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Example sentences for "haystack"

Lexicographically close words:
hayre; hayrick; hayricks; hayseed; hayseeds; haystacks; haythen; haythin; haythins; haywire
  1. And that's the horn he used to blow in the early morn to call the cows and the woolly sheep when under the haystack he'd fallen asleep.

  2. A haystack is sometimes more comfortable than a boarding-house.

  3. I found a very fine haystack in a field overlooking the quarry.

  4. At the table he told of his stopping at Haystack Mound to witness the antics of a flock of cranes that had alighted on the sand knoll near there, and said he could sit and look at them all day.

  5. The hounds were not forgotten; they had a rabbit each for their dinner, after eating which, they went to their accustomed beds on the shady side of a haystack near the corral, and slept all the rest of the afternoon.

  6. The size of the haystack indicated the prosperity, as well as the loyalty, of the Fijian chiefs, who still own much of the land in the islands.

  7. We agreed to fight behind the haystack the next morning at six o'clock.

  8. The next day at the appointed time I was behind the haystack awaiting my adversary, who did not fail to appear.

  9. That haystack was known to be a strongly prepared machine-gun position.

  10. On our left front stood a village, with a haystack standing in a field to the south of it.

  11. Looking for a needle in a haystack has several advantages over looking for an automobile on a hundred mile stretch of road.

  12. He fetched a cat and her kittens and put them on the top of the haystack to make believe that it had not been touched for a long time.

  13. He quickly made a large hole in a haystack which stood close by the house.

  14. Of course, Reddy had no means of knowing that all that time Solomon Owl was sleeping peacefully in Farmer Green’s haystack in the meadow, a quarter of a mile away.

  15. It stands on the identical spot where the haystack stood.

  16. This was the parting that they had Beside the haystack in the floods.

  17. Yea, had she borne the dirt and rain That her own eyes might see him slain Beside the haystack in the floods?

  18. Her white dress shone out on the verdant meadow, and the shade of a haystack screened her face from the sun.

  19. The hives and the haystack were still there; but there was no glow of fire lighting the windows of the little inn, no smoke ascending from the roof, no nets hung out to dry on the palisades of the garden.

  20. After that he had perked up, and continued his quest for the beloved needle lost in the haystack of Gueldersdorp with renewed belief in the ultimate possibility of finding it.

  21. The wind was fair but fitful, and it was like looking for a needle in a haystack to raise that tiny boat out of the blue immensity.

  22. Successful in this, the old simile of the needle in the haystack would be mild indeed compared with his brother's chance of finding him.

  23. We kept a strict watch, and made particular inquiry, and were rewarded at the end of it, by finding that what looked like an inoffensive haystack was a place of cunning hiding for a German marksman.

  24. If I had a haystack disposed about my person, he would never be a bit the wiser.

  25. One detachment of some forty men were sheltering behind a large haystack in the open.

  26. The haystack was now beginning to blaze fiercely and it was clear the men could not be left.

  27. The Haystack in the Floods," has a tragic power unexcelled by any later work of Morris.

  28. She slipped to one side of the haystack so that she could see who it was.

  29. The girls made a circuit of the fires and went over into another nearby field, where a haystack formed a good hiding place.

  30. Opposite me was an elderly lady in a great fur cloak, who looked in the dark more like a haystack than a lady, she was wrapped up to such a degree.

  31. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "haystack" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.