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Example sentences for "seconder"

Lexicographically close words:
secondaries; secondarily; secondary; seconde; seconded; secondhand; seconding; secondly; secondo; seconds
  1. Wouldn't it have as good an effect if the proposer or seconder did that?

  2. Our hero took the objection that, as a feminine was not legally qualified to act as seconder in mortal combats, the duel would be rendered null and void, and appealed to his own seconder to confirm this obiter dictum.

  3. I must ask the gentleman to find a seconder for his motion," Leonard broke in.

  4. Somebody proposed that it be adopted, a seconder appeared; and then, while Andrew felt that his time to speak had come, the short man with the red hair got up again.

  5. The Mayor, Alderman Sweater, said that he could not allow the amendment to be discussed until it was seconded: if there were no seconder he would put the original motion.

  6. The Mayor asked if there was any seconder to Weakling's amendment, and as there was not the original proposition was put and carried.

  7. But as that procedure would not have harmonised well with the function of a seconder of a vote of thanks, and as, moreover, Lord S.

  8. Once under promise to go, he could not escape without the "few words" which he now found so tiring; but he took the part which assured him greatest freedom, as seconder of the vote of thanks to the president for his address.

  9. I chose the office of seconder in order that I might clearly define my position and stop the mouths of blasphemers--who would have ascribed silence or absence to all sorts of bad motives.

  10. In a copartnery of three or four, to demand a seconder to a motion would be absurd; in a body of six or eight it is scarcely admissible.

  11. These misfortunes your intelligence will allay, if it is a seconder of our exertions.

  12. Do not permit, through your agency, the dramatic art to sink into the hands of a few; let your authority prove a seconder and assistant to my own.

  13. The regulation which bids the mover and seconder of the Address to appear in court dress on the first day of the new Parliament is the only relic of this custom.

  14. He was generally selected to be either proposer or seconder of the Reform candidates, at the elections.

  15. The mover and seconder of the address from the Corporation kissed hands.

  16. Mr. Fielden, the seconder of the motion, was more explicit.

  17. The mover of this amendment was the Earl of Stradbroke, and it found a seconder in the Earl of Desart.

  18. House nearly empty; Members won't turn up at Noon even to hear the thrilling eloquence clothing the original thoughts of the Mover and Seconder of the Address.

  19. No one knows what may happen from hour to hour in House of Commons; debate on Privilege might break down; Address brought on, and what would happen to British Constitution if Mover and Seconder were dragged in in their dressing-gowns?

  20. After Mover and Seconder had completed their story, Grand Old Man appeared at the table, and talked for nearly an hour.

  21. In 1852 he could hardly find a seconder for his motion in favour of representation by population; in the election just closed, he claimed fifty-three members from Upper Canada, elected to stand or fall by that measure.

  22. The seconder of the motion was greeted with loud laughter.

  23. He was far from imputing any impure motives to the mover or seconder of the resolution.

  24. The seconder was worthy of the mover and the motion.

  25. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "seconder" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.