad consequences.

  41. By a suture left permanently in position (e.

  42. A purse-string suture of strong catgut is then inserted into the cut margin of Tenon’s capsule, taking care to include in the sutures the cut ends of the tendons of the recti muscles.

  43. The suture is tied so that the two raw areas are brought into accurate apposition.

  44. The conjunctival wound is closed over this by a separate suture of silk.

  45. Caltha; by the dorsal suture only, as in magnolias and some Proteaceae, or by both together, as in the pea (fig.

  46. In Astragalus the folding inwards of the dorsal suture converts a one-celled ovary into a two-celled fruit; and in Oxytropis the folding of the ventral suture gives rise to a similar change.

  47. The part of the seed next the axis or the ventral suture is its face, the opposite side being the back.

  48. In the order Geraniaceae the styles remain attached to a central column, and the mericarps separate from below upwards, before dehiscing by their ventral suture (fig.

  49. When the fruit is mature and the seeds are ripe, the carpels usually give way either at the ventral or dorsal suture or at both, and so allow the seeds to escape.

  50. That wound was subsequently left open; in other words, we did not suture it or sew it together.

  51. To control hemorrhage a single suture of triple zero chromic gut was placed in this laceration.

  52. However, the lobe was not otherwise damaged, so that it could be repaired using a running suture of triple zero chromic catgut.

  53. No attempt should be made to suture the skin wound, for this tends to form a pocket in which lodge the bronchial secretions that escape alongside the tube, resulting in infection of the wound.

  54. Freeing and removing the sac, with suture of the esophageal wound.

  55. In recent bilateral recurrent paralysis, it may be worthy of trial to suture the recurrent to the pneumogastric.

  56. The presence of the esophagoscope prevents too tight suture and possible narrowing of the lumen (Fig.

  57. Inversion of the sac into the pharynx and suture of the mouth of the pouch.

  58. An elongated, diamond shaped wormian bone closes the suture between the parietal bones.

  59. A small, rounded wormian bone lies between the right parietal and interparietal, lateral to the posterior junction of the suture between the parietals.

  60. This bone extends anteriorly into the parietal bone from the suture of the interparietal and parietal.

  61. The interparietal is divided; the divided suture is in line with the suture between the parietals.

  62. In the same way, the presence of a suture which divides into two, more or less imperfectly, the malar bone (Fig.

  63. Nostrils in the suture between the two small nasal plates.

  64. The head is somewhat square, the transverse suture being rather indistinct; the margin of the clypeus is distinctly reflexed.

  65. Rami of mandible anchylosed together at symphysis and suture largely obliterated.

  66. Rami of mandible anchylosed together and the symphysis and suture largely obliterated.

  67. The exoccipital extends in an angle farther forward in europaeus, and the suture between it and the zygomatic is, in consequence, less nearly vertical than in bidens.

  68. Rami of mandible anchylosed together at symphysis, the suture indicated only by a groove.

  69. The significance of dropsy, suture of divided nerves, healing by first intention.

  70. As to the suture of divided nerves, it would ordinarily and as a matter of course be claimed by most modern historians of surgery and by practically all surgeons, as an affair entirely of the last half century.

  71. He describes a method of suture for these cases and seems, like many another abdominal surgeon, even to have invented a special needleholder.

  72. He says that this suture insures the redintegration of the nerve much better.

  73. The preferable suture material in his experience was silk or linen.

  74. Guy de Chauliac declared that in wounds of the intestines patients would die unless the intestinal lacerations were sewed up, and he described the method of suture and invented a needle holder.

  75. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "suture" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.