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Example sentences for "textile"

Lexicographically close words:
text; texta; textbook; textbooks; texte; textiles; texts; textual; textually; textural
  1. Footnote 963: This would seem to suggest a textile origin for Geometrical patterns, at least on Boeotian vases.

  2. Although varying in the extent of their naturalism, the patterns exhibit considerable boldness and power of drawing; they seem to be drawn chiefly from floral or textile sources, and are closely parallel to the Thera vases, but more advanced.

  3. The typical Rhodian oinochoae, like the contemporary Corinthian vases, owe much to the imitation of the textile embroideries of Assyria, of which we have already spoken under the other head (p.

  4. Thousands of English textile workers were thrown out of employment; and yet, while on the point of starvation, they adopted resolutions favoring the North instead of petitioning their government to aid the South by breaking the blockade.

  5. The invention of the cotton gin and textile machinery created a market for cotton which the planters, with all their skill and energy, could hardly supply.

  6. Indeed it was the dexterous housewives, spinsters, and boys and girls that laid the foundations of the textile industry in America, foundations upon which the mechanical revolution was built.

  7. Necessarily this meant also a material increase in urban population, although the wide dispersion of cotton spinning among small centers prevented the congestion that had accompanied the rise of the textile industry in New England.

  8. If the industries, canals, and railways of the country were largely manned by foreign labor, still important native sources must not be overlooked; above all, the women and children of the New England textile districts.

  9. The best textile for this is undoubtedly unbleached muslin, even approaching the quality called "cheesecloth.

  10. With many of them he found ear ornaments made of shells, such as the Tarahumares of to-day use, besides some textile made of plant fibre, and a jar with beans.

  11. He had, however, no objection to nay taking a small rectangular piece of textile fabric, with beautifully colored figures on it.

  12. A treatise on the science and technology of textile coloring (woolen, worsted, cotton and silk materials).

  13. Dressings and Finishings for Textile Fabrics and Their Application.

  14. This division is always interesting to visitors who have any knowledge of the essential excellences of textile fabrics.

  15. In spite of many colours having faded the effect of the work is splendid; no textile fabric of any period exceeds it in evenness and finish, to say nothing of beauty of design.

  16. All the textile goods, for instance, nearly all the metal goods, and by far the larger part even of the beer and spirits (intended for the whites) and mineral waters consumed in the country come from Europe.

  17. The ordinary practice of textile washings entirely ignores this principle, and the consumption of water in consequence may reach many thousand times the economic minimum.

  18. In further illustration of fundamental principles various developments in the textile industries are discussed, e.

  19. As to the textile quality of the thread, the product has not yet been on a sufficiently wide selling basis for that to have been determined.

  20. The film is also produced by applying the viscose on textile fabrics, drying down, and fixing on a stenter machine, then washing away the alkaline by-products from the fixed film.

  21. Examination of the samples from the point of view of textile quality showed a superiority of No.

  22. But as we are mainly concerned with the purely chemical factors we cannot pretend to deal with textile questions.

  23. They are skilful agriculturists and artisans, especially in textile fabrics and the manufacture of arms.

  24. Like old Babylon, also, Bagdad was celebrated throughout the world for its brilliant-coloured textile fabrics.

  25. But Parliament was not ripe for this, and Hobhouse, attempting to redeem the hours in textile industries, was defeated by the northern manufacturers.

  26. It recognizes a distinction between the severity of work in textile factories and in non-textile factories, assigning a working week of about fifty-six and a half hours to the former, and sixty hours to the latter.

  27. The recent report upon Textile Industries establishes this fact so far as those trades are concerned.

  28. In the recent official returns of wages in textile industries, it is admitted that 10 per cent, should be taken off from the nominal wages for irregularity of employment.

  29. The same thing was done for weaving, and on every Saturday evening a little exhibit was made of these various forms of labor in the textile industry.

