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Example sentences for "plenitude"

Lexicographically close words:
plene; pleni; plenipotentiaries; plenipotentiary; plenishing; plenius; pleno; plente; plentee; plenteous
  1. And thus we live the vanity of plenitude or the plenitude of vanity.

  2. Such an hour is full of events; it may be almost epic in its plenitude of action; but the events are ideas.

  3. The plenitude of beauty, of which all partial beauty was but a pledge, is forever lost to him.

  4. His spirit of conciliation, often exercised in the plenitude of power, prolonged his reign.

  5. Louis, was compelled to make peace with the little state which had hitherto defied him in the plenitude of his power.

  6. But amid this affluence of mercy, this plenitude of love, one of them continues indifferent, hardened, and without God.

  7. All is bright on either side; and forests which nothing but the wild beast or the tempest has disturbed for centuries, wave in the plenitude of summer richness.

  8. Had he died in the plenitude of his power as Prime Minister, would it have been possible for a vigorous and convinced Opposition to allow to pass to him, without a word of dissent, the honors which are now universally conceded?

  9. He is the mad plenitude of power seeking for limits, but finding them not, neither in men nor facts.

  10. Need I say anything of the friends of kings, when I show royal dominion itself so utterly and miserably weak--why ofttimes the royal power in its plenitude brings them low, ofttimes involves them in its fall?

  11. So wert thou, then, in the plenitude of thy wealth, supporting this insufficiency?

  12. He did not disdain on occasion of his plenitude of power to accumulate a colossal fortune.

  13. He had not been long in the plenitude of domestic bliss before Captain Blackwood called one morning at five o'clock with dispatches sent by Collingwood for the Admiralty.

  14. Pope is set over the whole Christian world, and possesses in its completeness and plenitude that power which Christ left on earth for the good of the Church.

  15. They have fought for this plenitude of life, for this enjoyment full to satiety.

  16. In the hours of the greatest solemnity, the divine Master revealed to his disciples the hidden sense of the ancient revelation in all the plenitude of its mysteries.

  17. To his fish and flesh the Eskimo adds a bewildering plenitude of wildfowl.

  18. That they hung in the hall, evidently no more than an overflow, was an earnest of packed plenitude within.

  19. Even he, in all the plenitude of his indulgence, would now have to demur that at least 90 per cent.

  20. The former by their sheer force and plenitude of vitality may, even in a world where reflection is a first condition, still go far.

  21. Ay, as a man should be inside the sun, Delirious with the plenitude of light.

  22. The Virgin Mother is a magnificent contadina in the plenitude of adult womanhood.

  23. What he wrought now bears witness to his plenitude of manhood.

  24. He was in the plenitude of his manhood, his strength, and, even after all these years, the imagination warms to the picture of his glad content.

  25. And this time Babar with not a wish ungratified, Babar in the plenitude of his pride and strength, was forced to flight; for religious bigotry is the hardest of all foes to fight.

  26. There was a fatality attending plenitude of power.

  27. They had wantoned in the plenitude of their power.

  28. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "plenitude" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.