  30. The Labor Museum continually demanded more space as it was enriched by a fine textile exhibit lent by the Field Museum, and later by carefully selected specimens of basketry from the Philippines.

  31. The ultimate result was that he invented a machine which was shown at the great exhibition of London in 1851 and immediately attracted the attention of the textile manufacturers of Lancashire and Yorkshire.

  32. As already mentioned, there are a number of ways in which textile articles or data relating to them may be preserved in such manner as to permit examination and study.

  33. It thus happens that the present paper, written to form a limited section of a work restricted to narrow geographic limits, covers so small a fragment of the aboriginal textile field.

  34. Putnam and other explorers of these caves have obtained numerous textile articles of interest.

  35. Graves, mounds, and caves give us an insight into the pre-Columbian status of the art, and evidence furnished by associated industries which happen to echo features of the textile art contribute to our information.

  36. The textile art dates back to the very inception of culture, and its practice is next to universal among living peoples.

  37. The failure of the textile art to secure a prominent place in the field of archeologic evidence is due to the susceptibility of the products to decay.

  38. The use of simple strands or parts in textile art precedes the use of spun threads, but the one use leads very naturally up to the other.

  39. The tide-water tribes of the Atlantic coast region made very frequent use of fish weirs, which were essentially textile in character.

  40. Among a number of cave relics from Kentucky donated to the Museum by Mr. Francis Klett, are some textile articles.

  41. Viewing the entire textile field, we find that the range of products is extremely wide.

  42. Until within the last few years textile fabrics have hardly been recognized as having a place among the materials to be utilized in the discussion of North American archeology.

  43. It was plait called “Patent Dunstable” made of these split straws that gave this plaitting area its first textile claim to distinction.

  44. Other new industries for which the Republic offers a most suitable field are those of Cotton, Tobacco, Textile Fabrics, Oils, Rice, Silk and Forestal productions.

  45. Machinery for the manufacture of textile fabrics and clothing.

  46. There are no metals or minerals, or as yet, textile plants or food plants, whose manufacture is undertaken in this unique city.

  47. Massachusetts, also, is generally credited by child labor experts and by woman suffragists with having the best child labor law in the Union, applied in her great textile industries.

  48. Laws not enacted under woman The Massachusetts law relating to suffrage are those in broken-down machinery was passed Massachusetts prohibiting to correct peculiar abuses in the employers from deducting the textile industries.

  49. In the textile industries this is the time when some of the most beautiful cloth ever made was invented and brought to perfection.

  50. They fostered the development of textile industries, lacemaking and the various kinds of figured cloth, so that we have some of the most beautiful inventions in this kind at this time.

  51. There are large textile factories giving employment to the inhabitants, and the chief building is the State House, of white granite, fronted by a Doric colonnade, standing upon a high hill and surmounted by a graceful dome.

  52. Benefit Street, on the hill, is lined with the palaces of these textile millionaires.

  53. The chief products are textile goods, locomotives and steam fire-engines.

  54. Farther eastward, however, the character of the mills changes, and at Brookfield shoemaking villages appear, while elsewhere there are textile and leather factories.

  55. Here is a town of textile and paper-mills, with three thousand people.

  56. It stretches thirty miles inland, the rivers emptying into it making the water-power for the numerous and extensive textile factories of Rhode Island, which embraces the shores surrounding and the islands within the bay.

  57. The shores of this river swarm with industrial operatives, for its valley is one of the greatest regions of textile mills in the world, and half the people of Rhode Island live in the chief city on its banks, Providence.

  58. Here are the great Pacific Mills, among the largest textile works in the world, and the city has over sixty thousand inhabitants.

  59. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "textile" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    cloth; drapery; fabric; felt; fretted; good; goods; interlaced; intertwined; interwoven; lace; laced; material; napery; plaited; raddled; rag; silk; stuff; textile; texture; tissue; weave; web; weft; woof; wool; woven; wreathed